英语人>词典>汉英 : 勃拉姆斯 的英文翻译,例句
勃拉姆斯 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The piano works of Johannes Brahms (1833-1897),the most prominent composer in Germany in the second half of the 19th century , ranged over classical sonata,partita and characteristic opusculum such as capriccio,intermezzo , Rhapsody as well as folk songs, the dance music and so on.


In the piano music creation in his lifetime, only Op.10, Op.76, Op.116, Op.117, Op.118 and Op.119 use the "Intermezzo" However, in terms of time, these creative works, ran through the Brahms'career life.


" Vier Ernste Geasnge "are German Austria composer Johannes Brahms"s last set vocal works, which also are the summary of Brahms"s lied composing.


It no wonder that Brahms, who loved the waltz and wrote many beautiful ones himself, autographed Mrs. Strauss's fan by writing the opening melody of The Blue Danube, followed by the comment, Unfortunately not by Johannes Brahms.


Baritone Stephen Varcoe sang Wie bist du meine Konigin by Johannes Brahms, accompanied by Graham Johnson on the piano, and guitarist Martin Best performed and sang his composition of Ariel's Songs from The Tempest.


Upcoming 2008 performances include a recital in Carnegie Hall in New York City singing Brahms' Liebeslieder Walzer with James Levine and Daniel Barenboim, and V.Fleishman's Rothschild's Violin with James Conlon and the Juilliard Opera Center. In 2007, he sang Rossini's Stabat Mater with Antonio Pappano and the Santa Cecilia Orchestra in Rome.

最近,沈洋在英国伦敦获得2008 Borletti-Buitoni艺术家大奖。2008年,他将与音乐大师詹姆斯·列文和巴伦博伊姆在卡内基音乐厅合作勃拉姆斯的《情歌圆舞曲》;与指挥家詹姆斯·康隆和朱莉亚歌剧中心合作演出歌剧《罗斯查尔德的小提琴》。2007年,他曾与著名指挥家安东尼奥·帕帕诺和圣西西利亚交响乐团在罗马成功合作罗西尼的《圣母悼歌》。

He has also recorded the Brahms Double Concerto with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Claudio Abbado and Gil Shaham; the Haydn Concerti with the Gulbenkian Orchestra under Muhai Tang; Messiaen's Quartet for the End of Time and Brahms, Mozart and Schumann chamber music with Pires and Dumay.


Recent performances include Dvorak's Dumky Trio; Mendelssohn Piano Trio in D Minor; Brahms G Minor Piano Quartet; Schumann Piano Qintet; Brahms Lieder; Beethoven Triple Concerto; Grieg Piano Concerto;Rachmaninoff Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, Brahms Piano Concerto No. Mr. Benway is a sought-after accompanist and coach for pianists, opera singers, and instrumentalists.


The program concluded with the Third Symphony by Brahms, a work Brahms presented to Clara Schumann on her sixty-fourth birthday.


The audience of the Beijing Music Festival has the opportunity to experience works, starting from Jan Scbastian Bach's cello suites performed by Mischa Maisky, through the Viennese Classicists Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven and Romanticists—Schumann, Tchaikovsky and Brahms — to the Impressionists Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel and 20th-century Neoclassicists — Sergei Prokofiev and Igor Stravinsky.


更多网络解释与勃拉姆斯相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Braham's Lullaby:勃拉姆斯摇篮曲

09 The last rose of summer 夏日的最后一枝玫瑰 | 10 Lascia ch'io pianga 让我哭泣 | 11 Braham's Lullaby 勃拉姆斯摇篮曲






Chopin (肖邦,波兰作曲家,钢琴家. 1810-1849) | Brahms (勃拉姆斯,德国作曲家,钢琴家. 1833-1897) | Liszt (李斯特,匈牙利作曲家,钢琴家. 1811-1886)

Brahms Lullaby:勃拉姆斯摇篮曲

熟悉德语,俄语,古典拉丁语的拼读规则,这通常是我学语言时最先学的,比如会用德语唱"欢乐颂"(An die Freude) 或者"勃拉姆斯摇篮曲" (Brahms Lullaby),用拉丁语背诵"圣母颂"(Ave Maria),布兰诗歌第一篇命运女神(O Fortuna).

Brahms Lullaby:(勃拉姆斯的摇篮曲)

4. Over the rainbow (可爱的虹鳟鱼) | 5. Brahms lullaby (勃拉姆斯的摇篮曲) | 6. Happy talk (偷快的细语)

Johannes Brahms:约翰内斯.勃拉姆斯

Richard Hickox 埃克托尔 柏辽兹(Hector Berlioz) 约翰内斯 勃拉姆斯(Johannes Brahms) 菲利克斯 孟德尔颂(Felix Mendelssohn)1998年5月5日推出. 其中包含: ...

Johannes Brahms:勃拉姆斯

[勃拉姆斯](Johannes Brahms)1833-1897 德国十九世纪后半叶最卓越的、古典乐派最后的一位作曲家. 1833年5月7日勃拉姆斯生于汉堡一个职业乐师的家庭里. 他童年生活十分贫困,十三岁便在酒店里为舞会弹伴奏,在剧院帮助父亲演奏. 与此同时,

Hungarian Dances:第五号匈牙利舞曲 Brahms /勃拉姆斯

2. Nutcracker Suite胡桃夹子组曲 Tchaikowsky/柴科夫斯基 | 3. Hungarian Dances第五号匈牙利舞曲 Brahms /勃拉姆斯 | 4. William Tell Overture威廉退尔序曲 Rossini/罗西尼


Brahmoist | 新印度教徒 | Brahmsian | (德国作曲家)勃拉姆斯勃拉姆斯风格的 | braid ply | 编织层