英语人>词典>汉英 : 刺激的 的英文翻译,例句
刺激的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
incitant  ·  inciting  ·  irritant  ·  irritating  ·  irritative  ·  provocative  ·  stimulating  ·  stimulative  ·  spiciest

更多网络例句与刺激的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As result in this study, gluconeogenesis in liver may be diminished and glycogenesis may be enhenced.

同组别中以胰岛素刺激与否比较,发现生理水组、6mg组有胰岛素刺激的PKB Thr308调节部位磷酸化蛋白质表现皆显著低於没有胰岛素刺激,推测可能因为时间过久,导致其蛋白质已经去磷酸化了;3mg组则去磷酸化过程较缓慢,所以表现量还是较没有刺激时高。

Cd〓 (1, 10, 100, 1000μM) stimulated directly GtH secretion from pituitary of common carp in vitro, with the highest GtH secretion at 100μM, GtH secretion stimulated with 1000μM Cd〓 was not higher than that stimulated with 100μM Cd〓.The antagonism between Ca〓 and Cd〓 in perfusion of the pituitary fragments was not obvious.After being preperfusion with 100μM Cd〓(with or without Ca〓), the GtH secretion of the pituitary fragment was irresponsive to 2-min pulse stmulation of 10μM sGnRH-A.

鲤鱼脑垂体碎片离体灌流孵育实验结果显示,Cd〓(1,10,100,1000μM)可直接刺激鲤鱼脑垂体分泌GtH,灌流液中Ca〓对Cd〓的拮抗作用不明显,100μM Cd〓刺激脑垂体分泌GtH达到高峰,Cd〓浓度增加到1000μM时,脑垂体分泌GtH并没有进一步增加,甚至有减少的趋势;100μM Cd〓预灌流脑垂体后,可使脑垂体对2-min 10μM sGnRH-A刺激的反应性消失;1.25mM的EDTA可消除100μM Cd〓刺激脑垂体分泌GtH的作用;TFP和Cd〓同时灌流脑垂体一段时间后,撤除TFP可使脑垂体分泌GtH显著增加,即出现"反跳"现象。

10 healthy subjects received linear acceleration, continuous Coriolis acceleration and discontinuous Coriolis acceleration stimuli on different dates.


Poltergeist,敲击作响闹恶作剧的鬼, the ghost that makes objects moving around and causes strange noise.


The frequency of spontaneous UP/DOWN transitions could be entrained to a regular interval by repetitive sound stimuli with intervals ranging 3-12 sec, in which each sound stimulus effectively induced a UP-to-DOWN transition.

外界声音刺激(白噪声,0.1-35 KHz)能调制神经元自发的高电、低电位期的传递节律:当声音刺激落在高电位期时,每一次声音刺激都会使细胞膜电位由高电位期向低电位期转变,并当声音刺激间隔在3-12秒范围内时,自发的高、低电位期的转变节律就同步于声音刺激的重复率,即跟随效应。

This research was composed of three parts:in the first part, we observed the effect of CTA on small intestine peristalsis;in the sencond part, we observed the effect of sweet stimulability and bitter stimulability on discharge of vagus efferent never after CTA;in the three part,effect of CTA on c-Fos expressions in the brain nerve nucleus was observed.


Giving two equal-intense stimuli which is higher than the threshold stimulus and whose intervals are longer than the single twich period, two independent contracting curve can be observed. Giving two equal-intense stimuli which is higher than the threshold stimulus and whose intervals are longer than the refractory period, an additive-contracting curve can be observed. Giving several equal-intense stimuli which is higher than the threshold stimulus, tetanus curve can be observed.


In this study,intracellular recordings were performed and 34 neurons in MGC of Agrotis segetum were recorded;all those neurons responded to sex pheromone.12 neurons just tested by sex pheromone,and 22 neurons both tested by sex pheromone and electrical stimulation.

两种刺激方式均能诱导出兴奋反应,电刺激得到的兴奋反应比由性信息素刺激引起的要短;MGC神经元对两种刺激的超极化反应幅度影响没有显著性差别,在电刺激实验的2 2个神经元上,超极化反应幅度和抑制时间都与神经元本身放电频率有一定的相关性。

We upgrated the Visual Motion Priming model proposed by Pantle, that means to insert a blank frame between priming and target. The goal is to explore the mechanism of visual motion priming in the brain. Method: Undergraduates on campus participated the experiments as paid volunter with normal or corelected normal version.


The conventional prejudice of "women being inferior to men" is deep-rooted in China and women are always in the state of being enjoyed and philandered by males.


更多网络解释与刺激的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

annoying irritating:令人感到懊恼的-刺激的

An improved-a better|改良的- 比较好的 | Annoying-irritating|令人感到懊恼的-刺激的 | Arouses-excites|唤醒-刺激


incisure /切迹/ | incitant /刺激的/兴奋的/刺激/兴奋剂/ | incitantia /提神药/精神振奋药/

inciting:刺激的; 煽动的 (形)

incitement 刺激; 激励物 (名) | inciting 刺激的; 煽动的 (形) | incivility 不文明, 无礼貌 (名)


irritation /刺激/激怒/苦恼/烦躁/发怒/兴奋/刺激物/ | irritative /刺激性的/刺激的/ | irrotational /无旋的/

provocative a.1:挑衅的,煽动的,刺激的 2.挑逗的

aver vt.断言, 主张,极力声明 | provocative a.1.挑衅的,煽动的,刺激的 2.挑逗的 | provocation n.激怒, 刺激, 挑衅, 挑拨

provocative a.1:挑衅的,煽动的 2.刺激的

provocation n. 1.挑衅,挑拨 2.刺激,激怒 | provocative a. 1.挑衅的,煽动的 2.刺激的 | precede vt. 在...之前,先于


stimulation /刺激/激励/鼓舞/ | stimulative /刺激/促进因素/刺激的/促进的/ | stimulator /刺激品/激励者/


challenging /挑战性的/令人鼓舞的/挑拨的/刺激的/ | challengingly /挑战性的/令人鼓舞的/挑拨的/刺激的/ | challie /轻布料的一种/


excitation /刺激/鼓舞/兴奋/ | excitative /刺激的/兴奋的/ | excitatory /刺激的/兴奋的/

C. zesty: taste:刺激的 : 味道

B. somber: hue 昏暗的 : 色调 | C. zesty: taste 刺激的 : 味道 | D. acrid: odor 刺激的 : 味道