英语人>词典>汉英 : 协步的 的英文翻译,例句
协步的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The operations for extracting the smallest eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvectors of the augmented data co rrelation matrix is O and less than the ones of Davila′s RTLS algorithm per time step.


Error analysis of direct georefencing is divided into two parts: for attitude angle error, formula is determined by the error of the direction cosine matrix, for other errors, formula is determined by covariance matrix.


Based on special construction of the design matrix, some interesting relations of variance matrices of the least squares estimate, the best linear unbiased estimate and the TSE are established, and some important properties of the TSE are obtained.


Order determination is accomplished in two stages, i.e., the AR order is first determined by the minimum eigenvalue of overdetermined instrumental variable product moment and the MA order is then estimated by the minimum eigenvalues of a covariance matrix derived from the observed data.


After reviewing the main design idea of single agent architecture, such as the agent architecture in PTS domain and several typical interactive agent architecture, we defined the model of Multi-Agent System Based on Co-Evolution, and made a deep analysis of the components of MASBCE and the interactions among them. By the means of analysis for the layered design method of co-evolutionary agent architecture, the interaction process of the agent and the world model, the cycling process at deferent level of MASBCE, the periodic step mechanism of MASBCE, etc., we radicated the architecture of MASBCE and its inner operation mechanism.


It began in the backyards of Des Moines and the living rooms of Concord and the front porches of Charleston.


Since the gauge covariance of the original system are kept in every step of calculation process, we apply the techniques to calculate the quark propagator in presence of an arbitrary gluon field is calculated gauge and Lorentz covariantly and a consistent result is obtained.


更多网络解释与协步的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of the children of Joseph of the tribe of Manasses, Hanniel the son of Ephod:若瑟子孙:默纳协子孙支派的首领,是厄缶得的儿子哈尼耳

丹子孙支派的首领,是约革里的儿子步... | 若瑟子孙:默纳协子孙支派的首领,是厄缶得的儿子哈尼耳; Of the children of Joseph of the tribe of Manasses, Hanniel the son of Ephod. | 厄弗辣因子孙支派的首领,是色弗堂...

cogredient:同步的, 协步的

cographical matroid | 上图的矩阵胚, 余图拟阵 | cogredient | 同步的, 协步的 | cogroup | 上群

Confessing Church:(认主教会)

1933年曾到过英国;后来回国加入了认主教会(Confessing Church),并且领导一间神学院. 1937年,这间神学院被纳粹党关闭,潘霍华也被禁止公开讲道和写作. 1939年,他到过协和神学院,在那里稍作逗留,又回到德国,几乎一到步就加入了反纳粹的斗争.

Of the tribe of Issachar, Phaltiel the prince, the son of Ozan:依撒加尔子孙支派的首领,是阿仓的儿子帕耳提耳

则步隆子孙支派的首领,是帕尔纳客的儿子厄里匝番... | 依撒加尔子孙支派的首领,是阿仓的儿子帕耳提耳; Of the tribe of Issachar, Phaltiel the prince, the son of Ozan. | 阿协尔子孙支派的首领,是舍罗米的儿子阿希...

Peking Man:京人

经过他们辛勤工作,半年之后,发现一颗人牙化石,经协和医学院的人类学家D.步达生(Black)研究定名为"中国猿人北京种"(Sinanthropus pekingensis),俗称"北京人"(Peking Man),也就是大家常说的"北京猿人".