英语人>词典>汉英 : 单纤维 的英文翻译,例句
单纤维 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
filament  ·  cellfibre

single fibre · individual filament
更多网络例句与单纤维相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To discuss the effect of pin carding plate on fiber length distribution in the card slivers,length tests to the card slivers under different carding plate gauge,taker-in speed and doffer speed using pin carding plate and saw-tooth carding plate under the card taker-in by USTER AFIS single fiber tester were done.


Studies on statistical properties of spontaneous spike trains of single auditory nerve have shown that the distributing patterns of interval in spike trains represent Poisson distribution. Since Poisson distribution is one of the simplest stochastic processes, previous studies on spontaneous spike trains of single auditory nerve were performed primarily by assuming them as stochastic processes. Recently, further studies on nonlinear dynamic system show that we have not enough evidence to demonstrate the process, whose distribution of probability density is exponential, is Poisson process.

中文题名豚鼠听神经单纤维放电序列的非线性特性分析副题名外文题名 Analysis on nonlinear properties in spike trains of single auditory nerve fiber in guinea pig 论文作者林龙年导师孙心德教授学科专业生理学研究领域\研究方向听觉神经生物学学位级别博士学位授予单位华东师范大学学位授予日期2001 论文页码总数91页关键词听神经听觉神经生理豚鼠馆藏号BSLW /2001 /Q42 /41 对听神经单纤维自发放电序列的统计特性研究表明,听神经单纤维放电间隔呈泊松分布,而泊松过程是最简单的随机过程之一,因此以往的研究主要将听神经单纤维自发放电序列作为随机过程来处理。

Theoretically ,single fiber tenacity is fitted to Weibull distribution and fiber bundle tenacity to normal distribution.


We use modiolus puncture approach shown by Alder to obtain recordings of discharge signals from single auditory nerve in guinea pig, and adopt digitally controlled system, which is designed on our self to generate complex waveforms, to measure properties of basic acoustically-evoked response of single auditory nerve.


Based on the single fiber axisymmetrical and three dimensional models of an aligned short fiber reinforced metal matrix composite, the effect of varied fiber aspect ratio on the mechanical behavior of this composite is analyzed by the elasto-plastic finite element method.


Comparing Melaleuca leucadendron with Gmelina arborea of the same age, the former has shorter fibers, but the 2 have similar single-fiber strengths. The unbleaehed pulps of the 2 species have comparable composite strength indices.


A combined massaging and brushing tool comprising a main body having a plurality of convexes neatly arranged on a surface thereof, a cutting line positioned suitably away from an end edge thereof and extending in both directions along said end edge wherein an opening is formed by removing said body along said cutting line, a plurality of cutting lines suitably spaced and disposed in the proximity of another end edge thereof and respectively extending downwardly from a location in the proximity of the center wherein a set of enclosures are formed by removing said body along said cutting lines.

一般而言,长纤维是指纤维之长度/厚度之比率大于10%者称之。而在化学纤维当中,所有可纺丝之原料,皆可制成长纤维。长纤维因其每束丝中各单纤维根数与细度又可分为复丝与单丝,通常用于衣着类长纤维大都为复丝,而单丝则大都在非衣着用途,如钓鱼线等,其单纤维直径为60μ以上,甚至可达5 mm。

The length distribution of sliver fiber under conditions of different feed plate gauge was tested by USTER AFIS and fiber length distribution in taker-in droppings and card strips was tested by cotton fiber length analyzer.

用USTER AFIS单纤维测试系统,对不同给棉板与刺辊隔距条件下的生条纤维长度分布进行检测,用罗拉式纤维长度测量仪对不同给棉板与刺辊隔距的刺辊落棉、盖板花中的纤维长度分布进行了检测。

Study on fiber length distribution of taker-in droppings and card strips;2. The length distribution of sliver fiber under conditions of different feed plate gauge was tested by USTER AFIS and fiber length distribution in taker-in droppings and card strips was tested by cotton fiber length analyzer.

用USTER AFIS单纤维测试系统,对不同给棉板与刺辊隔距条件下的生条纤维长度分布进行检测,用罗拉式纤维长度测量仪对不同给棉板与刺辊隔距的刺辊落棉、盖板花中的纤维长度分布进行了检测。

The autonomic efferent pattern of the baroreflex resetting induced by DPN stimulation was observed through recording renal sympathetic nerve activity , splanchnic nerve activity , cardiac sympathetic nerve activity , ganglioglomerular nerve activity and lumbar sympathetic nerve activity , discharge of single sympathetic fiber separated from the deep peroneal nerve and discharge of single sympathetic fiber separated from the superficial peroneal nerve , and cervical vagal efferent single fiber discharge .


更多网络解释与单纤维相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


filamentary 细丝的 | filamentary 单纤维的 | filamentous 如丝的


filament /细丝/细线/单纤维/花丝/白热丝/丝状物/ | filamentary /细丝的/单纤维的/似丝的/ | filamentous /细丝状的/如丝的/纤维所成的/

monofilament:单丝 单纤维

monofil-coner 单丝锥形筒子络筒机 | monofilament 单丝 单纤维 | monofilamentthread 单根粗丝


monoether 单醚 | monofilament 单纤维 | monofilamentsingles 单丝

monofilament thread:单根粗丝

monofilament 单丝,单纤维 | monofilament thread 单根粗丝 | monofile monovolume 单卷单文件,单文件单卷


55%苎麻纤维(ramie){苎麻是多年生宿根性草本植物,是重要的纺织纤维作物. 也称白叶苎麻. 其单纤维长、强度最大,吸湿和散湿快,热传导性能好,脱胶后洁白有丝光,可以纯纺,也可和棉、丝、毛、化纤等混纺(茎皮纤维长,柔韧色白,不皱不缩,

Cellulomonas spp:纤维单胞菌属某些种

Cedecea spp 西地西菌属某些种 | Cellulomonas spp 纤维单胞菌属某些种 | Cellulomonas turbata 特氏纤维单胞菌

Cellulomonas turbata:特氏纤维单胞菌

Cellulomonas spp 纤维单胞菌属某些种 | Cellulomonas turbata 特氏纤维单胞菌 | Ceotruchum candidum 假丝地霉

voluntory single fiber dipolarization:自主性单纤维去极化

voluntary opening hand 随意开手式 | voluntory single fiber dipolarization 自主性单纤维去极化 | VSBE stump 很短的肘下残肢

monofil; monofilament:单缕;单丝纤维

"类单烯","monoethenoid" | "单缕;单丝纤维","monofil; monofilament" | "单甘油酯;一酸甘油酯","monoglyceride"