英语人>词典>汉英 : 刹车踏板 的英文翻译,例句
刹车踏板 的英文翻译、例句


brake pedal · brake paddle
更多网络例句与刹车踏板相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The relationship between pedal travel and braking force is perfectly balanced, bringing a great feeling of confidence at all speeds.


""You are stepping on the brake pedal.


I suddenly pressed the brake pedal exert and we were two of them thrown forward.


Over months or years that could result in such 'soft' or 'low brake pedal' issues.


When the brake pedal is depressed, the system immediately activates the calculated level of braking assistance.


"They've stolen the dashboard, the steering wheel, even the brake pedal!" he cried out.


At first the whole braking system is divided into three subsystems, brake pedal-brakepipe pressure subsystem, brake pipe pressure-wheel detent subsystem and wheel detent——road subsystem.




The main problem of Camry's brake cacuum pump is that, when used in high temperature or high frequency, some internal parts of then pump may change, which results in the hardness of brake pedal, the abnormal noise of leakage, the turning light of the engine fault, etc..


The main problem of Camry's brake cacuum pump is , when operated in high temperature or high frequency, some internal parts of the pump may change(editor:break), which results in the hardness of brake pedal, the abnormal noise of leakage, the light of the engine fault, etc..


更多网络解释与刹车踏板相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

AP Accelerator Pedal:加速踏板

ATS Air Temperature Sensor 空气温度传感器 | AP Accelerator Pedal 加速踏板 | ABS Anti-lock Brake System 防抱死刹车系统

brake booster:制动助力器

另外,采用冲撞时可使制动助力器(Brake Booster)转向下方,减轻方向盘以及刹车踏板向司机方向突出的"方向盘以及刹车踏板冲撞减轻结构(旋转式)",能够减轻对司机的冲击.

brake pedal:刹车踏板

starter, self-starter 起动器,起动钮 | brake pedal 刹车踏板 | clutch pedal 离合器踏板

Brake Pedal Pulsates:刹车踏板脉动

Bottoms Out 谷底 | Brake Pedal Pulsates 刹车踏板脉动 | Brakes Dragging 制动器拖

brake pedal switch:刹车踏板电门

人工放出限制电门 manual extension limit switch | 刹车踏板电门 brake pedal switch | 前轮转弯电门 nose wheel steering switch

Brake pipe:气动刹车的输气管线

brake pedal 莎刹车踏板 | brake pipe 气动刹车的输气管线 | brake power 刹车功率

Hand brake lever:手刹车

变速杆(排挡)--gear shift,shift lever | 手刹车--hand-brake lever | 脚刹车(踏板)--brake pedal

clutch pedal:离合器踏板

brake pedal 刹车踏板 | clutch pedal 离合器踏板 | hand brake 手制动器

PETS Pedal-Trave-Switch:踏板

PASO Passenger-Source 乘客侧安全气囊电源 | PETS Pedal-Trave-Switch 踏板 | PKSW Parking-Brake-Switch 停车(手)刹车开关

Service Brake System:主刹车系统

em) 主刹车系统(Service Brake System) 行驶时常用之刹车都是脚操作 故又称脚刹车(Foot Brake)驾驶人踩下刹车踏板后即由机械或液压将刹车力传到车轮之制动装置使产生磨擦作用 驻车刹车系统(Parking Brake System) 驻车刹车又称手刹车 为停驻时 防止车辆滑行之制动装置一般有装在传动轴之中间制动式 及直接控制后轮制动式两种