英语人>词典>汉英 : 删去的 的英文翻译,例句
删去的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与删去的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I abridged lots of unnecessary words out of my original paper.


School textbooks are being purged of an anti-Western bias.


And because Windows is not capable of deleting information beyond recovery, you are at risk!


Rochelle: I will slap yo name out the phone book, and call Ma Bell and tell her I did it!


I want to cross out the unnecessary words.


He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.


Amongst the stuff edited out is more of the love story between Green and Bloom's character, and a subplot involving her son.


In this article we will attempt to discuss the inseparable and inerasable memories and the relationship which builds upon it, and the abstract history left unseen by the come and go of space.


"There are many lines that could be spared from the book you were reading," she said, her voice primly firm and dogmatic


I was opened illicit take a website, found stationmaster Qq to look for his theory, he browbeats unexpectedly me, put over to be not moved, make sure your data is safe, if cancel, I follow your data you are complete cancel.


更多网络解释与删去的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To cross out:我会默默删去

I'll face myself, 我会独自面对 | To cross out 我会默默删去 | What I've become, 我所扮演的


规范化的表布局设计,在以后的数值维护中,不会发生插进去(insert)、删去(delete)和更新(update)时的异样. 反之,数值库表布局设计分歧理,不仅会给数值库的使用和维护带来各类各样的问题,而且可能存储了大量不需要的冗余信息,


若插入(insertion)或删去(deletion)一个碱基,就会使这以后的读码发生错误,这称移码(frame-shift). 由于移码引起的突变称为移码突变(frame-shift2、一般情况下密码是不重叠(non-overlapping)的:即每三个碱基编码一个氨基酸,

I took out full-page ads:为了他,我删去全版的广告

I built a fucking television show around him.|我还围绕他制作了电... | I took out full-page ads.|为了他,我删去全版的广告 | I introduced him to the major clients of the world.|我还介绍他认识了 我所知的世界...

Disables Preview of Movie file formats (allowing you to move rename delete without errors):禁用预览电影文件格局(允许你在没有错误的重定名删去)

Disable window animations ... | Disables Preview of Movie file formats (allowing you to move rename delete without errors)禁用预览电影文件格局(允许你在没有错误的重定名删去) | Do not allow Windows to tu...


而在Incoterms2000 中,删去了"官方的" (official) 一词,其原因是当决定某项收费是否是"官方的"收费时,"官方的"一词会造成某些不确定性. 但同时,Incoterms2000 引言第6 节又强调指出,虽然删去了"官方的"一词,但本意并非改变条款的实质意义.


expurgator /削除者/修订者/ | expurgatorial /删去的/ | expurgatory /删去的/


expurgatorial /删去的/ | expurgatory /删去的/ | exsanguinate /放血/抽血/


factor 质因数 | inpolygon 删去多边形区域内的点 | max 最大值

bowdlerized edition:删去猥亵字句的版本

bowdlerize || 删除(书等的)不妥的文句, 删改, 修订 | bowdlerized edition || 删去猥亵字句的版本 | bowdrill || (原始人用来取火或钻洞的)弓钻