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划线培养 的英文翻译、例句


streak culture
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Furthermore, several bacteria genera are anaerobic or facultative anaerobic, and therefore cannot form pure cultures by ordinary streak plate method. Combination of well developed classical anaerobic microbiological techniques with modern molecular techniques, along with dynamic understanding of growth status and mode of odor production by different bacteria genera is critical for successful future studies.

此外, 猪粪尿排泄物中很多微生物是厌氧或兼性厌氧菌,无法通过普通的平板划线法而获得纯培养,今后应将传统的微生物厌氧培养方法与现代微生物分子生物学技术结合,动态了解和掌握不同菌群的生长状态及在恶臭产生过程中的作用。

Methods: The marine bacteria were isolated with the infinite dilution and plate streak technique and screened for antimitosis active strains by Pyricularia Oryzae model. The active strain 32-11-2-2 was subjected to morphological, physiological and biochemical study, and was classified by the analysis of the 16S rDNA sequence. Results A total of 421 strains of marine bacteria were isolated from marine water and sediment samples; 54 of them had antimitotic activity.

采用无限稀释和平板划线法分离微生物样品,利用稻瘟霉模型进行活性筛选;并对其中的活性菌株32-11-2-2的形态、培养特征以及生理生化特征进行研究,使用16S rDNA序列分析的方法对菌株32-11-2-2进行了分类鉴定。

Methods Porcine coronary SMCs were incubated with serum-free medium containing different concentrations of simvastatin. Infiltration of 3H-TdR into SMC DNA was measured as an index of cell proliferation. Simvastatin's effect on migration was tested with Sarkar's technique.

采用体外猪冠状动脉SMC培养技术,以3H-TdR的参入量表示冠状动脉的SMC DNA合成情况,应用划线方法测定冠状动脉SMC的迁移距离,观察辛伐他汀对OX-LDL诱导的冠状动脉SMC增殖和迁移的影响。

Methods The 3-5 generation fibroblasts were inoculated in 24-well with rat-tail collagen. A denuded area was made when the 3 generation of the fibroblasts was influent into a monolayer. Cells were then exposed to the presence of various concentrations of viper venom, mitomycin C, and the cells migrated into the denuded area were counted evely 6 hours.


更多网络解释与划线培养相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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plate streaking:平板划线

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plate culture:平板培养物

平板培养 plate cultivation | 平板培养物 plate culture | 平板划线 plate streaking

streak culture:划线培养物

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streak culture:划线培养

streak culture 划线培养 | streak reagent (色层分析用)显色剂;喷显剂 | streak test 痕色试验

streak culture:画线培养,画线培养物

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