英语人>词典>汉英 : 到处走动 的英文翻译,例句
到处走动 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
sashay  ·  sashayed  ·  sashaying  ·  sashays

go about · go round · move about · got around
更多网络例句与到处走动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I would be terrified to see a robot moving in my house.


I would be terrified to see a robot moving about my house.


The hogs loafed and grunted around everywheres.


Though aren't pajamas around so you don't have to drag street grime into bed?


He had tried to wake me up by callling out my name several times only in vain. So he startd walking around on the haycock, and an accident step finally got me up.


I am overjoyed that it would not be long before you are up and around again.


Their first assignment is to prime factor the first one hundred numbers. I walk around the room and correct the papers while they are doing the problems at their seats.


Rhodes: I swear I didn't expect to see you walking around so soon.


She was so round and roly-poly I used to wonder how she ever moved around.


From shadow to shadow, as a scullion always travels.


更多网络解释与到处走动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

get anywhere:有点成就

get along 生活 | get anywhere 有点成就 | get around 到处走动

call one's name:点某人的名字

9. at the doctor's在诊所,在医院 | 10. walk around到处走动 | 11. call one's name点某人的名字

greatest common measure:最大公测度

lattice force 晶格[点阵]力 | greatest common measure 最大公测度 | go round 到处走动, 顺便去, 流传, 长得够绕一圈

get about:(消息)传开,到处走动

give up 放弃,献出,交出,投降,认输,泄气 | get about (消息)传开,到处走动 | get along 进行,过活,相处,走开

get around: get round, get about:到处走动,消息传播出去,避开,逃避

1. get around: get round, get about到处走动,消息传播出去,避开,逃避, | eg. He could get around again after the operation.手术之后他又能走动... | She doesn't get around much these days.这几天她不大各处走...

go round:到处走动

go round and round 旋转 | go round 到处走动 | go scat 破产

go round:到处走动, 顺便去, 流传, 长得够绕一圈

greatest common measure 最大公测度 | go round 到处走动, 顺便去, 流传, 长得够绕一圈 | school meal 学校供膳食

i can get roud:我可以随意走动

到处都有建筑物 building aroud | 我可以随意走动 i can get roud | 却又无处可去 but i nowhere to go


sasebo 佐世保 | sashay 到处走动 | sashay 滑步而舞

sashay glide or move in a nonchalant way:到处走动, 行走, 滑步而舞, 大摇大摆地走

4. run spring forward quickly so that both feet are off the ground bet... | 5. sashay glide or move in a nonchalant way到处走动, 行走, 滑步而舞, 大摇大摆地走 | 6. saunter strut or stroll in a leisurely...