英语人>词典>汉英 : 印象主义 的英文翻译,例句
印象主义 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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"Symbolism, impressionism, surrealism, theatricalism, expressionism, and absurdism are used to express aspects of the sensibility."


"Symbolism, impressionism, surrealism, theatricalism, express ionism, and absurdism are used to express aspects of the sensibility."


Like modern art psychologist Rudolf Arnheim said:"Impressionist painters demands made by all, that is a true record of those in a specific time and specific location of perceived color of the smallest units."


The exhibition also features works by some of the most popular French Impressionists, including Eug ne Boudin who is the subject of a VMFA exhibition to be on view from Nov.


Therefore Dai Shenghong's painting language has no predefined metaphors. Her direct narration transforms meaningful realistic scenario into simple image patterns "awkwardly" presented on the canvas. The painting style also goes hand in hand with the subject. In the reverberant sounds achieved by the rich and greasy black color, and forceful clumsy strokes by scrapers and brushes, these simple graphic elements break loose from academic style, and the early post-impressionism represented by Van Gogh and Gauguin vaguely emerges from behind.


Impressionism is a new artistic style that arose Paris , Europe culture center, in the late 19th century.

印象主义音乐的形成及其特征印象主义是 19世纪末在巴黎萌生的一种新艺术风格。

This article starts with a review of the history of the "Expression" conception in the Occident literature tradition,from which to conclude the base connotation of modern "Expression" conception in occident.Relying on this springboard,we analyses the history of the occidental modern plastic arts gradually ,then the naissance and development of the occidental modern plastic arts may boil down to a going-deep course driven by the "Expression" conception:the impressionism which had been pursuing sensual reality brought out a turning point from Representation to expression;Faurism accomplished the consciousness of Expression based on inheriting and criticizing Post-Impressionisme, and resisted the suppressant on Expression by Physical Image; the German Expressionism and Surrealism uplifted Expression at the same time they resisted Physical Image by "Nugatory Physical image"; From the apocalypse of Cubism,Suprematism and De Stijl tended towards Pure Plastic which excluded Physical Image completely,meaning that it had realized absolute Expression in the range of plastic;After WW II,artsists in western detected that Pure Plastic had actually suppressed Expression newly,as a result of Abstract-Expressionism and Mirnirnaliam Art,Expression broke away from Pure Plastic gradually to seek some new possibilities other than plastic.


The essay tries to probe into internal source of the appearance and development of the movement of Impressionism by analyse the artistical features of traditional painting and analysing the artistical features of Impressionism, Neo-impressionism and Post-impressionism ,to show how the impressionism has developed step by step from the traditional descriptive art whose feature is to emphasizing the natural characteristic of art and the feeling of artist, and to realize that the stage which comes from tradition to morden in history of art never be overlooked.


Then we should re-explain art.


This article starts with a review of the history of the "Expression" conception in the Occident literature tradition,from which to conclude the base connotation of modern "Expression" conception in occident.Relying on this springboard,we analyses the history of the occidental modern plastic arts gradually ,then the naissance and development of the occidental modern plastic arts may boil down to a going-deep course driven by the "Expression" conception:the impressionism which had been pursuing sensual reality brought out a turning point from Representation to expression;Faurism accomplished the consciousness of Expression based on inheriting and criticizing Post-Impressionisme, and resisted the suppressant on Expression by Physical Image; the German Expressionism and Surrealism uplifted Expression at the same time they resisted Physical Image by "Nugatory Physical image"; From the apocalypse of Cubism,Suprematism and De Stijl tended towards Pure Plastic which excluded Physical Image completely,meaning that it had realized absolute Expression in the range of plastic;After WW II,artsists in western detected that Pure Plastic had actually suppressed Expression newly,as a result of Abstract-Expressionism and Mirnirnaliam Art,Expression broke away from Pure Plastic gradually to seek some new possibilities other than plastic.


更多网络解释与印象主义相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Anti- impressionism:反印象主义

Nationalism in music 民族乐派 | Anti- impressionism 反印象主义 | Realism 现实主义


希腊文化 hellenistic | 印象主义 illusionism | 工艺美术 industrial arts


[关於印象派] 印象主义(Impressionism)一词,起源於1874年,当莫内(Claude Monet,1840~1926)展出他的画作「日出」时,一个略带讽刺性的评论称其作品为印象主义.



abstract impressionism:抽象印象主义

(注1)印象画派画家莫内晚年处半失明状态,为弥补其视力寻求取代之绘形法(Pictorial)藉各种颜料构成纵错复杂之画面,史称抽象印象主义( Abstract Impressionism).

The Impressionist Music:印象主义音乐

European National Music 欧洲民族乐派 | The Impressionist Music 印象主义音乐 | Modern Music 现代音乐


impressionist 印象主义者 | impressionistic 印象主义的,印象主义者的 | key novel 隐名小说

impressionistic:印象主义的 (形)

impressionist 印象主义者; 印象派作家 (名) | impressionistic 印象主义的 (形) | impressive 给人深刻印象的, 感人的 (形)

impressionistic criticism:[印象主义批评]

[意识流]stream of consciousness | [印象主义批评]impressionistic criticism | [因材施教]individualized method of instruction; case by case


莫迪里阿尼的作品受新印象主义(Neoimpressionism)、立体主义(Cubism)和原始艺术的影响. 新印象主义印象主义理论与实践的发展,他们用光学(optics)科学的试验原理来指导艺术实践,表现纯客观的对象. Cubism一词来源于cube(立方体).