英语人>词典>汉英 : 动脉 的英文翻译,例句
动脉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
arteries  ·  artery

更多网络例句与动脉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Rumor had it that when Enderby had privately summed up his client's case for his client's benefit before his client as referee , in these words:"And, Mr. Masters, if you act again in these matters without consulting me, you must find another lawyer; I cannot afford fools for clients"--they had to call in a physician and resort to the ancient expedient of bleeding, to save the great man's cerebral arteries 动脉 from bursting.


Abstract] objective to identify the relationship between serum homocysteine and carotid artery atherosclerosis in patients with cerebral infarction and effects of foliate,methylcobalamin.methods the concentrations of hcy were determined by means of fluorescence polarization immunoassay and carotid arteries was examined with color doppler ultrasound in 165 patients with cerebral infarction.the subjects were divided into 4 groups according to the severity of lesion of carotid artery.the concentrations of hcy were compared in different groups.the patients with hyperhomocysteinemia received foliate and methylcobalamin.results when lesion of carotid artery became severer,serum hcy was higher.the intima medial thicknesses of carotid artery were significantly decreased in patients with hyperhomocysteinemia who received foliate and methylcobalamin for two years.conclusion hyperhomocysteinemia may play an important role in development of carotid artery atherosclerosis.the intervention of foliate and methylcobalamin may reduce carotid artery atherosclerosis.

摘要] 目的探讨脑梗死患者颈动脉病变与血清同型半胱氨酸水平的关系及叶酸、甲钴胺长期干预对其影响。方法对165例急性脑梗死患者进行血清hcy的测定及颈动脉超声检查,并按动脉硬化的程度分组,比较不同程度颈动脉粥样硬化患者hcy水平,部分高hcy血症患者给予叶酸、甲钴胺干预,随访2年。结果随着颈动脉病变程度的加重,血清hcy浓度呈上升趋势,高hcy血症干预者动脉内中膜厚度明显减小。结论高hcy血症对颈动脉粥样硬化的形成起重要作用,长期给予叶酸、甲钴胺干预可能减轻颈动脉粥样硬化。

RESULTS: The imaging features of CBT were masses located at the bifurcation of the carotid artery, with abundant blood supply in the tumor, the internal and external carotid arteries shifted, the bifurcation of the carotid artery increased like goldcup in DSA. The imaging features of the neurilemmoma were masses located behind the bifurcation of the carotid artery, and the carotid bifurcation was normal, no blood supply in the tumor, but carotid arteries shifted.


The relationships of the infracallosal segment of the PerA to the CMA and the A2 segment of the PerA to the frontopolar artery were examined. The distance between the nasion and the site at which a parallel line directed along the long axis of the infracallosal PerA just proximal to the origin of the CMA artery crosses the forehead (which we have named the PC point) was also measured. In addition, the surgical approaches to DACAA were examined in stepwise dissections.


Using CDFI to examine the models of TRAS were established before and after,observe the renal artery and each artery inside the TK, Emphasis to observe whetherthere are high speed color bloodstream signal in artificial TK arteriostenosis. Andachieve the pulse of artificial TK arteriostenosis、the renal artery and each arteryinside the TK, select the measure index include PSV、EDV and RI; Intravenous bolusinjection of contrast agent, Collect and store the continuous image which fromcontrast agent inner to disappear in TK and renal arterial. Open QLAB analysingsoftware, choose the region-of-interest, build TIC, measure and quantitativeanalysis on part parameter index.


Methods To dissect fifty health adult corpses(33 male ,17 female)and measure the corpses height, the length of the infrarenal abdominal aorta,the length of left and right common iliac arteries. The aortic diameter of the position on the infrarenal abdominal aorta is measured and the height is compared between the lelt and right renal artery at the same time.


However, grade II CT signs did not always result from type 2 occlusion; 21.1% of patients with grade II CT signs had type 4 occlusion. When the MCA trunk is short, the lateral group of the lenticulostriate arteries may arise from the M2 segment[2, 12]. In such cases, type 4 occlusion may also involve the lateral or posterior part of the putamen.

但是,II级早期CT征象(部分壳核后外侧区出现低密度)并非仅仅由2型大脑中动脉闭塞(包括部分豆纹动脉在内的大脑中动脉主干闭塞,豆纹动脉部分受累)引起;本研究中,21.1%深部大脑中动脉分布区出现II级早期CT征象(部分壳核后外侧区出现低密度)的患者,是因4型大脑中动脉闭塞(大脑中动脉M2段闭塞)引起的;这些患者的大脑中动脉主干均很短,因此外侧豆纹动脉群(lateral lenticulostriate arteries)是由大脑中动脉M2段发出的;此时,4型大脑中动脉闭塞(大脑中动脉M2段闭塞)也可以导致壳核后部或外侧部出现低密度(深部大脑中动脉分布区II级早期CT征象)。

Results The frequency of multislice CT to display peri-pancreatic big arteries including celiac trunk, common hepatic artery splenic artery, gastroduodenal artery and superior mesenteric artery was 100% while that of small arteries including dorsal pancreatic artery, transverse pancreatic artery, pancreaticomegana artery, caudal pancreatic artery, superior pancreaticoduodenal artery and inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery was

结果 多层螺旋CT对正常胰腺周围大动脉(腹腔干,肝总动脉,脾动脉,胃十二指肠动脉,肠系膜上动脉)的显示率为100%,对小动脉(胰背动脉,胰横动脉,胰大动脉,胰尾动脉,胰十二指肠上动脉,胰十二指肠下动脉)的显示率为

objective to study the relationships between smoking,atherosclerosis and c-reactive protein.methods to detect the serum crp and serum lipid while in quiring the smoking status for278patients with cardio-vascular disease.then analyed the crp level among different groups.results crp level had significant difference between smoking and non-smoking groups,atherosclerosis and non-atherosclerosis groups;but it seems no relationˉship with high lipid.in differentsmoking amount groups,crp level had significant difference in atherosclerosis paˉtients,but no significant difference in non-atherosclerosis patients.conclusion smoking,high lipid and crp were all very good prognostic mark in atherogenesis.crp was a significant prognostic mark in atherosclerosis influenced by smoking.

目的 初步探讨c反应蛋白crp与吸烟和动脉粥样硬化三者之间的关系。方法通过对临床278例动脉粥样硬化和非动脉粥样硬化病人血清crp和血脂的检测及吸烟情况的调查,应用spss统计软件进行差异分析,比较不同组间crp水平。结果 crp在吸烟与不吸烟组、动脉粥样硬化和非动脉粥样硬化组差异有显著性。而在血脂正常组和高血脂组差异无显著性。在不同吸烟量组间:非动脉粥样硬化组间crp水平差异无显著性,而动脉粥样硬化组差异有极显著性。结论吸烟、血脂升高、crp升高是动脉粥样硬化较好的预示指标;在吸烟人群中crp升高者更易患动脉粥样硬化。

Methods The distances from superficial temporal artery on the superior zygomatic arch to the beginning of superior thyroid artery and from the latter to superior thyroid were measured on 48 sides (male: 36 sides, female: 12 sides) adult cadavers and the angle between superior thyroid artery and external carotid artery, the inner pathways of superficial temporal artery on superior zygomatic arch and the beginning of superior thyroid artery were also observed.


更多网络解释与动脉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

temporal arteritis:颞动脉炎

因典型患者呈颞部头痛,头皮及颞动脉触痛,因而GCA又称为颞动脉炎(temporal arteritis);又因累及颅内动脉称为颅动脉炎(cranial arteritis);又由于在动脉壁上常形成巨核细胞肉芽肿,故有人称其为肉芽肿性动脉炎(granulomatous arteritis).


1.动脉 动脉(artery)可分为大动脉、中动脉、小动脉和微动脉. 大动脉指的是主动脉及靠近心脏的大动脉分支、肺动脉主干及其发出的最大分支. 中动脉主要指从弹性贮器血管以后到分支为小动脉前的动脉管道,其功能是将血液输送至各器官组织,

brachial artery:肱动脉

动脉(brachial artery)穿刺注射对比剂:可检查左侧椎动脉,和右侧颈动脉及椎动脉. 直接穿刺摄影动脉,如颈动脉:现已少用,因有如下缺点: 做完后止血压迫太重易产生脑缺血; 止血不好,血块易压迫气管而呼吸道不畅;无法再作进一步选择性检查 E.

carotid glomus:颈动脉小球

分布于喉和甲状腺;舌动脉在舌骨大角上方向前上,潜入口腔底部;面动脉通过二腹肌后腹与茎突舌骨肌深侧入下颌下三角.2.颈动脉窦(carotid sinus)和颈动脉小球(carotid glomus) 观察颈总动脉末端和颈内动脉起始处膨大的颈动脉窦,

vertebral artery:椎动脉

(一)椎动脉(vertebral artery)在形成基底动脉之前有以下几个分支:①脊髓后动脉;②脊髓前动脉;③小脑下后动脉. 小脑下后动脉(posterior inferior cerebrallar artery)是椎动脉颅内段的最大分支. 其发出点比脊髓前动脉发出点低. 其主干向小脑后下方走行,


通常主要根据动脉口径和管壁的组织结构成分,将动脉分为四种:大动脉或弹性动脉(elastic artery)、中动脉或肌性动脉(muscular artery)、小动脉和微动脉(arteriole).

pulp arteriole:髓微动脉

称为中央动脉.中央动脉沿途发出细小分支供应白髓,末端膨大成边缘窦.中央动脉主干穿出白髓进入脾索时分支形成形似笔毛的笔毛微动脉(penicillat arteriole).笔毛微动脉继续分支形成髓微动脉(pulp arteriole),鞘毛细血管(shethed capillary)和动脉毛细血管,



external carotid nerves:颈外动脉神经,颈外动脉神经

external carotid arteriography ==> 颈外动脉造影术,颈外动脉造影术 | external carotid nerves ==> 颈外动脉神经,颈外动脉神经 | external carotid plexus ==> 颈外动脉丛,颈外动脉

carotid sinus branch of glossopharyngeal nerve:颈动脉窦支,颈动脉窦支

carotid sinus baroreceptor ==> 颈动脉窦压力感受器,颈动脉窦压... | carotid sinus branch of glossopharyngeal nerve ==> 颈动脉窦支,颈动脉窦支 | carotid sinus depressor reflex ==> 颈动脉窦减压反射,颈动脉窦...