英语人>词典>汉英 : 列表 的英文翻译,例句
列表 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
list  ·  listing  ·  tabular  ·  tabulating  ·  listings

list files of type
更多网络例句与列表相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Clean your mailing lists, marketing databases, spreadsheets and emails with its five unique list/data cleaning modules, then perform a powerful data deduplication and merge/purge on one or two lists to ensure they do not contain any duplicates.


This makes it much easier to keep track of things without having to split screen/freeze panes. Note, the table headers will only be visible as long as the active cell is somewhere inside the table. If you select outside the table, the standard A, B, C headers return.


To move to messages from the previous day,in the message list,press P.To move to message from the next day,Press N.


We open the C disk access disk C, and these are: the method in accordance with the above my computer to open a list of projects, according to the numeric keypad 4 or 6 button to switch to the 13 list, according to the number of keyboard 1 or 3 key to switch to the local disk C set the list of projects, according to slash the number of keys on the keyboard "click" options, press the Enter key numeric keypad,"Double-click" to open the C disk.


For example, consider the following small problem: You have a list of numbers and a string of characters; you would like to construct a list of all pairs that consist of a number from the list and a character from the string, but only if the ASCII ordinal is larger than the number.

比如,考虑下面这个简单的问题:你有一个由数字组成的列表和一个由字符组成的字符串;你要构建另一个列表,它的元素就是列表中一个数字和字符串中一个字符的配对,而这个字符的 ASCII 码必须比这给数字大。

All of the row watch are one knifes, the row form of 2 knifes stands, everyone can go to the add your that row form stands program perhaps advertise to wait a place to see the advertising expense of the row's form station, this one knife, 2 knifes usually still want anti- hurl into the HYIP station inside, from here you can imagine bottom, the station-master dided not spend knife basically.

列表 全是1刀,2刀的列表站,大家可以到列表站的add your program 或者 advertise等地方看到该列表站的广告费,这1刀,2刀通常还要反投进HYIP站里,由此你可以想象下,站长根本就没花刀啊。

The Hunspell dictionary maintainers have done a great job creating high-quality dictionaries that anybody can use, but one of the problems with any dictionary is that there are inevitably omissions, especially as new words appear or proper nouns come into common use. We at Google are in a good position to use our knowledge of the internet to identify and fix some of these omissions. The Google translation team used their language models to generate a sorted list of the most popular words in each language. This was cross-checked with the Hunspell dictionaries to generate a list of the top 1000 words not present in each dictionary. This list includes many popular words, but also common misspellings. To remove these words, each list was reviewed by specialist in that language. Generally, we tried to keep proper nouns and even foreign words as long as they were in common usage.

Hunspell字典维护人员已经完成了一项伟大的工作,那就是创建了一个高质量的可供任何人使用的字典但是所有的字典都存在一个不可避免的问题就是词条的遗漏,特别是新出现的名词和专有名词开始广泛使用的时候我们这些在Google工作的人可以很好地使用我们的网络知识来识别并确定一些遗漏 Google翻译团队使用他们的网络模型来为每一种语言产生一个排好序的最流行词汇表它与Hunspell词典相互检验然后生成每一个字典都没有的最流行的1000个单词的列表这个列表包含了许google地球免费多流行词汇,但是也包括了常见的错别字为了删掉这些词,每一个列表都要经过语言专家的审查一般来说,我们试图包含常用的专有名词甚至是外语词汇

A parenthesized expression list yields whatever that expression list yields: if the list contains at least one comma, it yields a tuple; otherwise, it yields the single expression that makes up the expression list.


The paper has imported theories of scientists of Canada and Jordan and accomplished appropriate improvement,puts forward three new lists-list for hub braking temp;list for vehicle speed;list for building conditions.


The invention comprises the following steps: summating and counting the added playing times of the acoustic frequency song in the portable media device when playing any acoustic frequency song; updating and saving in the current playing acoustic frequency song list; displaying the first acoustic frequency song list and the second acoustic frequency song list for the users in the picture according to the summated and counted acoustic frequency song playing frequency and the updated and saved current playing acoustic frequency song list when the user requests to play the song and uses the quick search music function; displaying the acoustic frequency song list according to the high sequence of the user playing frequency.


更多网络解释与列表相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

access control list:访问控制列表

路由器的"访问 控制列表"(Access control list)功能能实现上述要求. 什么是路由器的访问控制列表功能? 路由器提供了基本的通信流量过滤的能力--这就是访问控制列表,它是路由器一系列的允许和拒绝陈述语句集合的命令行,这些陈述语句对用户的数据包中包含的地址(IP地址...

Customer Aging Analysis Listing:客户帐龄分析列表

Customer Outstanding Listing 客户欠数列表 | Customer Aging Analysis Listing 客户帐龄分析列表 | Customer Subledger Listing 客户分类帐列表


可使信息完全依照源文件中的编排格式,一模一样地在浏览...本例讲解菜单和目录列表的使用. 菜单(MENU)是用来设计单列列表. 而目录列表(DIR)是用来设计多列目录列表. 两个元素都拥有相同的语法结构:ul唯...

list box:列表方块、列表框 列表框

level 阶 层(级)? | list box 列表方块、列表列表框 | listener 倾听器


北京时间10月2日消息,据国外媒体报道,Twitter日前宣布了一项名为"列表"(Lists)的新功能,可用来创建Twitter用户列表,并可与其它用户分享列表. Twitter表示该功能尚在测试中,日后将向所有用户开放. 用户可用"列表"功能创建好友列表,

net view:显示域列表、计算机列表或指定计算机的共享资源列表

NET USE 连接计算机或断开计算机与共享资源的连接,或显示计算机的连接信息 | NET VER 显示局域网内正在使用的网络连接类型和信息 | NET VIEW 显示域列表、计算机列表或指定计算机的共享资源列表

unordered list:无序列表

ul 代表"无序列表(unordered list)",它的作用是为每个列表项显示一个粗点. ol 代表"有序列表(ordered list)",它的作用是显示每个列表项的序号.用元素 把多个列表项组织为一个列表,其中的 li 代表"列表项(list item).感觉有些迷糊?

postEntry .content ol:正文中有序列表的整体样式. 有序列表和无序列表差不多,不同的是,每一项前面有标号

.postEntry .content ul li 正文中列表的每一项... | .postEntry .content ol 正文中有序列表的整体样式. 有序列表和无序列表差不多,不同的是,每一项前面有标号. | .postEntry .content blockquote 网志正文中"引用"区...

postEntry .content ul:正文中无序列表的整体样式. 我在此网志中列举这些CSS元素,用的就是无序列表

.postEntry .content p 正文中单个段落的样式. | .postEntry .content ul 正文中无序列表的整体样式. 我在此网志中列举这些CSS元素,用的就是无序列表. | .postEntry .content ul li 正文中列表的每一项的样式.

Automatically add to Spammers list:自动地加到垃圾邮件发送者列表(信任列表)

.Automatically add to Friends list ~自动地加到朋友列表(信任列表) | .Automatically add to Spammers list ~自动地加到垃圾邮件发送者列表(信任列表) | Block Asian ~亚洲的信息组(字区)