英语人>词典>汉英 : 劳工运动 的英文翻译,例句
劳工运动 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

labor movement
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Like Banquo's ghost, it will not down.


The formation of the CAW did not mean sudden overnight changes in the Canadian labour movement.

形成的 CAW 并不意味着在一夜之间突然改变加拿大劳工运动

How much has actually changed for the Canadian labour movement as a result of the successful formation of the CAW?


The significance of the split was not that it changed this fact, but that - at a time when even the defensive capacities of the labour movement were in danger of evisceration - it reasserted Canadian unionism's vitality as an institution fighting on behalf of working people.


The Pullman Strike and Haymarket Riot in particular greatly influenced the development of the American labor movement.


After that she became involved in the labor movement.


In terms of the labor movement as a whole.


The Concentration of Urban Population and the Criterion of Optimality of a City.

Perevedentsev, V。,〈都市人口集中化与最适都市的标准〉,采自科学学会,国际劳工运动学院之公报,〈科技革新条件下的都市化与劳工阶级〉第212-230页,Moscow, 1970。

Robeson sang many kinds of music. He sang folk music from many countries. He sang songs to support the labor and social movements of his time. He sang songs for peace and justice. And, he sang African American spiritual music. One of his famous songs was this spiritual,"Balm in Gilead."

他通过歌唱来支持当时的劳工运动和社会运动,他为和平和正义而歌唱,而且他还演唱非裔美国人的宗教音乐,这其中著名的一首宗教歌曲是《 Balm in Gilead 》。

Under such situation, Argentine labor movement was promoted and launched by European immigrants who engaged in labor and believed in anarchism, syndicalism and socialism. With the fast industrial development in the 20th century, the number of labor increased rapidly and the working class exerted an influence in Argentine political life.


更多网络解释与劳工运动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

labor market:劳工市场

labor force 劳力 | labor market 劳工市场 | labor movement 劳工运动

labor movement:劳工运动

labor market 劳工市场 | labor movement 劳工运动 | labor problems 劳工问题

labor movement:词组 劳工运动

2786 laborer n. 劳动者 | 2787 labor movement 词组 劳工运动 | 2788 labor union 词组 工会

Progressive Labor Movement:进步劳工运动

progressive harmonization;逐步协调;; | Progressive Labor Movement;进步劳工运动;PLM; | Progressive Labour Party;进步工党;;

in terms of the labor movement as a whole:通过劳工运动的方式

what he wants the most and then we have to translate it back to him|然后我们... | in terms of the labor movement as a whole.|通过劳工运动的方式 | What we have to do is make him want more.|我们要做的就是...

labor problems:劳工问题

labor movement 劳工运动 | labor problems 劳工问题 | landed price 包括起货费用在内价格


working-class /工人阶级的/ | workingman /劳工/职工/工人/劳动者/ | workingwoman /妇女运动者/女工/


workingman /劳工/职工/工人/劳动者/ | workingwoman /妇女运动者/女工/ | workless /无工作的/


照大西班牙主义的意见,西班牙必须依照长枪党(Falange)纲领改组国家的社会经济体系,以实现其帝国主义方案. 长枪党纲领,或曰法朗琪主义,是西班牙型的法西斯主义,自巴枯宁与第一国际时代以来,它在西班牙的劳工运动与革命运动中已经有相当的根源.


第一场罢工行在1976年6月于拉多姆(Radom)和乌尔斯(Ursus)展开,在他们被政府镇压后,劳工运动受到反对派知识份子的支持,当中许多人来自稍早在1976年成立的劳工保护委员会(Komitet Obrony Robotników, KOR).