英语人>词典>汉英 : 划分部门 的英文翻译,例句
划分部门 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与划分部门相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The second is that meshcan be fine as required for we have solved the conventional problem that the shell'smesh must be limited in notch.Moreover,the mesh size's significance to the resultsis displayed by calculation and compare of models with different mesh sizes.Besides,we have simulated the cloud-shaped field distribution of moving FAE Devices with adynamic program.The results can provide the elementary basis for structure designadapted to new launching conditions.


Many enterprises think Internet is a media only, the enterprise goes out enterprise and product conduct propaganda through Internet, raise a brand famous spend and company image calculates realized sale of network of network sale; to be differentiated to undertake to business administration or customer service branch, sale branch and branch of network sale function are in a kind of concern position that cut apart.


Geographic departmentalization is an organizational division based upon location.


In organizations where new product groups are often created, a structure that combines functional and product departmentalization and creates dual lines of authority would be optimal.


Can You Identify the Five Ways to Departmentalize?


But as a kind of mature management system, it hasn"t been applied successfully in most of Chinese companies. The reasons of that include misunderstanding of Science property of overall budget management、unfit budget management organization、lack of scientific management methods, and another important reason is that most of companies use the traditional building method of budget management system. The traditional building method based on the company"s existing department functions, keeping the existing management process and work process fixedness, and expressing the departments work plan in quantity or currency form as their budget.


Project and Process Oriented Matrix Model: Set up IPT team with project and process oriented, and in line with disciplines and functions, to break down departmental and organizational barriers. Utilize resources intensively and evaluating the performance of the individuals by the performance of the project and team.


The aggregate output is the sum of sectorial outputs, and the general price level is determined by the interaction of sectorial outputs and price levels. The aggregate demand is divided into consumption, investment, the foreign trade and so on.


Divisions created according to the type of product or service.


Article 8 For national focal point shelter belt, and forest for special uses, the competent forestry authority of State Council shall produce opinions and report to the State Council for approval, then promulgate it; for local key shelter forest and forest for special use, the competent forestry authority of the people's government of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central authority shall produce opinions and report to the people's government at the same level for approval, then promulgate it; for other shelter forest, timber forest or special-use forest as well as economic forest or fuel forest, the competent forestry authority of people's government at county level shall demarcate according to the state's relevant regulations on forest categorization and the arrangement and organization of the People's government at the same level, and report to the people's government at the same level for approval and promulgation.

第八条 国家重点防护林和特种用途林,由国务院林业主管部门提出意见,报国务院批准公布;地方重点防护林和特种用途林,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府林业主管部门提出意见,报本级人民政府批准公布;其他防护林、用材林、特种用途林以及经济林、薪炭林,由县级人民政府林业主管部门根据国家关于林种划分的规定和本级人民政府的部署组织划定,报本级人民政府批准公布。

更多网络解释与划分部门相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


根据部门类别划分,将定量考核与主观评价的结果分别乘以各自权重,汇总得出各部门综合考评得分. 主观评价采用目标设定法(GS)和行为锚定法(BARS)相结合的考评办法,通过将主观评价客观化,科学地评价部门及其管理人员的工作业绩.

departmental system:分部制度

部门工程规划 departmental project | 分部制度 departmental system | 划分部门 departmentation


department sotre 百货公司 | departmentalization 部门划分;部门化;分部 | departmentation 部门划分;部门化;分部

customer departmentalization:按顾客划分部门

Custom manufacturing 定制生产 | Customer departmentalization 按顾客划分部门 | Customer service 顾客服务

functional departmentalization:按职能划分部门

Functional conflict 职能冲突 | Functional departmentalization 按职能划分部门 | Functional structure 职能型结构

product departmentalization:按产品划分部门

Process value analysis 过程(流程)价值分析 | Product departmentalization 按产品划分部门 | Product distribution 产品分配

process departmentalization:按流程划分部门

Process control 过程控制 | Process departmentalization 按流程划分部门 | Process value analysis 过程(流程)价值分析

Divisional Controller:部门划分管理

Vice President of Marketing 市场副总裁 | Divisional Controller 部门划分管理 | Executive VP and General Manager 执行副总裁 总经理

secondary industry:第二产业

三次产业分类法就是把国民经济部门划分为第一产业(Primary Industry)、第二产业(Secondary Industry)和第三产业的分类方法. 关于第三产业的范围,目前并没有一个世界各国统一的口径范围. 纵观西方经济学界和各国政府以及一些国际机构和组织对第三产业口径范围的划分,

