英语人>词典>汉英 : 加害者 的英文翻译,例句
加害者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
inflicter  ·  inflictor

更多网络例句与加害者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These people, be it victims or perpetrators, show no emotion at all and seem mechanical and extremely removed from the actual happenings while being physically present, as if they have been delivered into a dreamscape.


The little wretch had done her utmost to hurt her cousin s sensitive though uncultivated feelings, and a physical argument was the only mode he had of balancing the account, and repaying its effects on the inflicter.


The inflicter can only receives the penalty in the criminal law and the administrative law domain, but victim while the body and the spirit receive the violation, but must endure social and the family pressure, the withstanding pain refers to the card inflicter's delinquent account in every way, on the one hand "the public law" the domain "the spirit loses" does not give the compensation; On the other hand "the civil law" domain not concrete method may depend on.


The findings knew that the ships collision is a type of an act of tort , its liability asks to recompense is looks carefully the state of fault to decide , generally may divide into the force majeure or the unknown cause collision , the mutual fault of both sides collision and so on , because if the force majeure or the unknown cause collision , undertake voluntarily by the victim , if an error of the side undertakes the damage compensate responsibility by the inflicter , when if both sides have mutually to cause its faults , basically it depends on the fault to share , but if it's unable to judge the proportion then the average to share is necessary.


A series of events and examples in the text illustrate the misunderstanding and misogyny of the narrator. By rereading of Daisy, Nick\'s patriarchal narrative discourse is dismantled. Therefore, it can be concluded that it is unfair for the critics and readers to judge the women in the text only guided by Nick\'s limited view. Rather than a victimizer, Daisy is the victim of Gatsby\'s American dream.


In view,a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate.

在您 眼帘中的是一位低贱的杂耍老手他在命运的沉浮中随波逐流扮演着受害与加害者的双重角色。

In View, a humble Vaudevillian Veteran cast Vicariously as both Victim and Villain by the Vicissitudes of fate.


In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran,cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate.


Cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate.


He was also a victimizer 加害者— a ruler with a barbaric legacy in parts of his empire.


更多网络解释与加害者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hannah Arendt:阿伦特

正如德国历史学家莫森(Hans Mommsen)在1986年出版的阿伦 特(Hannah Arendt)的>德文本序言中所说,"极权以它的暴力和恐怖塑造社会中所有的人群,无论是充当加害者还是受害者, 他们都同样适宜.


assail /攻击/袭击/毅然应付/ | assailable /可攻击的/有弱点的/ | assailant /攻击者/加害者/攻击的/凶手/


assaulter 殴打者 | assaulter 加害者 | assaulterattacker 攻击者


assaultable 可袭击的 | assaulter 殴打者 | assaulter 加害者

Haute Tension:颤栗

来呈现出受虐者心灵扭曲和外界所认为加害者心理相互结合的复杂状态,报复的心理在背后事实真相揭露之后,却以充满内疚感的心理取而代之,而这类以加害者想像出来的现实来制造恐怖,在"颤栗" (Haute Tension)也玩过同样的叙事手法,


inflictable 可科的 | inflicter 加害者 | infliction 施加


inflicter 加害者 | infliction 施加 | inflictive 加以打击的




婚姻暴力的发生率及普遍性如何 关於其加害者与被害者有何理论及研究发现 受害者是否有被害者学(victimology)上第二次、第三次被害者化(victimization)的情形国内有关婚姻暴力问题的研究是在近几年来才开始受到重视.


inflict 造成 | inflictable 可科的 | inflicter 加害者