英语人>词典>汉英 : 功夫不负有心人 的英文翻译,例句
功夫不负有心人 的英文翻译、例句


Everything comes to him who waits.
更多网络例句与功夫不负有心人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At last, the band saw, was a major customer, kung fu people live!


Kongfu does not lose an observant and conscientious person, after was being collected Ip with respect to rocket, but good times don't last long, january when Baidu me K, sad period of time, restored of try every means at long last, I wrote an article to cry " burn one's boats, see me how restore by K domain name ", the change later makes me very amazed, no matter I am newer what what collects is very fast, and discharge the first, I also did not make the chain outside what, arrived so then 500ip, insist to be updated more, make the chain outside the dot, then again after Baidu is updated, day Ip goes up to 2000, near 3000 articles, below the experience that goes to summary below and everybody communication


Finally, the time does not lose the person with high aspirations, they finally boil generate entire Paris best proletariat prosperous Si Mencai (film title Ratatouille are this meaning), and had demonstrated to the common people the mousie loves the kitchen incomparably warmly ......

最后,功夫不负有心人,他们终于烹制出全巴黎最棒的普罗旺斯闷菜(片名 Ratatouille 就是这个意思),并向世人展示了小老鼠爱厨房的无比热情

It took four years and a total outlay of $8700, but on saturday, the formula succeeded.


No pains , no gains. At the World's Table Tennis Title Match in 2003 she won three gold medals .


They could write good essays,and were capable of leading troops in fighting victoriously.


Through long periods of hard study and training, they finally became dually versed in both civil and military affairs.


Hard work pays off, as expected in the weathering profile of the mottled soil off the surface of a white quartzite seen to build a small thumb-shaped scraper, a pleasant surprise in their minds, this is a major accident harvest.


更多网络解释与功夫不负有心人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


功夫不负有心人,前两天去洗牙,牙医夸我怀孕了牙口还那么好,一点孕妇常见的"齿龈炎"(gingivitis)都没有,洗牙不用15分钟就洗好了. 我除了注意牙齿清洁以外,还注意吃孕妇维生素(prenatal vitamin),是不是和中国的叶酸一样的东西呢,


五子雀好似在凝视自己的倒影,被自己迷住了 现实与倒影的完美呈现 据英国>22日报道,一名英国摄影师在自己建造的掩体下呆了一个月,只为了拍摄雀鸟临水嬉戏的照片. 功夫不负有心人,他拍到了一只五子雀(Nuthatch)水中照影自怜的完美照片,十分有

vox pop:公众舆论

240. 公众形象public image | 241. 公众舆论vox pop | 242. 功夫不负有心人 Everything comes to him who waits.

May you be prosperous! ; Whish you all the best:恭喜发财

功夫不负有心人 Everything comes to him ... | 恭喜发财 May you be prosperous! ; Whish you all the best! | 共产党领导下的多党合作与政治协商 multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the le...

Rise at the cock'scrow:闻鸡起舞

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