英语人>词典>汉英 : 北见 的英文翻译,例句
北见 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与北见相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The main varieties are: Phlox paniculata hardy varieties of fine distinctions and problems dozen Phlox four by Ju Netherlands-ju (clove red, crown, purple, blue dream) Germany Sedum yellow Germany Sedum, Germany Sedum leaves, red flowers Babao Sedum, Rhodiola Babao powder, blue tail Ye days Notoginseng Sedum, streets paved with gold Sedum, Sedum, by Carnation, the United States to spend evening primrose , Tradescantia hairless, Germany Iris, Iris, Butterfly Orchid, Iris tenuifolia, small beauty Iris Hong Iris root, Hosta The doll Hemerocallis, day lily flowers United States, yellow calamus, Lythrum salicaria, false lead ,Ju, Shegan, Jin-Han No.


Before the few points business of road of north of Shaoshan of area of the Changsha City is spread, the reporter sees this kind of network doorplate of a few inches of square is hanged on the wall.


On the hanging wall of the nappe,isoclinal folds are developed with the axial planes inclined to the north in association with imbricated thrusts dipping to the south. In the foot wall,there exist rather wide ductile shear zones. Also,a set of structural windows and klippen are distributed along the zone . The distance of the dislpacement is estimated at about more than 20km.


This was in the springtime and he met her coming North with an oriole he had never seen before .


Supracrustal sequences free of early strong deformation The early deformation of Jingangku formation complex of Hengshan Wutai group complex has formed a bedding parallel S〓 gneissic and schistosity, occasionally bedding parallel recumbent folds in layers. The early deformation of the near-horizontal ductile shearing isn't very strong in Wutai group complex. The orientation of shear movement is NNW—SSE.


Nowadays in India, the true orthodox Buddhism has been completely extinguished with only a few superficial appearances left, and the substance has been replaced by the non-Buddhist tantrism of couple-practice. About Theravada Buddhism, although it can still keep the appearance of sound-hearer Buddhism and is not defiled by the non-Buddhist tantrism, it is rare to find the saints who can personally realize the sound-hearer liberation now. As for Mahayana Buddhism, there are only Buddhist rituals and the mind-consciousness dharma now in China, which has just recovered from the ravage of the Cultural Revolution. In both Japan and Korea, only the appearance of Buddhist rituals but not practice remains and there is no even the mind-consciousness practice like in China. Therefore the practitioners in China, Japan and Korea cannot touch the real content of the practice and realization to fulfill the Buddhahood way of the great-vehicle Buddhism.


Mrs. Durbeyfield was only too delighted at this tractability .


Shaoshan Road in Changsha urban area several shops ago, this reporter saw the network unnumbered Jicun square peg on the wall.


Kitami Macao, the Lotus Bridge, and the foot of the mangroves, reed down, banana fields, fish ponds are excellent natural Yunzhi.


Pan-China Travel Industry Development Co., Ltd., after an expert study baishishan commented:"baishishan North Shannan like, flat-Park in the see strange, magnificent in the see the beauty."


更多网络解释与北见相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


沿着安蒙根向南行,过了桥便会遇到芬(Finn),他会带你去金乌(Kimwood)见Arutha. 詹姆斯了解到德勒可汗要进攻北瓦登(NorthWarden),急忙前往,在北瓦登南方,见到守城指挥官加伯(Gabot)后,去往登卡普(Dencamp)的十字路口找杜克(Duke Martin),

what you see is what you get:所見即所得

通过在透明区域中央集成一个相当于50mm的摄像模块,手机Pei-Hua Huang是北卡罗来纳州立大学(NC State University)的工业设计研究生,"所见即所得"(What You See Is What You Get)是其最新的概念项目,这项设计的目的在于更深入地探求未来手机的发展趋势.


佛手柑的原产地是北意大利的柏加摩镇,佛手柑的名字起源自其地名柏加摩(Bergamo)镇. 几百年来,意大利的民间医学就经常使用佛手柑树的果实(长得有点像迷你橘子)入药,但在意大利以外的国家,人们连佛手柑树都没见过,更别说拿果实来做药了.

Cimicifuga dahurica:升麻

阿魏酸(ferulic acid)是当归的主要成分,丹参素(danshensu)是丹参活血化瘀的水溶性成分,均属苯丙酸类. 兴安升麻(Cimicifuga dahurica)是中药材北升麻的主要来源,含有咖啡酸、阿魏酸、异阿魏酸等简单苯丙素类成分,其提取分离方法见书P100.


代表性动物 哺乳动物,熊猫科(Ailuropodidae) (见彩图古北界动物熊猫,产于中国川西、川北、甘南、陕南)、月鼠科(Seleviniidae)、跳鼠科(Dipodidae)、鼢鼠科(Spalacidae)等为本界特产的科.


四翅槐树(kowhai)的黄花可能是您见过的最美的花了. 到北岛观光的时候,您可以看到一种被当地人叫作pohutukawa的新西兰特产常绿树,这种树在12月份会开出鲜红的花朵,并因此而被称为新西兰圣诞树. 新西兰20%以上的国土面积被规划为国家公园、森林和自然保护区.


代表性动物 哺乳动物,熊猫科(Ailuropodidae) (见彩图古北界动物熊猫,产于中国川西、川北、甘南、陕南)、月鼠科(Seleviniidae)、跳鼠科(Dipodidae)、鼢鼠科(Spalacidae)等为本界特产的科.

Northern Rhodesia, see Zambia:北罗得西亚,见赞比亚

Northeastern Europe 欧洲东北部 | Northern Rhodesia, see Zambia 北罗得西亚,见赞比亚 | Northern States 北部诸州