英语人>词典>汉英 : 创造的 的英文翻译,例句
创造的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
created  ·  made

更多网络例句与创造的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The value of commodity remains the vivid labor of laborer to create, every birth management product and those who offer a service be worked to create value; alive by social approbatory other all sorts of factor of production are past labor condense, it is the essential condition that produces use value, but do not create value.


You always get what you create, and you are always creating.


Along with the creation of Sanctuary, the race of humans was created by the Angel Inarius and Demoness Lilith.


For the Proverbs say 'He created,' but they call not the Son creature, but Offspring; and, according to the distinction in Scripture aforesaid of 'He created' and 'creature,' they acknowledge, what is by nature proper to the Son, that He is the Only-begotten Wisdom and Framer of the creatures, and when they say 'He created,' they say it not in respect of His Essence, but signify that He was becoming a beginning of many ways; so that 'He created' is in contrast to 'Offspring,' and His being called the 'Beginning of ways' to His being the Only-begotten Word.


So, though the virtual property, we should not importune for it.


It summarizes the practice of the image creating of the May 4th Literature in three aspects: 1.the ontic image creating of the May 4th Literature; 2.the core image creating of the May 4th Literature; 3. the background image creating of the May 4th Literature.


Corporate market value that departures from intrinsic value influences managers behavior and thus holdbacks corporate value creation.


Tolkien, however, possessed the power in spades, and gave useful names to it as well: he spoke of the "secondary worlds" created by the writer, and of "mythopoeia" as the activity of such "sub-creation."


To come true this manages an end, industry group basically achieves the goal that value creates through two levels: Show off hesitating n/HONs be unworthy of the honor uglying high and steep crouchs old Xing of addiction of drop of Kuo of kang of family name Piao enlighten the big pool that be worth collect swings clump?


Sutherland Lyall 的著作《 Masters of Structure 》中是这样评价这个建筑的结构设计的: In a country prone to regular and severe earthquakes Japanese structural engineers have to design with high safety factors – and the tendency is, naturally, to over-size structural members and to generally design ultra conservatively.


更多网络解释与创造的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Creative Evolutionism:(创造的演化论)

Creationism (灵魂创造说) | Creative Evolutionism (创造的演化论) | Creeds (信经)

genitum,non factum:所生的,而不是创造的

Deum verumde Deo vero, 真实的上帝是为真实的上帝 | genitum, non factum, 所生的,而不是创造的, | consubstantialem Patri: 他与圣父同一本性;

genitum,non factum:所生的,而不是创造的,文化

Deum verumde Deo vero, 真实的上帝是为真实的上帝文化 | genitum,non factum, 所生的,而不是创造的,文化 | consubstantialem Patri: 他与圣父同一本性;文化

inventive:善于创造的, 发明的

Humorous 富幽默感的, 滑稽的, 诙谐的 | Inventive 善于创造的, 发明的 | Self-righteous 自以为是的


63, Exclusive 排出的,专有的 | 64, Inventiveness 发明的,创造的 | 65, Elaborate 精心制作,详尽阐述

JACQUE FRESCO:未来将是我们说创造的一切

牐犖蠢唇是分层的,不一致的--LIAM GILLICK | 牐犖蠢唇是我们说创造的一切--JACQUE FRESCO | 牐犖蠢唇是过度发展的,腐朽的--SIMRYN GILL

Minnie Mouse:米尼老鼠(Walt Disney 创造的儿童性格的雌性老鼠动画形象)

734the Louvre罗浮宫(法国国立美术博物馆,位于巴黎... | 735Minnie Mouse米尼老鼠(Walt Disney 创造的儿童性格的雌性老鼠动画形象) | 736Mona Lisa>(欧洲文艺复兴时期意大利画家达.芬奇所作的一幅著名肖像...

God s re-creation of the new day:赞美上帝创造的新的一天

born of the one light Eden saw play自伊甸园的一道微光中诞生; | praise with elation ,praise every morning兴高采烈的赞美,赞美每一个清晨; | God s re-creation of the new day 赞美上帝创造的新的一天!

praise every morning God's re-creation of the new day:赞美上帝重新创造的这每一个美好的新一天

Praise with elation,让我们满心喜悦的来赞美这神圣光美的一切 | praise every morning God's re-creation of the new day. 赞美上帝重新创造的这每一个美好的新一天 | Morning has broken >


increasingly 日益 | increate 非创造的 | increately 非创造出来地