英语人>词典>汉英 : 单位圆 的英文翻译,例句
单位圆 的英文翻译、例句


unit circle · unit disk
更多网络例句与单位圆相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The abscissa at the endpoint of an arc of a unit circle centered at the origin of a Cartesian coordinate system, the arc being of length x and measured counterclockwise from the point(1,0) if x is positive or clockwise if x is negative.


The abscissa at the endpoint of an arc of a unit circle centered at the origin of a Cartesian coordinate system,the arc being of length x and measured counter clockwise from the point(1,0)if x is positive or clockwise if x is negative.


A new method relying on the Stroh formulism and the theory of the surface impedance tensor was developed to investigate the dynamic instability of interfacial slip waves.The concept of the surface impedance tensor was extended to the case where the wave speed is of a complex value,and the boundary conditions at the frictionally contacting interface were expressed by the surface impedance tensor.Then the boundary value problem was transformed to searching for zeroes of a complex polynomial in the unit circle...


In this chapter, we obtain the following conclusion: Let f=h+〓 be a univalent orientation-preserving harmonic mapping defined on the unit disk U such that f is convex in a direction and real on the real axis, and satisfies the normalization f (0)=0 and 〓, then f is typically real.


Corresponding to the results of largest type Borel directions on the whole complex plane obtained by Zeng Fan-fu and Sun Dao-chun in paper [1],we discuss the case of unit disc and prove that there exists at least one largest type Borel point of K-Quasiconformal Meromorphic mapping with the finite positive order in the unit disk.


Adopting the conformal mapping or rotation axis etc complex methods which areoften used to treat with the hole or cavity problem,a two-dimensional cavity ofeither simply or multiply connected region is projected into the interior of acircle or an annulus.As well as the global coordinate system is turned into thelocal coordinate system.


In recent years, Feng Kang has advanced a more natural and direct redu-ction, i. e. the reduction via Green's formula and Green's function.


In this dissertation, we compute and visualize multiple solutions of the boundary valueproblem of the Henon equation on the disk of planewhereΩis a unit circle,?


The problem of Polydisc is transformed into that of unit disk and an operator by H^2 Hardy space is defined in the unit disk.

将多圆柱上的问题转化到单位圆盘上,利用单位圆盘上的H^2 Hardy空间,定义出一个算子。

Themapping function sequences including circular cutouts and elliptical cutouts aregiven in this chapter.


更多网络解释与单位圆相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

unit complex number:单位复

unit circle 单位圆 | unit complex number 单位复 | unit cube 单位 方体

identity group:单位元群

单位向量|unit vector | 单位元群|identity group | 单位圆[盘]|unit disk

unit imaginary number:单位虚数

unit circle 单位圆 | unit imaginary number 单位虚数 | unit matrix 单位矩阵

unit circle:单位圆

如苏东坡所云:"不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中".上面由有理数域Q扩至复数域,不是孤立的接受及,我们还加入了足够的元素,使新的社会仍然保持Q的"域"(field)质:在许多数学分支里,我们都用单位圆(unit circle)上的点来平均: .

unit circle:单位圆=>単位円

unit check 设备检验,部件校验 | unit circle 单位圆=>単位円 | unit clean 组件清洁

unit circle:单位圆Btu中国学习动力网

unit area 单位面积Btu中国学习动力网 | unit circle 单位圆Btu中国学习动力网 | unit imaginary number 单位虚数Btu中国学习动力网

unit circle source:单位圆源

unit cell 晶胞 | unit circle source 单位圆源 | unit circle 单位圆

Einheitskreis unit circle:单位圆

eingeschlossener Winkel included angle 夹角 | Einheitskreis unit circle 单位圆 | Einheitsvektor unit vector 单位向量

array, unit circle of:数组(天线)单位圆

二元数组(天线) array, two-element | 数组(天线)单位圆 array, unit circle of | 数组(天线)可视区 array, visible region of

unit disk:单位圆盘

爆破片装置:rupture disk | 单位圆盘:unit disk | 硬盘阵列:Disk Array