英语人>词典>汉英 : 北海峡 的英文翻译,例句
北海峡 的英文翻译、例句


North Channel
更多网络例句与北海峡相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Also, Ningde is the cradleland of the edible fingi and the land of large yellow croaker .


Roughly speaking, the SRB content in the surficial layers was lower than that in the subsurficial and mixed ones. The determinable SRB content appears presumedly opposite trend, i.e. it seems that the content of SRB increases south or east in Bering Sea and north or west in Chukchi Sea respectively if drawing a line on Bering Strait.

若以白令海峡为界,在海峡两侧 SRB含量的增加呈相反趋势:即在白令海呈向南增加、在楚科奇海呈向北增加的趋势;经向分布也显示出相反的趋势:在白令海呈向东增加、在楚科奇海呈向西增加的趋势。

The variaition of the surface current indicates two patterns:from Novermber to next May,it is winter-time pattern,with the left months being the summer-time pattern.The pattern transformation is much slowly from the winter to the summer with~2-3 months;whereas,it is much quick from summer to winter,with only 1 month.These variabilities are mainly caused by the seasonal monsoon.


Reference to the southwest Pacific island southeast corner of Tasmania to the Antarctic continent and the Indian Ocean to the warp boundaries, southeast to the southern tip of South America through the Cape Horn and the Atlantic meridional boundaries, North via the Bering Strait and the Arctic Ocean Link, N Panama Canal and Magellan Strait, Drake communication across the Atlantic. W Strait of Malacca and Sunda Strait links the Indian Ocean, the total approximate contour round.

范围 太平洋西南以塔斯马尼亚岛东南角至南极大陆的经线与印度洋分界,东南以通过南美洲最南端的合恩角的经线与大西洋分界,北经白令海峡与北冰洋连接,东经巴拿马运河和麦哲伦海峡、德雷克海峡沟通大西洋,西经马六甲海峡和巽他海峡通印度洋,总轮廊近似圆形。

Venezuela, North West Province, in Sura Sura Committee Endangered Xihai, west Makassar Strait, the South West Province and the Commission relies's South East Sulawesi Venezuela West Province, the west Maluku Strait.


Cheju Island is South Korea's largest island, also known as Tamra Island, the island honeymoon, romantic island, located in the southern tip of the Korean peninsula, separated from the peninsula and Cheju Strait sea, the southern coast of south Korea more than 90 kilometers, and recapped Korea Strait gateway to a very important geographical position.


Three deep source anomaly belts are related to South Shetland Islands, the Bransfield Strait and Antarctic Peninsula, the north and south belts are positive and negative one in the middle.


In length across the narrow Johore Strait and positions at the eastern end of the Strait of Malacca, which separates western Malaysia and the Indonesian island of Sumatra.


Located at the Malay peninsula south tip , Straits of Malucca access , north separates the Johore channel and Malaysia is neighboring , south separates the Singapore channel and Indonesia faces one another .


A city of northern Kyushu, Japan, on the channel connecting the Inland Sea with the Korea Strait.


更多网络解释与北海峡相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bering Sea:白令海(北太平洋的一部分)

berime | 作诗, 以诗讽刺或祝贺 | Bering sea | 白令海(北太平洋的一部分) | Bering strait | 白令海峡(西伯利亚和阿拉斯加间的海峡)

Bering strait:白令海峡(西伯利亚和阿拉斯加间的海峡)

Bering sea | 白令海(北太平洋的一部分) | Bering strait | 白令海峡(西伯利亚和阿拉斯加间的海峡) | beringed | 戴戒指的

Malacca Strait:马六甲海峡

马六甲海峡 马六甲海峡(Malacca Strait) 马六甲海峡位于东南亚马来半岛与苏门答腊岛之间,连接南海与安达曼海,沟通太平洋与印度洋的重要水道. 西北至东南走向,长约九百公里. 北

Nord Pas-de-Calais:北加莱海峡

nightlife夜生活 | Nord Pas de Calais北加莱海峡 | outside of France法国以外的

Nord Pas-de-Calais:北加来海峡

Lyon 里昂 | Nord Pas de Calais 北加来海峡 | Normandie 诺曼底


clutch bevel 圆锥离合器联接 | Normandy 诺曼底(法国西北部一地区,北临英吉利海峡) | contact spot 接触斑点

Torres Strait:托雷斯海峡

昆士兰州位于澳大利亚大陆的东北部,与新南威尔士、南澳大利亚和北领地相邻;北临卡奔塔利亚湾(Gulf of Carpentaria)、托雷斯海峡(Torres Strait)和珊瑚海(Coral Sea);东临南太平洋.

the North Strait:北海峡

North Minch Strait,北明奇海峡 | the North Strait,北海峡 | Bay of Biscay,比斯开湾

Bering Sea:白令海(北太平洋的一部分)

berime || 作诗, 以诗讽刺或祝贺 | Bering sea || 白令海(北太平洋的一部分) | Bering strait || 白令海峡(西伯利亚和阿拉斯加间的海峡)

North Channel:北海峡

10.利菲河River Liffey | 11.北海峡North Channel | 12.协约国Allied Powers