英语人>词典>汉英 : 创建目录 的英文翻译,例句
创建目录 的英文翻译、例句


create directory
更多网络例句与创建目录相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In any case the first things to do are create a directory structure and get ready to build.


This program is DOS system simulation to create directories and directory operations.


CREATE :: CREATE directory tree and zero-length files only.


Features include text columns, re-sizable text boxes, automatic text flow between pages and chapters, customizable bookmarks, automatic creation of contents page, hyperlinks and the ability to set your FlipBooks to display at various screen resolutions.


To create a table of contents, on the Insert menu point to Reference, and then click Index and Tables.


As a result, the directory catalog is very small in size, but can only be sorted by firstname or lastname, which must be designated when creating the directory catalog.


Although there are 虽然有 other organizer software applications 其他应用软件的组织者 available other than Libra and MediaMan, most of these applications do not allow you to do content retrieval and you need to spend some time to manually create the catalog.


If the myimages directory does not exist it will be created as long as the parent folder wp-content is writeable.

如果不存在myimages目录,只要母文件夹 wp-content 是可写的,就会创建目录

Already after oneself research and ask for advice of a senior fellow apprentice, discover HDFS offers the API that uses to programmer, basically be FileSystem and DFSClient, these two kind offerred use at founding catalog, found a file, obtain the means of file information, a FileSystem is a high level kind, DFSClient is a ground floor kind, fileSystem used DFSClient, DFSClient can arrive than taking than FileSystem photograph a few more detailed information, if the file includes those Block, and Block is in those Datanode are classy information, but they are incontrollable Block is written to those machines, but can install a few backup, place to belong to a few information such as user, attributive.


Renaming, creating of directories, deletion of files and directories......


更多网络解释与创建目录相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Create Button:创建按钮

494CPU memory中央处理机存储器 | 495create button创建按钮 | 496create directory创建目录

create directory:创建目录

495create button创建按钮 | 496create directory创建目录 | 497create name指定名称

CD Create Directory:创建目录

CD Core Driver 磁芯驱动器 | CD Create Directory 创建目录 | CD Current Density 电流密度

could not create directory:不能创建目录

'could not download the available updates list' => '不能下载可用的更新列表.'... | 'could not create directory' => '不能创建目录.', | 'could not open updatefile for writing' => '不能为写入打开更新文件.'...

Create Directory using CreateDirectory API:使用CreateDirectory API,创建目录

Remove Directory using RemoveDirectory API 使用RemoveDirecto... | Create Directory using CreateDirectory API 使用CreateDirectory API,创建目录 | Play system sounds using MessageBeep API 使用MessageBeep ...

create name:创建名称

339 创建链接 Create Link | 340 创建名称 Create Name | 341 创建目录 Create Directory

creates a directory:创建一个目录

create primary dos partition 创建DOS主分区 | creates a directory 创建一个目录 | creates, changes, or deletes the volume label of a disk 创建,改变或删除磁盘的卷标

ln ln:源文件 链接名 创建当前目录源文件的硬链接

cp cp /路经/文件 ./ 移动绝对路经下的文件到当前目录下 | find find 路经 -name "字符串" 查找路经所在范围内满足字符串匹配的文件和目录 | ln ln 源文件 链接名 创建当前目录源文件的硬链接

mmd md:创建目录

mlabel label 更改驱动器卷标 | mmd md 创建目录 | mrd rd 删除目录

View folders:查看报表目录内容和报表目录属性

Manage resources 创建、修改和删除资源和资源属性 | View folders 查看报表目录内容和报表目录属性 | Manage folders 创建、查看和删除报表目录,查看和修改报表目录属性