英语人>词典>汉英 : 医疗保健 的英文翻译,例句
医疗保健 的英文翻译、例句


medical care
更多网络例句与医疗保健相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Derek Tanner, manager of the the Hansard Invesco Healthcare fund (MC22, available in both HIL and HEL) looks back at 2009, and forward to 2010, commenting The health care sector was favoured during the quarter as investors saw more action around the US health care reform efforts.

德里克坦纳,对医疗保健的议事录景顺投资管理基金经理( MC22,两个人白介素和人胚肺可用)在回顾2009年,提出了到2010年,评论说:医疗保健部门在第四季度赞成,因投资者认为要更多地围绕美国的行动医疗改革的努力。

Ira Magaziner and many health-care economists believed, correctly as it turned out, that greater competition in the health-care marketplace, which our plan would promote, would produce significant savings without price controls.


Hillary and Ira Magaziner badly wanted health care in the budget, the congressional leaders were open to it, and Dick Gephardt had urged Hillary to do it, because he was sure the Republican senators would try to filibuster health care if it were proposed by itself.


Some suggestions about the quality management of medical health in MCH organ were given out in the paper.


Its headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, is the leading provider of healthcare payor enterprise application solutions for the Next Healthcare Economy.


Utilization measures examined included SABA use; exacerbations measured by hospital visits; and asthma-related and total healthcare costs.


"We are finding increased interest from healthcare IT companies like CMTC that want to image-enable their applications with our medical imaging solutions to help customers better manage patient care and reduce costs," said Stevan Ramirez, General Manager of Healthcare Information Solutions for the Americas, Carestream Health.

锐珂医疗公司美洲医疗保健信息解决方案总经理 Stevan Ramirez 说,&我们对于像 CMTC 这样的医疗保健 IT 公司的兴趣逐渐增长,他们希望采用我们的医疗成像解决方案来图像使能其应用程序,并以此帮助消费者更好地管理患者保健并降低成本。&

The difference between the statutory lending limit and the value of loans that are disbursed and outstanding.


The medicals in the CMS will try their best to create the surplus demand to fulfill their profits, and at the same time the people who take part in the CMS have the tendency to make the mutual profits by cooperating with the medicals through the trans-payments agreement, that comes the moral risk and the collusion of medicals and the patients. And the problems in the rural area are quite different from those arising in the towns and cities.


In his State of the Union speech on January 20, he referred to the forthcoming changes in healthcare and mentioned the advantages of a digital environment:"By computerising health rec- ords, we can avoid dangerous medical mistakes, reduce costs and improve care."


更多网络解释与医疗保健相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Health care:医疗保健

工业品(industrials,包括资本品、商业服务和运输服务),基本消费品(consumer staples,包括食品和日产用品),弹性消费品(consumer discretionary,包括耐用消费品、服装、餐饮、传媒和零售服务),医疗保健(health care),金融(financials),


药学保健作为卫生保健(healthcare)的必要组成部分,与医疗保健(medical care)和护理保健(nurseringcare)一道并立为实现卫生保健总目标的三大支柱. 药学保健的主体是药师,客体是患者. 药学保健的核心是药师的工作直接面向患者,

healthcare provider:保健提供者

"我们拥有众多的产品和服务,可以帮助医疗保健提供者改善医护质日前在北美放射学会(RSNA)的年度会议上,锐珂医疗(Carestream Health, Inc.)演示了其最新的数字成像和IT解决方案,可帮助医疗保健提供者(healthcare provider)提高服务质量和操作水平.

Humana Humana:美国 医疗保健

319 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 澳大利亚联邦银行 澳大利亚 银行 | 320 Humana Humana 美国 医疗保健 | 321 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance 麻省人寿 美国 保险

medical care:医疗保健

3.2、关照民众保健 PC是卫生保健(health care)的组成部分 卫生保健使病人能享受到医疗保健(medical care)、护理保健(nurseing care)之外,应该而且必须享受药学保健(PC).

primary medical care:初级医疗保健

持久性戒断 ; protracted abstinence | 初级医疗保健 ; primary medical care | 处方分析 ; prescription analysis

medical care system:医疗保健制度

medicable 可治疗的 | medical care system 医疗保健制度 | medical examination 体格检查


可能牺牲的是医疗服务的效率和服务质量,而一个能提供快捷、高端医疗服务的体制,可能以缺乏公平和浪费资源为代价. 在美国,医疗体制的组成有三部分:老年保健医疗制度(Medicare)、医疗补助制度(Medicaid)以及其他的私人保险.

three-tiered medical care network:三级医疗保健网

三北防护林 northeast-northwest-north Chin a shelterbelt... | 三级医疗保健网 three-tiered medical care network | 三金工程--金桥、金卡、金关 three golden projects--golden bridge,golden card and golden cust...

dental surgeon:牙科医生(大学医疗保健处)

Dental Hygienist 牙科卫生员 | Dental Surgeon 牙科医生(大学医疗保健处) | Dental Surgery Assistant 牙科手术助理员