英语人>词典>汉英 : 匿名 的英文翻译,例句
匿名 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
anonymity  ·  cryptonym  ·  pseudonym  ·  anonymities

Anonymous FTP
更多网络例句与匿名相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While many RTS players like the AMM system of WarCraft III, we will be seeing matchmaking quality AI at LEAST to that level for RTS games in Battle.net 2.0, and probably a lot better, as some are not happy with AMM at all...


This is in order to guarantee the anonymity of those people wishing to remain anonymous.


This is the name of the user we use for handling anonymous FTP. The home directory of this user

用于处理匿名FTP 的用户名,该用户的home 目录即为匿名用户的根目录。

If enabled, both the usernames ftp and anonymous are recognised as anonymous logins.

如果启用,无论是用户名和匿名的FTP 确认为匿名登录。

Then, a self-certified anonymous proxy signature scheme based on the view of self-certified public key policy and the scheme of anonymous proxy signature are proposed. The proposed scheme not only lightens the burden of verifier, but also has characteristics such as anonymousness and trackability.


Through obtaining anonymous users' browsing path set, on the basis of the new definition of path similarity, building the users' browsing path similarity matrix, and based on this, designing anonymous users' browsing path clustering algorithm to obtain the clustering result set and calculate various cluster centers, the typical anonymous users' browsing path was got.


Based on the hypothesis of Brands, this thesis presents two off-line electronic cash system applied to small payment: one is an off-line nondivisible electronic cash system with complete anonymity, and the other is an off-line nondivisible electronic cashsystem with repealed anonymity. The two systems can solve the bottleneck problem of bank server. Furthermore, based on the concept of virtual debit as well as the payment demand of pay-per-use electronic commerce and mobile commerce, this paper designs a micro-system NPAY, which can solve the problem of extra-consuming, greatly reduce the system communication overhead, and the consumer can anonymously consume.


Based on the hypothesis of Brands, this thesis presents two off-line electronic cash system applied to small payment: one is an off-line nondivisible electronic cash system with complete anonymity, and the other is an off-line nondivisible electronic cash'system with repealed anonymity. The two systems can solve the bottleneck problem of bank server. Furthermore, based on the concept of virtual debit as well as the payment demand of pay-per-use electronic commerce and mobile co mmerce, this paper designs a micro-system NPAY, which can solve the problem of extra-consuming, greatly reduce the system communication overhead, and the consumer can anonymously consume.


This paper proposes a mixed Tor anonymous communication scheme, it effectively mixes Tor with Crowds anonymous communication system, makes use of each excellence sufficiently, and obviates the security problems, thus it is an efficient and safe anonymous communication scheme.


We employ the key escrow property of bilinear parings to make the anonymity revocation authority as an implicit receiver for every encrypted protocol message broadcasted by each user.


更多网络解释与匿名相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alcoholics Anonymous:嗜酒者匿名互诫协会

SAA受戒酒疗法的启发,是对嗜酒者匿名互诫协会(Alcoholics Anonymous)的直接仿效. 还有其他的组织和分会:嗜性者匿名互诫协会和既嗜性又嗜爱者匿名互诫协会主要是针对异性恋者的;诸如性强迫行为者匿名互诫协会之类的团体则是同性组织.


yea赞成 | anonym匿名者,假名 | anonymity匿名者,假名


anonym匿名者,假名 | anonymity匿名者,假名 | anonymous匿名的,无名的,不知名的

anonymous FTP:匿名文件传送协议

远程主机 8 指名服务(Finger Service) 显示用户情况 9-11 用户网(Usenet) 巨大的讨论组系统 12 匿名文件传送协议(Anonymous FTP) 公众获取数据档案 13 Archie服务 检索匿名文件传送协议档案 14 Gopher服务 菜单型信息 14 Veronica,

anonymous FTP:匿名FTP 传输公共数据信息

Mailing List 邮寄列表 多用户邮件分发 | Anonymous Ftp 匿名FTP 传输公共数据信息 | Archie 文档检索 搜索匿名FTP文件

anonymous FTP:匿名资料文件

anonymous class 匿名类别 | anonymous FTP 匿名资料文件 | anonymous Logins 匿名登入

anonymous class:匿名类

3.匿名类(Anonymous Class) 当一个内部类的类声名只是在创建此类对象时用了一次,而且要产生的新类需继承于一个已有的父类或实现一个接口,才能考虑用匿名类,由于匿名类本身无名,因此它也就不存在构造方法,它需要显示地调用一个无参的父类的构造方法,

anonymous class:匿名类 匿名类别

anonymous Logins 匿名登录 匿名登入 | anonymous class 匿名匿名类别 | anonymous structure 匿名结构 匿名结构

was anonymously slipped to the judge:[法官得到了一些匿名的消息]

It appears that some information [法官得到了一些匿名的消息] | was anonymously slipped to the judge. [法官得到了一些匿名的消息] | Anonymously? [匿名的?]

anonymous home directory:(匿名主目录):选择一个供匿名用户登录的主目录

⑷Allow anonymous access(接受匿名登录吗):选择"Yes". | ⑸anonymous home directory(匿名主目录):选择一个供匿名用户登录的主目录: | "C:Documents and Settingscisd桌面".