英语人>词典>汉英 : 动觉 的英文翻译,例句
动觉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
kinaesthesia  ·  kinaesthesis  ·  kinesthesis

更多网络例句与动觉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition, the kinesthesis sensation of waist and neck of freely wrestlers were in the same level between dominant character and non-dominance.


Based on the existing documentary analysis , the research origin and current situation of the kinesthesia in sports exercise were specified in details .


Researches on such areas as kinesthesia theories as well as intrinsic connections between kinesthesia and sports techniques should be strengthened in future.


researches on kinesthesia in sports mainly include such areas as the effects of kinesthetic or visual information on the formation of sports skills, movement orientation accuracy, and articular kinesthesia, having such problems as neglecting the exploration of connotations of kinesthesia theories and failing to make the study according to the characteristics of sports events.


With the method of psycholosical measuring, the indexes about kinesthesia accuracy of more joints of continuous moving of upper limbs, sensibility of wrist joint, 2-point discrimination threshold of skin, muscle forcibly sense and shoot exactness were measured in the state of different degree of fatigue.

摘 要:采用心理测量方法,对运动员在安静、中度疲劳、重度疲劳三种状态时的上肢多关节联动动觉准确性、腕关节敏感度、肤觉两点阈、肌肉用力感、投篮命中率5项指标进行测试,结果表明:四项感觉指标和投篮准确性在中度疲劳状态时较安静状态和重度疲劳状态有所提高;不同指标的变化差异不同,投篮准确性、肤觉两点阈、腕关节敏感度的变化达到显著或非常显著水平;而肌肉用力感和上肢多关节联动动觉准确性的变化差异未达到显著性水平;在三个不同疲劳状况下肤觉两点阈、腕关节敏感度与投篮准确性的变化相一致。

Thus, some children who are actually kinesthetic learners may be mislabelled as having ADD or ADHD.


We study SMIS from point of view of combining schema with kinesthetic intelligence, that is, Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligent Schema.


The Influence of Muscle and Angle on Kinesthesis of Freestyle Wresting It was a probing research on the theory and practice of kinesthesis.


The research results showed that the effects of personality characteristics on kinesthesis position accuracy of elbow joints and stability of hand action were not significant,the kinesthesis position accuracy of elbow joints obviously increased by using the rationing motor load, but the stability of hand action did not obviously change.


Finally, the relationships between physic stimuli and psychological nature of kinesthesis sensation was explored in the study. DIVAD110、DIVAD120、DIVAD1130、DIVAD140、of DIVAD system made in Germany were adopted as the main method to explore the kinesthesis sensation of waist and neck.


更多网络解释与动觉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

kinesthetic after effect:动觉后效

kinesthetic 动觉的 | kinesthetic after effect 动觉后效 | kinesthetic cues 动觉线索


kinesithesiometer 肌动觉计 | kinesi?esthesiometer 肌动觉测量器 | kinesmeter 动觉



verbal kinesthesia:言语动觉

verbal IQ 语文智商 | verbal kinesthesia 言语动觉 | verbal learning 语文学习

kinesthesis, kinesthesia:动觉

动压 ram pressure, dynamic pressure | 动觉 kinesthesis, kinesthesia | 动力热 kinetic heat

kinesthetic sense:动觉

动觉( 动觉(kinesthetic sense)为我们提供运动过程中身体状态的反馈信息. ) 运动信息的来源:位于关节中的感受器 关节中的感受器和位于肌肉和腱中的感受器 肌肉和腱中的感受器. 关节中的感受器 肌肉和腱中的感受器 关节中的感受器对伴随不同肢体位置和关节运动的压力变化起反应.

kinesthetic sense:肌肉感觉;动觉

kinesthesis 动觉 | kinesthetic sense 肌肉感觉;动觉 | kinetic energy 动能

kinesthetic receptor:动觉感受器

kinesthetic perception 动知觉 | kinesthetic receptor 动觉感受器 | kinesthetic sensation 动觉

kinesthesis:运动觉 动觉

kinesthesia 运动感 运动感觉 运动觉 | kinesthesis 运动觉 动觉 | kinestheticapraxia 运动性运用障碍

kinesthetic cues:动觉线索

kinesthetic after effect 动觉后效 | kinesthetic cues 动觉线索 | kinesthetic display 动觉显示