英语人>词典>汉英 : 华语 的英文翻译,例句
华语 的英文翻译、例句


the Chinese language
更多网络例句与华语相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sina know-all is free and online listen to musical function to have sheet of all sorts of a list of names posted up: Popular pop chart of music of sheet of a list of names posted up of wind and cloud of pop chart of song of new song a list of names posted up, Chinese music a list of names posted up, China, global Chinese pop chart, music, England, American Billboad pop chart.


Wang Jiawei is a sparkling star of Chinese filmdom of recent years. He has created seven films since he entered Hong Gong filmdom in the 80s. Each film is rated as classics. This has not only established his important position in Hong Kong filmdom and even whole Chinese filmdom, but also caused repercussions in the international filmdom.


As starting from presenting the relationship between the advertising and traditional culture, I proved the reaction power from advertising to the Confucianism, which could been departed into succession and extermination, and give some examples in the field of filial piety, economics, middlebrow, way of being a wife, and then presents the reasons and influence as a whole.


The conclusions are as follows:(1) Neologisms in each Huayu region can be classified into two major categories:self-originated and others-originated,among which the new-born words are "absolute new words" and the inherited word are "relative new words",and there are also others-originated elements in the morphemic and sense systems of new words;(2) Variation can be seen in the morpheme,formation,building and sense of new words in Huayu regions,besides individuals of new words;(3) Aggregation of current new words and compound words with one common morpheme and a same construction,together with the aggregation of synonyms and that of different senses in polysemies,reflect the relevance of the systems of new words in Huayu regions in their variation;(4) Regular participation of hinting sense of a formation element in forming and building new words is an important way of producing new sense of morpheme,and an important reason for the current emergence of words with more than one new senses;(5) Compared with ordinary words,the productivity of ways of word formation in forming new words both in general and of a particular class will change and new ways of word formation appear in Huayu regions;(6) The semantic collocation of the verbal morpheme of new verbs in a phrase has a great influence on the location of its structural center,and the complex syntactic behaviors of new verbs are related to the different processes of argument integration;(7) The processes of building new words with the same meaning differ in levels of approaches to motivation cognition,perspectives of motivation cognition,morpheme motivation and morpheme expression,etc.;(8) The lexical interaction in Huayu regions results in lexical subsystem intersections of current new words across two,three and four regions.


Just image, when you come to Sunday Mass there is no priest who speaks your language. What can you do? Indeed, right now we don't have in Toronto any seminarian who speaks Cantonese or Mandarin training to become a priest. Please pray devotedly! From now until end of April, in our Holy Mass' Prayer of the Faithful we will use the special "Called by Name" prayer. Other than your prayers, my brothers and sisters in Christ, let's also promote religious vocation work, strengthen the bonds among the ministries of the laity, clergy and fellow volunteers in our midst in order that more young men and women will be moved to consider vocations to priesthood or a religious life.

试想一下,有一主日当你步入此圣堂,发觉这儿没有一位能以华语主持弥撒的神父时,你将会有何感想呢﹖的确,我们能操华语的不论广东话或普通话的神父并不多,而现今更是没有任何华人青年在本地修院接受培育,换句话说﹕我们华人堂区在最近的几年内,没有任何可接班的神父,因此,请大家热心的求吧﹗未来一连四个月,即从现在开始直至四月底,我们在每台弥撒的信友祷文中,将会加念本教区特别编写的〝求圣召—Called by Name〞经文,让我们一同热心的献上诚挚的祈祷,并邀请各位在这圣召活动推广期间多方配合,务求能打动更多的青年男女认真的思考圣召问题。

After eight months of coaxing him to get accustomed to hearing Mandarin sounds, he can now quite comfortably identify common everyday objects and numeral s in fairly distinct Mandarin, much to our unconcealed delight.


The conclusions are as follows:(1) Neologisms in each Huayu region can be classified into two major categories:self-originated and others-originated,among which the new-born words are "absolute new words" and the inherited word are "relative new words",and there are also others-originated elements in the morphemic and sense systems of new words;(2) Variation can be seen in the morpheme,formation,building and sense of new words in Huayu regions,besides individuals of new words;(3) Aggregation of current new words and compound words with one common morpheme and a same construction,together with the aggregation of synonyms and that of different senses in polysemies,reflect the relevance of the systems of new words in Huayu regions in their variation;(4) Regular participation of hinting sense of a formation element in forming and building new words is an important way of producing new sense of morpheme,and an important reason for the current emergence of words with more than one new senses;(5) Compared with ordinary words,the productivity of ways of word formation in forming new words both in general and of a particular class will change and new ways of word formation appear in Huayu regions;(6) The semantic collocation of the verbal morpheme of new verbs in a phrase has a great influence on the location of its structural center,and the complex syntactic behaviors of new verbs are related to the different processes of argument integration;(7) The processes of building new words with the same meaning differ in levels of approaches to motivation cognition,perspectives of motivation cognition,morpheme motivation and morpheme expression,etc.;(8) The lexical interaction in Huayu regions results in lexical subsystem intersections of current new words across two,three and four regions.


The project change in the Hongkong film industry can be summed up as follows. It is Chuang-tzu's Test in His Wife that makes a beginning of the Hongkong film industry. While Husband's Coming in Late, reviving traditional Cantonese films, unseals the markets of Singapore and Malaysia, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai completely occupies the market of Taiwan, the largest oversea market except for the mainland. And after Seventy-Two Tenants, as a sign of new industry, combines the Mandarin film with the Cantonese film, New Dragon Tavern goes further to find a new way to the market of the mainland. Not only do Stephen Chow's films become repeatedly a solace in downturn but also the blockbusters in the Chinese language film have a global integration, thus starting the second upsurge of the Eastern knight-errant film.


Some people might dispute this, saying that the English culture is just as rich as the Chinese culture, and just as life-enriching.


According to Chinese medium whole nation wild goose of higher primary school of sale chief inspector introduces, current, the billboard of Chinese has achieved ten.


更多网络解释与华语相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Reflections - Coco Lee:[花木兰]华语流行天后李玟进军国际英文主题曲

09 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious - Julie Andrews,Dick Van Dyke & The Pearl... | 11 Reflections - Coco Lee[花木兰]华语流行天后李玟进军国际英文主题曲 | 12 Winnie The Pooh - Carly Simon[小猪大行动]创...

common language:共同语

内圈指以华语为母语或者全国共同语(common language)的"中原"地区,包括中国大陆与台湾,前者将华语称"普通话",后者则称"国语". 内圈的特点是华语为政治、经济、法律、科技、学术、传媒等领域与正式场合的强势主导语言,同时也是学校的主要教学媒介语.


以下问题在此修补程序的英语、韩语 (KOR)、日语 (JPN)、简体中文 (CHS)、繁体中文 (CHT) 和泛华语 (CHP) 版本中也得到修正. 英语、韩语 (KOR)、日语 (JPN)、简体中文 (CHS)、繁体中文 (CHT) 和泛华语 (CHP) 修补程序版本阿拉伯语 (ARA) 和希伯来语 (HBR) 修补程序版本泰语 (THA) 修补程序版本

lingua franca:共通语

中圈指以华语作为共通语(lingua franca)的海外华人移民地区. 由于各海外华人移民社会的发展历史差异很大,大致可分成两大类:一是中国与台湾侨务机构在海外华人居留地开设的侨校或者中文学校所教授的华语;二是早期华人移民社会经过长期的演变所发展的华语教育模式.

Suzie Leow:(福建) - 输死了

Jane Tan (华语) - 煎蛋 | Suzie Leow (福建) - 输死了 | Henry Mah (华语) - 恨你妈


在众多华语当中,广东话(Cantonese)仍然居于第一位,人数达369,645;普通话(Mandarin)位列次席,共有173,730人;台语(Taiwanese)排第三. 不过,资料显示,有467,235人只表明讲华语,没有清晰分类.

Henry Mah:(华语) - 恨你妈

Suzie Leow (福建) - 输死了 | Henry Mah (华语) - 恨你妈 | Paul Chan (华语) - 破产

Conclusion: Restating theoutlet of the Original Chinese Musical:余论 重申原创华语音乐剧之路

◇ 名 门:大师参与,尊贵象征 Notable family:... | ◇ 地位:与好莱坞齐名的美国文化标志--百老汇 Status: Another Lo... | 余论 重申原创华语音乐剧之路 Conclusion: Restating theoutlet of the Original Chinese Musical

Conclusion: Restating the outlet of the Original Chinese Musical:余论 重申原创华语音乐剧之路

◇ 名 门:大师参与,尊贵象征 Notable family:... | ◇ 地位:与好莱坞齐名的美国文化标志--百老汇 Status: Another L... | 余论 重申原创华语音乐剧之路 Conclusion: Restating the outlet of the Original Chinese Musical

Del. Delaware:特拉华语

109 day (c) Land Dayak languages 达雅克语 | 110 del Delaware 特拉华语 | 112 deu (t) de GER German 德语