英语人>词典>汉英 : 勇士 的英文翻译,例句
勇士 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bearcat  ·  lionheart  ·  Trojan  ·  warrior  ·  ghazi  ·  tigers  ·  warriors

a brave and strong man
更多网络例句与勇士相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bumblebee is a brave soldier,this is what he would want.


This time continues Huang Qu senior official yellow Jinlong, each arrives the most front the human brave warrior all are thinks like this, therefore an all brave warrior, not any dreading, instead for the brutal fight warm-blooded ebullition which soon arrives.


Ishmaiah the Gibeonite, a warrior on the level of the Thirty, and in addition to their number


The Warriors lead the group by the brave Bo Liwei, warriors from all sides, with lustful Hager, Giant Car, horse trainer Ronnie, marksman in shuttle history of superstition, ghost cells, musicians Visa, do not like talking aisone, Goutoujunshi Haga, love tiffs Hella, grow up Hata, and personalization gloomy Regener.


A \www.wangfans.com In 19 regular-season games against the Braves since Interleague Play began in 1997, the Yankees have produced a 10-9 record. Including two wins in the 1999 World Series, they are 6-1 all-time at Turner Field.

I# i王建民加油站自从1997年开始有跨联盟比赛以来,洋基队总共在季赛中面对过勇士队19次,洋基的战绩是10胜9负。10胜中包括了1999年世界大赛中的两胜,洋基队在勇士主场的Turner球场中,历史纪录是6胜1负。

The fight has 3 phases: normal phase, when the raid faces Pharn Schorl himself; summoning phase, when the raid deals with 2 spirits of those blood elf champions he summoned; and finally energized phase, when Pharn Schorl gains full power of all champions.


Bob lives together since childhood with Harker is adding the iris town, was the Harker childhood's playmate, the stature is not high, the hair from was born curls the volume, the eye was very big, the skin was very white, always likes putting on the suspenders trousers' his stature not to be high actually has the keen skill, the present is the brave warrior number operates the rudder, raised casually in here, the brave warrior number was their pirate ship, was also their family, in here, had the partner billy always to put on the identical set of western-style clothes, not the big bow tie, he was very actually graceful, high stature, fair skin, beautiful blue color eye, high bridge of the nose, will smile will let the human remember the fine thing, he will have gentleman's quiet and tasteful, also will have free man's profligate being unable to restrain, no matter which young lady let perhaps the woman looks could be infatuated with his -- him to be skilled in the seacraft, could precise draw each sea area the sailing chart, he was the brave warrior number navigation teacher, partner Du duly, the braid has covered entirely on his head, his eye a little looked like a bean, both hands is not big, actually could make compared to imperial palace delicacy food, what was worth mentioning, he was a thin person -- also has the partner to love Milly, he was Bob's younger sister, beautifulLong curl, big and attractive brown eye, long, but curls the eyelash, the beautiful skin, the beautiful beautiful fascinating' winsome's stature dances lightly in the sea!


"I had just got drafted by Golden State, and my stepbrother is from Oakland, so he was excited, getting his Warriors cap on, and when he found out that I'd been traded to Toronto he just threw his hat on the table," Carter said.


Behold, it is the litter of Solomon; threescore mighty men are about it, of the mighty men of Israel .


Behold his bed, which is Solomon' threescore valiant men are about it, of the valiant of Israel.

3:7 看哪,是所罗门的轿。四围有六十个勇士,都是以色列中的勇士

更多网络解释与勇士相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


a blockin traffic 交通阻塞 | Aeneas 特洛伊战争中的勇士 | turpitude 奸恶, 卑鄙

Chadwick:勇士 男性 凯尔特

Chad 勇士 男性 古英语 | Chadwick 勇士 男性 凯尔特 | Chaika 生活,生命 男性 希伯来

Golden State Warriors:金州勇士

NBA...金州勇士 (golden state warriors)...洛杉矶快艇 (Los Angeles Clippers)不过梦之队的统治力依然一如既往. 得益于来自金州勇士(golden state warriors)的主教练唐.尼尔森(Don Nelson)的优秀指挥,梦二队在世锦赛中轻而易举地获得了金牌. ...

Warrior Prophet:勇士先知

Warrior King 勇士王 | Warrior Prophet 勇士先知 | Way of the Wolf 狼的路途

Warrior King:勇士王

War of the Flower 花之战争 | Warrior King 勇士王 | Warrior Prophet 勇士先知

Caedmon:有智谋的勇士 男性 凯尔特

Cadman 勇士 男性 凯尔特 | Caedmon 有智谋的勇士 男性 凯尔特 | Caesar 长头发的人 男性 拉丁语


Cadman勇士男生凯尔特 | Caedmon有智谋的勇士男生凯尔特 | Caesar长头发的人男生拉丁语


Waspinator--[原]黄蜂勇士(澳洲蜂)/黄蜂兽 | Tarantulas--[原]狼蛛勇士/蜘蛛兽 | Terrorsaur--[原]蛇鸟勇士/翼龙兽


金州勇士(GoldenStateWarriors):1946年诞生与于费城,队名为"费城勇士"--勇士(Warriors)是为了表达对美国独立战争中牺牲的勇士的敬意. 1941年,球队西进到加州的旧金山,于是更名为旧金山勇士. 1971年,勇士再度搬到奥克兰. 加州盛产黄金,


其他北美入围者包括:金州勇士队(Warriors)教头纳尔逊(Don Nelson)、曾为勇士队前锋及现任总经理的穆林(Chris Mullin)、三度拿下NBA冠军的已故球员强森(Dennis Johnson)、前纽约尼克队(Knicks)前锋金恩(Bernard King)、前芝加哥公牛