英语人>词典>汉英 : 动物质的 的英文翻译,例句
动物质的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Is required in the process of blood coagulation in animals important material.


According to the theory of electrical structure,the microscopic mechanism of magnetic medium diamagnetism is explained rigorously by analyzing the electronic procession external megnetic field.


The result indicated that, DTA and DSC apparatus constants of CDR-1 dynamic differential thermal analyzer increase along with temperature increment, but influence of temperature on DTA apparatus constant is more remarkable.


Kinetic theory of gases is the Gibbs statistical mechanics on the material before the advent of thermal motion of the micro-theory, which later became part of statistical mechanics, and contributed to its development .1658 year, Jia Sangdi proposed substance is formed by a molecular hypothesis.


The object of the kinetic theory is to present the concept of matter just in this way.


In contrast to mechanistic materialism, it holds that the material world is not static.


Only in lower β situation (For example: the value of β at the equator of the sun's surface is 0.25 or less), can we reappear the typical shape of looplike CMEs: the legs of the looplike CMEs at the surface appear between the open and closed magnetic field, show little movement in the latitudinal direction; the initial change of the top material appears on both sides of the current sheet during its outward propagation, the relative variation of density at the top becomes less than both sides.


Meth odology and clarification of effective materials should be paid enough attention to in study the pharmacokinetics of the compounds.


The earth is a complicated system, and it has been continuously moving differentiating and evolving since it had been formed. Not only has the earth layering structure, but it has vertical movement of materials. The movement is prompted by the mechanism of force and heat of the centrifugal force to be formed by the rotation and revolution of the earth, and difference of temperature, pressure, density, viscosity and velocity in the between core and mantle, and radioactive heat, et al. The expressive means of the mechanism of force and heat are the precesses of mantle plume and mantle fluid. Not only are ore-materials of core and mantle carried directly into crust, but ore-materials of crust are activated and accumulated into proper location by the mantle fluid having the supercritical nature.


Course Content: The Basic Laws of Thermodynamics, Thermodynamic Properties of Mass, Phases Equilibrium of One Gas System, Phases Equilibrium and Chemical Equilibrium of Gases System, Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes, Description of Microstates, Boltzman Statistics, Bose-Einstein Statistics and Fermi-Dirac Statistics, Ensemble theory, The Statistical Theory and Fluctuation Theory for Nonequilibrium States


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gyromagnetic ratio:旋磁比

为外磁场强度(单位为Tesla T) r 为旋磁比,(Gyromagnetic ratio) 此方程表明,随场强的增加,进动频率亦增高,其关系由旋磁比r所决定,不同物质的旋磁比不同(例如质子为42.5MHZ/T).


目前研究证明,乙型肝炎病毒并非直接引起肝细胞的损伤第一节 固定和切片一、固定若想得到理想的ICC染色结果、正确地判断抗原物质在组织细胞内的位置,除需有良好酶和抗体外,保持组织细胞内抗原物质的不动性(Immobility)和免疫活性也是至关


物质的粒子有两种能量:潜在的(potential)和运动的(kinetic),总共加起来保持不变. 运动的能量仅是所有能量的一小部分,负责粒子的移动或者运动. 运动的能量与总能量之间存在着特别的比率;当这个比率由于内在的分子运动而发生改变的时候,

move about:动来动去

如果它真的(actually)是干的话,电解液中的离子(ion)就不能动来动去(move about),电流就产生不了了. 在电池工作(operation)时,锌原子通过失去电子而变成了锌离子. 物质(substance)的密度(density)为其质量(mass)与其体积之比(ratio).

centrifugalize:使受离心作用; 用离心机而分离 (动)

centrifugalization 受离心作用; 用离心机而分离的物质 (名) | centrifugalize 使受离心作用; 用离心机而分离 (动) | centrifuge 离心分离机 (名)

fissiped:[动] 裂趾类动物 <单词词性>足趾分裂的

gelatinoid 胶样物质 <单词词性>胶样的 | fissiped [动] 裂趾类动物 <单词词性>足趾分裂的 | synchronous discharge 同步放电

gelatinoid:胶样物质 <单词词性>胶样的

stuggy 矮胖的, 健壮的 | gelatinoid 胶样物质 <单词词性>胶样的 | fissiped [动] 裂趾类动物 <单词词性>足趾分裂的

Lucilia sericata:丝光绿蝇

2.丝光绿蝇(Lucilia sericata) 体长5~lOmm,呈绿色金属光泽,中胸背板上的鬃毛发达,腋瓣上无毛. 幼虫主要孳生于腐败的动物质中,成蝇喜在腥臭腐烂的动物质及垃圾等处活动,在繁殖盛期也常飞入住室或食品店及菜市场. 全国均有分布.


鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)谷蛾科(Tineidae)几种重要的衣蛾害虫. 翅细长,有缘毛,翅展12~25公釐(0.5~1吋),色暗淡,有斑纹. 头和细长触角上有鳞片和竖毛,幼虫腐食性,吃真菌和动物质物. 化石见於第三纪早期沉积物中,为鳞翅目最早的化石.

spermicide:任何可杀死精子的物质 (名)

spermicidal 杀精子的 (形) | spermicide 任何可杀死精子的物质 (名) | spew 呕吐; 放出; 喷出; 呕吐, 喷涌 (动)