英语人>词典>汉英 : 半身 的英文翻译,例句
半身 的英文翻译、例句


half of one's body
更多网络例句与半身相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Clara had suffered a stroke that left her paralyzed on one side and somewhat aphasic: She understood language but had trouble finding the correct words when she wanted to speak.


Wielding the billhook allows Heavy Billmen to hack, stab and chop if needed and being encased in anything from half to three quarter plate armour means they can shrug off considerable damage.


As both the two half-length, two half-brain, contrary complementation, and are indispensable.


Vinmar and the dwarf turned to see the barmaid, a pretty halfling woman standing nearby.


At the age of 40, he was so unlucky as to contract a wind disease: hemianesthesia and myophagism in the right leg. after taking the hanshi san (powder medicine for cold disease), he got drug poisoning. all his body was hot, so he had to eat ice and snow with a bare body even in cold winter, in summer he suffered even more, and cough, asthma, edema and heavy feeling of the limbs accompanied.


Tallfellow Halflings bear distinct resemblances to their elven neighbors, for good reason. Since halflings are closely related to humans in many respects, this is not surprising.


One popular arrangement is to have halflings with family names, dwarves with clan names, and halforcs with only a given name or even just a nickname.


Dwarves, halflings, gnomes, and even the arrogant elves are treated as equals, so why cannot our half-orc sons and daughters be treated in the same manner?


You must now run out to Leelav Yekl in the Enchanted Lands and warn him that they are coming for him. When you speak to him Lodo Bightn and two Shadowed Halflings will spawn.

回去EL 找LEELAV 又会有人出来让你扁~ hi 完 leelav之后他会变身成战斗预备状况,大约30秒后在他右后方的小山丘上会出现三只半身人,其中Lodo是++,都43级。

The races offered in EverQuest II include Barbarians, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Erudites, Frogloks, Gnomes, Halflings, Half Elves, High Elves, Humans, Iksar, Kerran, Ogre, Ratonga, Trolls, and Wood Elves.


更多网络解释与半身相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


paraplegia 截瘫 | paraplegic 半身麻痹的 | paraplegic 半身麻痹患者

Half Halfling:半半身人(半哈比人)

Half Human 半人 | Half Halfling 半半身人(半哈比人) | Double Hobbit 大型哈比人


桥脑性半身麻木 hemianesthesia,mesocephalic or pontile | 铅毒性半身麻木 hemianesthesia,saturnine | 脊髓性半身麻木 hemianesthesia,spinal


交叉性半身麻木 hemianesthesia,alternate or crossed | 延髓性半身麻木 hemianesthesia,bulbar | 大脑性半身麻木 hemianesthesia,cerebral


延髓性半身麻木 hemianesthesia,bulbar | 大脑性半身麻木 hemianesthesia,cerebral | 桥脑性半身麻木 hemianesthesia,mesocephalic or pontile

hemiataxia:偏身共济失调 半身共济运动失调

hemiasynergia 偏身协同不能 | hemiataxia 偏身共济失调 半身共济运动失调 | hemiathetosis 偏身手足徐动症


半人形妄想 Hemianthropia | 半身厥恋癫痫,偏身癫痫 Hemiepilepsy | 出血恐怖 Hemophobia ; Hemaphobia ; Hematophobia


"半人形妄想","Hemianthropia" | "半身痉挛癫痫,偏身癫痫","Hemiepilepsy" | "出血恐怖","Hemophobia; Hemaphobia; Hematophobia"


半身出汗 hemihidrosis | 半身痛觉迟钝 hemihypalgesia | 半身感觉过敏 hemihyperesthesia

hemianesthesia,mesocephalic or pontile:桥脑性半身麻木

大脑性半身麻木 hemianesthesia,cerebral | 桥脑性半身麻木 hemianesthesia,mesocephalic or pontile | 铅毒性半身麻木 hemianesthesia,saturnine