英语人>词典>汉英 : 劳工们 的英文翻译,例句
劳工们 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

work people
更多网络例句与劳工们相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the Chinese restaurant, where these navvies meet to have supper in the evening, I found them drinking tea out of china cups as delicate as the petals of a rose-leaf, whereas at the gaudy hotels I was supplied with a delf cup an inch and a half thick.


Farmers and workers were unable to farming, so they found the construction of the mausoleum's work.


Indian and Nepalese laborers at a South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation construction site.


We have worked for good wages in our legislation, for unemployment compensation, arid for fair labor relations laws.


Chanced to wake that tea eggs and the like made their appeceevery evening,sufficient proof that they were all sold,and thebusiness showed no sign of abating for want of participation on t}lepart of rustics such as us and workpeople.


Partly it is the nature of low-paid, scattered agricultural work, which means that labourers are often housed and bused around by the same people who employ them.


Democracy, by contrast, enfranchises a wider circle of people who stand to gain from selling their labour at something closer to world prices.


We walked through the flaring streets, jostled by drunken men and bargaining women,amidthe curses of labourers,theshrill litanies of shopboys who stood on guard by the barrels of pigs'cheeks,thenasal chanting of street-singers,whosang a come- all-you about O'Donovan Rossa,oraballad about the troubles in our nativeland.


I merely spent 2 months for the universty enterance examination, it reminded me that i am just like the navvies who combined the tenor of the project from 6 years toonly 1 year,but i from 3 years to 2 months.


In the 1890s, Samuel Gompers described the goal of organized labor as "More!" In the 1990s, America's CEOs adopted his battle cry. The upshot is that CEOs have often amassed riches while their shareholders have experienced financial disasters.

1890年代,美国劳工联盟创盟主席Samuel Gompers形容劳工组织的主要目标就是&我要更多&,1990年代美国企业的CEO们采取相同的口号,而最终的结果往往是CEO们累积了大量的财富的同时,股东们却遭受重大的财务损失。

更多网络解释与劳工们相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

child labor:童工

NLC展示了一张昆盈女工的相片,看样子只有十几岁(小丫头),你说她不是"童工"(Child Labor)老外才不相信呢!昆盈大批招聘"Work-Study"实习生当作"劳工",拼命榨取他们的"青春活力",然后一推了之,再招收另外一批. 这帮孩子们全给糟蹋了,


他使唤着自由劳工和奴隶,但自己并不因此不干活;因为莱耳忒斯(Laertes)知道怎样为葡萄园培土,而奥德修斯则夸口他犁地能像任何男子一样犁得笔直. 在赫西奥德那里,我们见到了自耕农在自己的土地上干活,带上/L子们,要是负担得起,


workpeople 工人们 | workpeople 劳工们 | workpiece 细工品


workpaper /作业报告/ | workpeople /工人们/劳工们/ | workpiece /细工品/