英语人>词典>汉英 : 分门别类 的英文翻译,例句
分门别类 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

arrange ... under categories · be divided into classes and divisions · classify according to subjects
更多网络例句与分门别类相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then picked up electric razors, Banzhu sheep''s head start with the neck, and then to the abdomen, and then around to the back of the body, steering head, within a few minutes, you can cut down the entire wool, as if lifting a sheep under the same , shearing off the wool from ranchers by category, screening, head and other parts of the wool is short, thick, dirty, are beneath contempt, back, abdomen, fine wool, soft, long part of high-grade


He was not only make the best of the materials during his explaining classics, but also selected and classified some of the materials. He finally edited the famous bookmaking, Qun Jing Yin Bian, which became the first nonesuch literature specialized in explaining the derivation by phonetic change in Chinese traditional philology history.


I enjoy our modern golf courses, but I would be reluctant to categorise any favourites.


However, given human beings' capacity and need for compartmentalization, or psychologically separating out different parts of their lives, this effect will not necessarily occur.


With this question discussed in generalities in the past, we have made a detailed classification of contexts and have found out the characteristics of each type of context, to the knowledge that each type has its own adaptive laws, which can thus be investigated according to diferent categories for a clear interpretation. How to study the problem of context correspondence?


And what's more, the dissertation analyse the effect of main industries of the city which might encounter joining WTO, and puts forward the countermove separately by further study.


And commercial dragnet stands the demand according to medium and small businesses information classify, and offer them the information of relevant product or service and information.


The additional score guidance of instrument usage was put forward firstly in 2001 and quantitative index was constituted in grade rule of international eurythmics in 2003. The new idea of grade reflects the re-understanding of the development of instrument in eurythmics.


They are hidden in legal rules, while to find the media inside, we have to sum up, hackle, and explain in detail.


Hymenoptera can be divided into two sub-heads, 11 total branches, how to identify so many species, their approach is categorized.


更多网络解释与分门别类相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

nominal bore:公称管径

类型(Nozzle Type):由工艺图纸中管嘴的规格表(Specification)、公称管径(Nominal bore)确定. 在每一个层次目录下,都有属性(Attributes)选项,可以将前述的附加数据和自定义的管理信息分门别类地详细输入.




2. fabric 结构 | 3. catalyze 催化,加速 | 4. sort out 把......分门别类,拣选


categorization of perception 感知分类 | categorization 分门别类 | Caterpillar Tractor 卡特皮勒公司

Caterpillar Tractor:卡特皮勒公司

categorization 分门别类 | Caterpillar Tractor 卡特皮勒公司 | Cathay Airlines 国泰航空公司


由上所述,人们根据用户的目的将场景分门别类(classify)而得到不同的Use Case. 由于同类(Use Case)内场景大同小异,所以就可把其共同而重要的特点(如活动和顺序)以文字描述出来,根据 Wirfs-Brock 的建议,可只描述用户与系统间的对话,

sort out:把......分门别类,拣选

3. catalyze 催化,加速 | 4. sort out 把......分门别类,拣选 | 5. omnibus 公共汽车/马车

unbundled services:分门别类的服务

"umbrella brand","覆盖性品牌","general" | "unbundled services","分门别类的服务","general" | "uncompromising desire to make an impact","为创造效果锲而不舍",&a


分门别类(Categorized) 不要把同样的话讲给每个人听--这没用. 表达同样的信息的时候,不要用同样的叙述方式. 向不同层次的人传递信息,采用的方式要针对他们想了解的内容、他们能吸收什么以及什么对他们有意义和他们能接受什么.

Monica categorizes her towels. How many categories are there:莫妮卡的毛巾都分门别类一共分为几类

Her ear!|是她的耳朵 | "Monica categorizes her towels. How many categories are there?"|莫妮卡的毛巾都分门别类一共分为几类? | - Everyday use. - Fancy.|日常用毛巾高级毛巾