英语人>词典>汉英 : 分配词 的英文翻译,例句
分配词 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与分配词相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Relative frequency and context bias conjointly act on the assignment of syntactic category. It is consistent with lexicalist theory, in which all kinds of knowledge are involved in syntactic and lexical ambiguity resolution, lots of constraints are available in parsing and meaning access, and the two types of ambiguities are resolved by the same processing mechanism.


In the inverted index structure, the posting list of each term is partitioned into linked blocks, whose sizes form an arithmeticalseries.


Expert " most Lei Ren's word is on the network from mouth to mouth, for example Zhang Wei of dean of courtyard of a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties of canal of Beijing University brilliance greets " damage of Chinese reform increase is the biggest is a cadre ", Beijing day criterion of Zhang Shuguang of economic institute director " reform should use corruption and bribery, so that reduce the barrier of power move and repartition " wait, often cause a netizen group rise and attack,"Bricky home " spread fast waiting for a word, but " cerebral damage one word is rarely seen.


更多网络解释与分配词相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


当我们主要指某一特定的细胞类型而不是器官或躯体的某一部分时常用"定型"(commitment)一词. 特化(specification)一词也是指细胞的"使命"分配. 但从"决定"的意义上说,特化并不含有严格而明确的程序性意义,通常所说的特化主要指某些区域细胞的形成模式.





dispense vt.1:分配,分发 2.配,发 3.实施,执行[联想词]

inanimate a. 1.无生命的,非动物的 2.无生气的,单调的 | metropolitan a.大城市的,大都会的 | dispense vt. 1.分配,分发 2.配,发 3.实施,执行[联想词]


在英文中配置(disposition)和分配(distribution)是两个词, 但在一定意义上又是可以通用的. 在计划经济体制下,由计划决定一切,区分配置与分配没有实质性的意义. 由于我国经济体制改革是配置方式的转变,那么研究市场经济体制下财政问题时则要求.

distributively:分配地; 分发地 (副)

distributive 分配词 (名) | distributively 分配地; 分发地 (副) | distributor 播送者; 经销人; 经销商 (名)


susie 发放奖品,联系礼仪小姐 | duffy 奖品分配,大合唱领唱之一,提供猜词游戏题目 | YaleZhang 提供连连看游戏题目


malapportioned 分配不公平的 | malaprop 用词错误 | malapropism 词语误用

focus assigning:相关词的翻译

focus assigning的翻译: | focus assigning相关词的翻译: | 公差分配:tolerance assigning

surplus labors:相关词的翻译

surplus labors的翻译: | surplus labors相关词的翻译: | 劳动力分配:Surplus rural labors