英语人>词典>汉英 : 南北朝 的英文翻译,例句
南北朝 的英文翻译、例句


the Northern and Southern Dynasties
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The multi-aspect flow of ancient prose was established in Zhanguo era. Its style was basically fixed in South and North dynasty. That is the prose with loose single sentences and the parallel writing with antithetic sentences.


To the northern and Southern dynasties, there was a professional archery competition.


What south and north experienced social custom below the condition in opposite independence is different evolve, in towel of hairdo, coronal, take make, the shoe walks on those who reach baldric cap-a-pie there is bright color on each component, thereby the relatively apparent otherness that shows different district to go up in dress custom.


In Wei - Jin and Southern and Northern dynasties the design cingulum decorated on the porcelain mainly included geometry, plant designs and some molded decorations such as pushou, Buddhist figure, cavalier, immortals and supernatural animals.


The major contradiction of social classes in Chniese feudalistic society was the confrontment between landholder and farmer, in additionally,some new contradiction emerged between the upper layer and the lower layer of scholar-official and between the noble lords and the plebeian landlords since Wei-Jin-Northern and Southern Dynasties.


In North and South Dynasty, Calligraphers mainly centralize in the Changing river and Shandon province, which belonged to gentlefolk.


Therefore this thesis concentrates oninterpreting peoples acceptance model of Buddhism in Wei Jin Southern andNorthern Dynasty, trying to understand the reason why the western Buddhismcould be renascent in a different culture, and to reach some inspirationsof developing way of different cultures. This thesis consists of eight parts.


Fourthly, based on the analysis of the Statistics of calligraphists' hometown in "WeiJing" and the South and North dynasty, this thesis demarcates some cultural district of calligraphy.


This paper mainly consists of five parts. The Introduction mainly defines the scope and relative concepts, and covers the present situation of research about it. The first chapter traces the Seeing-off-poetry's cultural origin, classifies its emotion contents and artistic achievements, and differentiates the flows from the base of comprehensive reorganization of the Seeing-off-poetry from pre-Qin to latter-Han Dynasty. The second chapter studies its variations about styles, artistic expressions, and gentries' spirit features. And in this part we also discuss the reasons of Four-word-see-off-poetry's booming and its peculiarities in Jin Dynasty. The third chapter demonstrates the influence on Seeing-off-poetry in the Early and Glorious Ages of Tang Dynasty such as the construction ways, poetry images and emotion styles. The Appendix enumerates all the 465 Seeing-off poems' tittles, authors, their birth and dead time, writing time and sources of quotation one by one, so that all of them can be checked to prepare the investigation.


First of all, we try to outline the distribution and spread of the Buddhism in Huaihe river valley by the study of the Buddhism temples, josses, sculptures on the cliff; the degree of the development of Buddhism; and the relations between the Buddhism and classes in society. Secondly, in order to know the status and influence of the Buddhism in Huaihe river valley of that time in the history of Chinese Buddhism, we study the communication in Buddhism between Huaihe river valley and other area, and its effect to the development of the Buddhism of the Sui dynasty and the Tang dynasty. Finally, we researched the non-religious social activities of the monks in the fangji jobs and in the war.


更多网络解释与南北朝相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

the Period of Disunion (Disorder), the Age of Division:动乱时期

三国时期The period of the Three Kingdoms | 动乱时期the Period of Disunion (Disorder), the Age of Division | 南北朝the Southern and Northern Dynasty


"饺子(dumpling)聊城小吃加盟面皮包馅水煮而成. 饺子起源于南北朝大全. 饺子多以小吃加盟大全和面粉为剂,擀成餐饮优秀服务案例略厚周边较薄的圆皮,包裹馅心,捏成月牙形或加盟大全,以沸水煮熟而成. 饺皮也可用加盟、油酥面或米粉制作;

The Western Han and Eastern Han Dynasty:两汉王朝

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horror fiction:恐怖小说

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Chinese landscape painting:山水画

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Liang Jin:两晋

三国San Guo:220-280 | 两晋Liang Jin:265-420 | 南北朝Nan Bei Chao:420-581

the Gap between the North and the South:南北差距

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The South:魏晋南北朝史研究

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Tripitaka:《大藏经》 (始编于南北朝)

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North Dynasties:魏晋南北朝史研究

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