英语人>词典>汉英 : 利诱 的英文翻译,例句
利诱 的英文翻译、例句


lure by promise of gain
更多网络例句与利诱相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gabriel and his beautiful partner Ginger lure Stanley into their clandestine world,baiting him with the one thing he can't have a chance to reunite with Holly and start a new life.


He would go to him-threaten, cajole, actually destroy him, if necessary.


He would go to himDthreaten, cajole, actually destroy him, if necessary


To steal, coerce, or use any other unfair method to obtain the other's business secrets


It is now under massive surveillance in the Montreal Customs House, and soon to be returned to France.


I don't know all the individual carrots and sticks that were used on the moderates, but I did find out about some of them.


In some cancers, the last treater may be the surgeon or the radiation oncologist, but in most cases where there is treatment with a curative intent, the last treater is the medical oncologist, and usually this is the physician who should take on the responsibility."However, this is a problem, as many oncologists tell us that they do not have the time to take on this additional task," Dr. Ganz commented,"but we need to educate them, and to use a carrot — maybe offer a new payment for this task." This may be possible, she added, as healthcare plans are realizing the benefit of having such summary plans."I have been billing in my practice for years for this — this is not insurance fraud, this is cognitive delivery rather than doing procedure," she added.


Facing up to a possible 23 days of continuous browbeating To intimidate or subjugate by an overbearing manner or domineering speech; bully.


That promise, among others larded with bribes and inducements from people who wanted Blatter elected, had given him the presidency.


The most brilliant prospects were presented before him as the reward of renouncing his opposition to Rome.


更多网络解释与利诱相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Card up your sleeve 秘而不宣的计划(意图) | *Carpetbagger 美国内战后利用南方不定局势谋利的人 | Carrot and stick 软硬兼施;威逼利诱

Public International Law:公共国际法

所谓"公共国际法"(public international law)对应"本土法"(......在純法律來看,由於中国对於"公共国际法律"與"中国本土法"的关系,立场一直是所谓"国家主权法为先"(ultima ratio regum)----亦即是间接地接受"威迫和利诱"(force and coercion)才是最真实的&quot


杰斐逊(Jefferson)说;"人人生而平等,天生就有不可剥夺的意志. "黑格尔说:"说到信仰,我真正所指的是我的个人信仰,是一种完全属于我自己的内在确定性. "人是不能没有信仰的,但信仰不是能靠强迫来接受的,也不是靠利诱、欺骗来推销,


杀人之后,迈克(Michael)到西西里避难,在那里迷上了美丽的农家女孩阿波罗妮亚(Apollonia). 向未来的岳父提出求婚请求,竟然是连威胁 带利诱:我是迈克-科利昂,如果你出卖我,可以拿到大笔赏金,可那样,你也会人头落地,你的女儿会失去一位父亲而不是得到一位丈夫......



thrill me:威胁我

will me 利诱我 | thrill me 威胁我 | you can never 你永远无法

in the art of extorting information:专攻威逼利诱 套话的人来担当

someone highly trained|一个训练有素 | in the art of extorting information.|专攻威逼利诱 套话的人来担当 | You're not seriously|你不会真的想