英语人>词典>汉英 : 卫理公会派 的英文翻译,例句
卫理公会派 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与卫理公会派相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A member of an evangelical Protestant church of congregational polity ,following the reformed tradition in worship,and believing in individual freedom,in the separation of church and state,and in baptism of voluntary,conscious believers.


A member of an evangelical Protestant church of congregational polity,following the reformed tradition in worship,and believing in individual freedom,in the separation of church and state,and in baptism of voluntary,conscious believer s.


Baptist: A member of an evangelical Protestant church of congregational polity, following the reformed tradition in worship, and believing in individual freedom, in the separation of church and state, and in baptism of voluntary, conscious believers.

浸信会教友:卫理公会教堂福音派新教的一员,使用改革的祈祷传统,崇尚个人自由、政教分离和自愿洗礼、理智信仰the Baptist浸礼会

A member of an evangelical Protestant church of congregational polity,following the reformed tradition in worship,and believing in individual freedom,in the separation of church and state,and in baptism of voluntary,conscious believers.


The twelve presidents who held office from1890 to1963 represented religious denominations as follows: two Methodists, two Presbyterians, two Baptists, one Unitarian, one Dutch Reformed, one Congregationalist, one Quaker, one Episcopalian, and one Roman Catholic.


He was a pugnacious, tough, liberal Methodist who believed Jesus was sent by his Father God to give us all second chances.


For the celebrations of the opening of the new Taranaki Street Methodist church hall Tevita taught the joint congregation traditional Lakalaka and Ma'ulu'ulu massed dances.


With these criteria Puritan, Quaker, and the later religious baptism Wylie Association sent to the United States and Western path. development and expansion throughout the country roots behind.


Whether among German Pietists, the followers of John Wesley into Methodism, or any number of Roman Catholic or Protestant movements of devotion, there grew the notion that the theologians would never find the essence of Christianity.


Laura Grabel, a professor of biology at Wesleyan, whose $800,000 research project focuses on epilepsy, has done some similar work using stem cells in mice, and said that using human stem cells would take the research one step closer to an ability to apply it in patients.

Laura Grabel是卫理公会派一名生物学教授,他的80万研究计划是有关惊厥,已经用鼠干细胞做了一些类似的工作,并且说:运用人干细胞将使该研究被用于人类的能力更进一步。

更多网络解释与卫理公会派相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


他说,这和基督教卫理公会派(Methodism)在北方影响较大很有关联. 伦敦大学金匠学院(Goldsmith's College)的社会学教授贝弗利.斯凯格斯(Prof. Beverley Skeggs)和曼彻斯特的海伦.伍德博士(Dr. Helen Wood)最近发表的一篇论文认定,


Anabaptism 再洗礼派 | Methodism 卫斯理宗,卫理公会 | Puritanism 清教主义


Methodism 卫理公会派 | Methodism 严守规定法则 | Methodismformalismformalizepunctilio 拘泥形式


而"玛莎(Ma rtha)是否是卫理公会派教徒(Methodist)?"这一问题,或许需要探求玛莎的灵魂深处,才有可能得出答案. 但是,"玛莎是否定期去卫理公会派教堂?"却十分容易回答. 至于"我是否是个罪人?"的问题,不仅过于绝对,


Methodismformalismformalizepunctilio 拘泥形式 | Methodistic 卫理公会派的 | MethodisticRegularmethodicordered 有秩序的


Methodism /卫理公会派/严守规定法则/拘泥形式/ | Methodistic /卫理公会派的/有秩序的/严格的/ | Methuselah /玛士撒拉/非常高寿的人/


Methodistic /卫理公会派的/有秩序的/严格的/ | Methuselah /玛士撒拉/非常高寿的人/ | Methyram /代森联/


contrabandist 走私者 | propagandist 宣传员,传播者 | methodist 循道者,卫理公会派教徒

wesleyan:卫理公会派的; 循道宗的 (形)

Wesley 卫斯理 (名) | Wesleyan 卫理公会派的; 循道宗的 (形) | west 向西方 (副)

Wesleyan University:卫斯廉大学

卫斯廉大学 - 学校概述 卫斯廉大学(Wesleyan University)建立与1831年,由Middletown 的卫理公会派教徒所建立,其名称是来自于卫理公会派的建立者John Wesley.