英语人>词典>汉英 : 加速度 的英文翻译,例句
加速度 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
acceleration  ·  accelerations

accelerated speed · accelerated velocity
更多网络例句与加速度相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To the Karnopp Control,the absolute velocity is difficult to measure;in the case of achieving the absolute velocity by testing accelerated velocities and c...


Because of harsh environment that strapdown inertial guidanc e system works in, the conventional accelerator data acquisition systems such as I/F converter and A/D acq uisition have limitations in testing. Therefore, a new method which combing I/F and A/D based on PC104 bus was pro posed, and an ADAS module with the advantages of I/F and A/D schemes was designed.

加速度计是捷联惯导系统的核心部件,由于捷联惯导系统恶劣的工作环境,通常以I/F转换或A/D 采样方案设计的加速度计数据采集系统在测试中均有局限性,因此基于PC104总线提出I /F和A/D相结合的方法,设计了高精度加速度计数据采集系统,该系统同时具有I/F和A/D方案的优点。

A new angular accelerometer of floated-fly-wheel type is introduced in this paper.This angular accelerometer can be used to measure precisely angular acceleration directly.it's principle, structural features, all-round precise blancing technique, testing method and results are discussed.


Contributions of the centripetal acceleration in steady flight, the tangential acceleration due to the effect of the angular acceleration, the Coriolis component of acceleration, the radial (the vertical direction at prototype), circumferential and axial (the two horizontal directions at prototype) shaking effects and the elongation effect of the centrifuge arm to the global acceleration of a particle in centrifuge modelling are identified in the expression of the global acceleration.


With coupler embedded and acceleration sensitivity compensation design, the structure symmetry is insured, which can induce the acceleration sensitivity effectively. The acceleration sensitivity compensation design also improves the production efficiency of FOH for towed linear array application.2. A good theoretical simulation platform, utilizing the method of elastic mechanics and the finite element method, is established, which can provide an effect predictive design for FOH. The experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical analysises.3. Some key technology problems in the making of FOH for towed linear array application are conquered. The new developed FOH, with an acoustic sensitivity of -143.0dB, has acceleration sensitivity less than -30dB, which exceeded to results from other international reports.


Numerical simulation and shaking table tests for acceleration response of piles in liquefiable ground were performed under three earthquake events.

结果表明:三种地震输入下,自下而上沿桩-柱墩长度方向,加速度峰值放大系数变化基本一致且均出现在10~20s时段内,加速度时程曲线的形状也极其相似;压缩0.15g El Centro波输入下加速度反应在砂土层与黏土层过渡带有增大趋势、在地表则有一定程度减小,且压缩0.15g El Centro波较0.15g El Centro波输入下均偏小,0.15g El Cen-tro波输入下自下而上桩的加速度时程幅值和峰值放大系数的试验值、计算值均一直有较大幅度增大;0.5g El Centro波输入下,加速度时程幅值的计算值和试验值在桩折断位置之下一直增大、至砂土层与黏土层过渡带则大大减小,加速度峰值放大系数的试验值和计算值在砂土层与黏土层过渡带突变增大、而在地表则明显减小,且较0.15g El Centro波输入下桩的峰值放大系数要偏小。

Besides The assessment criterion on rectilineal railway, the comfort index N, which is relevant to unbalanced acceleration based on the test result on train running on curve beams, shall also be adopted, on the condition that the transverse stable acceleration is not larger than 0.08g..


The nature of the acceleration unit-impulse response function of unbounded medium tending to vary linearly is proved by means of asymptotic analysis. Thus, the acceleration unit-impulse response function can be regarded as the summation of a linear function and a residual part which converges to zero. Based on this decomposition, two FE-SBFE coupling procedures are presented based on system realization and truncation integral technique respectively.


With the increasing of the overburden layer thickness or the dam height, the maximum value of response acceleration in dam body assumes gradually decrease, and its characteristic distribution is uniformization, and the response acceleration of the dam slopes decrease remarkably, and response acceleration of the dam top is less than the dam bottom.With the decreasing of the overburden layer thickness, the dam foots and their nearby soil response acceleration get increasing.


The results indicate that, at the level of 10% probability of exceedance in a 50-year period, peak acceleration in Changde area is largest,the areas where PGA0.5m/s2 have been obviously broadened,and the regions where PGA1m/s2 in the central and southern hunan area have been aggrandized, on the contrary,peak acceleration in Yueyang area is lower than current seismic hazard map of China,the peak ground motion distribution patterns in each metropolitan city of the North China are consistent with current seismic hazard map of China.


更多网络解释与加速度相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

acceleration due to gravity:重力加速度

acceleration 加速度 | acceleration due to gravity 重力加速度 | acceleration-time graph 加速度-時間關系線圖

acceleration due to gravity:重力加速度; 地心加速度

acceleration 加速度 | acceleration due to gravity 重力加速度; 地心加速度 | accumulation 累积

acceleration due to gravity:重力加速度; 地心加速度Btu中国学习动力网

acceleration 加速度Btu中国学习动力网 | acceleration due to gravity 重力加速度; 地心加速度Btu中国学习动力网 | accumulation 累积Btu中国学习动力网

acceleration due to earth's gravity:重力加速度

acceleration correction 加速度差的修正 | acceleration due to earth's gravity 重力加速度 | acceleration error 加速度误差

acceleration of gravity:重力加速度

重力加速度(acceleration of gravity) 一切物体在只受到重力作用的情况下.自由下落的加速度都相同.这个加速度叫做重力加速度.用g表示.一个从静止开始下落的物体.在开始很短的距离内.下落速度较小.空气阻力不大.可以看做是自由落体.这就是在实验

加速度误差系数v acceleration of gravity,重力加速度:acceleration error coefficient

acceleration,加速度 | acceleration error coefficient,加速度误差系数v acceleration of gravity,重力加速度 | acceleration simulator,加速度仿真器


从列表中选取"加速度"(Acceleration),指定伺服电动机关于其加速度的运动. 还可为加速度伺服电动机输入"初始角度"(Initial Angle) 和"初始角速度"(Initial Angular Velocity) 值. 如果为速度或加速度设置了初始位置,

acceleration:加速度 加速度

加速度 加速度(Acceleration)是速度变化量与发生这一变化所用时间的比值.是描述物体速度改变快慢的物理量,通常用a表示,单位是米每二次方秒,加速度是矢量,它的方向与合外力的方向相同,其方向表示速度改变的方向,其大小表示速度改变的大小.

acceleration error coefficient:加速度误差系数v acceleration of gravity,重力加速度

acceleration,加速度 | acceleration error coefficient,加速度误差系数v acceleration of gravity,重力加速度 | acceleration simulator,加速度仿真器

uniform acceleration:匀加速度;等加速度

resultant acceleration 合加速度 | uniform acceleration 匀加速度;等加速度 | accelerometer 加速度计;过荷传感器