英语人>词典>汉英 : 匮 的英文翻译,例句
匮 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)

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All of these accounts for the function of "Jinguihuishengyi" is to urge the acetylcholine discharge.


Moreover, the application of moxibustion and take Aconite arguments in soup, Jingguishenqi pill, the drug will not cost more than 1000 yuan, moxibustion's wages should not be up to more than 2000 yuan, is the vast majority of patients will be able to afford.


The steel self-supporting mast with the merits of environmental protection, easy decoration, small occupation, high safety factor, and high cost performance, has replaced the concrete mast and the angle iron push brace mast because of the urban renewal, the environment protection, the lack of arable land, the popularization of agricultural mechanization, the acid rain, and so on.


Today's earth faces many a problem of environm en t and ecosystem:"greenhouse effect",chemical pollution,acid rain,sand dust dev il,went short of water wealth,water and soil bereave,soil fallen into desert,spe cies eradication,forest demolish,etc.


They take "Jinguihuishengyi" three times a day, four ampoules each time, and have another ampoule applied exteriorly or injected, three times a day.


You know it is loudly deplored that a humanistic spirit is conspicuously absent in China's present-day utilitarian education. This pathetic fact of life was in the forefront of my consciousness when I spoke of the feculence -- the general foulness surrounding educational institutions.

汝当知目下国内通行庸俗实用教育,其中人性之精神极,嗟叹秽浊如是,各类教育院校无有能免之者也,乃因感可悲生活现实而郁积胸中,故吾尝曰"ambient feculence"。

With a current portfolio of 22 projects, DNDi aims to develop new, improved and field-relevant drugs for neglected diseases, such as malaria, leishmaniasis, Human African trypanosomiasis, and chagas disease.


Rhizoma alismatis and atractylodes were used together for the first time in Zexie liquid of the Internal Classic of Emperor, which is used to treat vertigo due to retention of damp-turbid substance, consisting of rhizoma alismatis, atractylodes and pyrola.


It can activate the cells, lower the lipofuscin level in the liver and spermary, improve the content of tocotrienol in blood plasma, strengthen physiological function and immune function, postpone caducity, improve the level of adenylic acid, control the tumour cell synthesis, prevent cell division effectively.


Effects of Bushen Pill on Apoptosis Genes of Spiral Ganglion Cells Guinea Pigs with OtotoxityWANG Feng, ZHAO WulanZhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou 310053, China Abstract:ObjectiveTo explore the protective effects of Jingui Shenqi Pill on apoptosis genes of spiral ganglion cells in guinea pigs with ototoxity by gentamycin; MethodsThe ototoxity model was induced by abdominal injection of 100 mg/ gentamycin,while the treatment group took Jinguishenqi pill after injection of gentamycin, executed after the experiment, and the cochleas were gathered for detection.

作者:王枫,赵乌兰作者单位:浙江中医药大学,浙江杭州 310053 目的探讨金肾气丸对庆大霉素造成药物性耳聋豚鼠耳蜗螺旋神经节细胞凋亡调控基因表达的影响。方法豚鼠腹腔注射庆大霉素100 mg/制作耳聋动物模型,治疗组在注射庆大霉素后灌服金肾气丸水煎剂,实验结束后豚鼠断头处死,取耳蜗标本。

更多网络解释与匮相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Wash your dirty linen at home:[谚]家丑不可外扬

Walls have ears.^[谚]隔墙有耳. | Wash your dirty linen at home.^[谚]家丑不可外扬. | Waste not, want not.^[谚]俭则不.


Jinjinrugs津锦地毯 | jink车钩 | jinkuiShenqiWan金肾气丸


lackey /仆人/巴儿狗/ | lacking /不足//缺乏的/不足的/ | lackluster /无光泽的/无神的/


他说:"神话 (Mythology) 者,未有文学以前之历史,各国皆有之,我国一部>,大足为此类之代表. 后人觉其荒唐斥为不典,当时视之,则固金石室之秘史,即今日粤若籍古,亦不能尽废其书. 神怪小说起于晚近,尽知其寓言八九而已.

JIN OUI:《金匮>

金代:Jin dynasty | >:JIN OUI | 金信:Jin Xin

Sir John Soane's Museum:索恩爵士博物馆

他在伦敦最钟爱的地方当属索恩爵士博物馆(Sir John Soane's Museum). "每当我自觉创意穷的时候,这个地方总会令我耳目一新,即使20年来我已经多次来过这里",在保罗.史密斯眼里,索恩爵士博物馆是一个古典与现代完美的结合体,这正契合了保罗.史密斯的个性,


......荷(he)孀(shuang)龀 chen 叟(sou) (kui亡以应(wu)厝(cuo雍(yong) 1. 熟读课文,看注释,查字典,试翻译全文. 教学过程(www.3edu.net) 一、课前三分钟 (课外阅读读后感)3 二、创设情景导入新课.


kuy | 愧 koi | 困 kun

Kui Kui:亏盔窥奎逵馗魁葵睽傀匮馈溃愧

KUANG kuang 匡诓哐筐狂诳旷矿况框眶 | KUI kui 亏盔窥奎逵馗魁葵睽傀馈溃愧 | KUN kun 坤昆捆困