英语人>词典>汉英 : 剖腹产的 的英文翻译,例句
剖腹产的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与剖腹产的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The survey results indicate that pregnant women and their family members had influential impact on the choice of cesarean section, and choosing an astrologically auspicious time for delivery was the most important underlying non-clinical factor.


I am in support of which I am also a caesarean section.


There are data to show that: caesarean section and natural childbirth children children no difference in terms of intelligence, but the section of the child's ability to adapt than natural childbirth poor child's ability to adapt.


I suggest that you should have a caesarean section earlier preparations.


From a medical perspective, is really to make a Caesarean section maternal only about 20%.


Caesarian section deliveries were reserved for medical emergencies in previous years.


Vag in al delivery is often possible in subsequent pregnancies.


And benefits of caesarean section to avoid the pain of natural childbirth, compared with it complications and sequelae of maternal and child is all the more undesirable and caesarean section can only be limited to maternal and infant pathology factors surgical remedies.


Mike: Never watch a c-section film if you had a calzone for lunch.


Overall, the incidence of breastfeeding for children delivered vaginally versus by elective cesarean delivery is similar.


更多网络解释与剖腹产的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chrysanthemum Throne:指日本皇朝,其家徽为菊纹. "Chrysanthemum"是"菊花"的意思

1. Chrysanthemum Throne 指日本皇朝,其家徽为菊纹. "Chrysanthemum"是"菊花"的意思. | 2. heir 继承人 | 3. Caesarean 剖腹产

caesarean section:剖腹产术

看过觉得有感触就分享一下吧 让更多的人看到 不要让世界有更多这样可怜的孩子还有一个办法,叫做子宫切除术(hysterotomy),用在六到八个月期间,这个办法和 剖腹产术(Caesarean section)只有一个不同之处,整个手术是为了 MOU 杀婴儿,不是为了救他.

Caesarean birth:剖腹产

剖腹产(caesarean birth) 很多人觉得剖腹产不必经过产道扩张,会很轻松,希望选择这种方式生产. 其实剖腹产已经是一种手术,有相应的危险性,孕妈咪最好谨慎选择.

Caesarean operation:剖腹产(这词的构词法挺有意思,和凯撒竟然有关)

charge 刷卡买...... | caesarean operation 剖腹产(这词的构词法挺有意思,和凯撒竟然有关) | alumni 男校友

caesarean delivery:剖腹产

政府的数据还显示,由剖腹产(Caesarean delivery)方式出生的婴儿持续攀升,到2005年达到历史新高. 专家认为,有很大一部分的剖腹产从医学角度来看是不必要的,采取这种手术仅是为了母亲或医生方便.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists:美国妇产科医生协会

圣路易斯的华盛顿大学妇产科主任、美国妇产科医生协会(American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists)发言人马肯斯(George A. Macones)说,剖腹产的增多并没有使生产并发症减少或母婴更健康.

Delivery by caesarean section unspecified:剖腹产分娩未提及指征者的单胎分娩

经剖宫产子宫切除术的单胎分娩 Delivery by caesarea... | 剖腹产分娩未提及指征者的单胎分娩 Delivery by caesarean section unspecified | 同时借助产钳和吸引器分娩的单胎分娩 Delivery by combination of forceps...


cerylalcohol蜡醇 | cesarean剖腹产术的 | cesareandelivery剖腹产

Cesarean Section:剖腹产

虽然近几年来分娩镇痛(labor analgesia)的选择和管理上变化不大,但对剖腹产(Cesarean section)麻醉的选择和管理上却有很大的改变. 但从麻醉准备到胎儿分娩,时间最短的还是全麻. 而且如果剖腹产患者有区域性麻醉的禁忌症,全麻很有可能成为较好的选择.

Cesarean Section:剖腹产术

这项研究结果 ...剖腹产术(Cesarean Section)适应症麻醉与保定切口定位照片1-8-1图1-8-45适应症视频72);在无菌动物也需剖腹产取出胎儿. 当子宫扭转的动物,在保守疗法整复扭转的子宫无效时,或经腹腔内整复无效时,也需做剖腹产再整复扭转的子宫.