英语人>词典>汉英 : 分裂 的英文翻译,例句
分裂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
abruption  ·  breakaway  ·  breakup  ·  cleavage  ·  cracking  ·  dichotomy  ·  disassociation  ·  disjunction  ·  disjuncture  ·  disruption  ·  dissociate  ·  disunion  ·  divide  ·  fission  ·  fissure  ·  fragmentation  ·  rend  ·  rent  ·  schism  ·  scission  ·  segment  ·  segments  ·  sliver  ·  spallation  ·  fragmentize  ·  scissura  ·  dichotomies  ·  dissociates  ·  dissociating  ·  divides  ·  fragmentizes  ·  fragmentizing  ·  rended  ·  rending  ·  rends  ·  renting  ·  rents  ·  slivered  ·  slivers  ·  splintering  ·  fissions  ·  fractions  ·  schisms  ·  demixing

break apart · break up · come apart · split up · split-up · split off
更多网络例句与分裂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Meiotic pachytene bivalents were obtained from porcine testes using prolonged hypotonic treatment combined with high chloroform Carnory's fixative solution. Mitotic metaphase chromosomes were prepared from blood cell culture. Comparative studies on division index and length of pachytene bivalents and mitosis metaphase chromosomes showed that those of the former are 5 times higher and 3.42(1.87~5.98) times longer than the latter, respectively. Chromomere maps of bivalents are more abundant than mitotic metaphase G-bands, while they are correspondent with mitotic early-metaphase G-bands. The result was found by using the chromosome 12 as a sample.


The completely diagonalized Hamiltonian matrices of 3d2/3d8 ion configuration in the trigonal symmetry have been established by irreducible representation method. Taken into account the influence of the spin-spin coupling interactions omitted in previous publications, the spectra and the constants of crystal structure and zero-field splitting parameters of CsNiCl3 crystal and CsNiCl3: Mg2+ crystal are calculated and the influence of the doping to the spectra, the constants of crystal structure, zero-field splitting parameters and Jahn-Teller effect are studied. The results show that doping can change the structure of crystal which brings about the changes in the spectra and zero-field splitting parameters as well as Jahn-Teller effect.


Karyokinesis like: karyokinesis as benign or non-rare, but not as pathological karyokinesis; malignant karyokinesis as often, and can be seen as pathological karyokinesis.


Both the new peniculus 1 and the old haplokinety separated at the telophase.The two germinal rows germinal rowsfor both the daughter cells appeared almost at the same time;(2) The macronucleus became shorter and thicker, finally oblate during the division of the cell. Then the macronucleus restored its original shape, band-like form. The micronucleus were divided into two before the macronucleus division;(3) The original scopula and stalk contributed to the old cell. The new cell formed scopula gradually after the cell division.


At the first time, the study of misdivision pattern of homoeologous group 5monosomic univerlants from North Chinese common wheat was conducted. The results indicated that there were 37 orietation patterns in 27cobinations including nine cultivars and three chromosomes . According to analysis of 37 orientation patterns, four misdivision patterns were discovered.

介过去的有关痔通小麦〔T.emL.lit Jt$数分裂单体单价体错分裂的研究中,大多集中在错分裂频率及单双极分丸,而X、1上错分裂方式的研究则很小,几乎是一个被忽砚的问题'"''、1%6年R.M.rsk曾把普通小麦羊体单价体的错分裂归结为两纨包括一条染色单体的错分裂及包括两条染色单体的错分裂"。

Puna Chicory, leymus multicaulis and Psathyrostachysjuncea.For the materials used in this article were some old seeds which had been stored for 3-7 years, we found a lot of abnormal mitotic and meiotic cells, such as chromosome bridge. chromosome laggard, micronucleus, multipolar division and so on. Moreover, we also found the wheat"s multi-anther, double germinate-hole"s microspore and collected the photos of every period of meiosis. mitosis.


Based on the laser longitudinal mode splitting theory, a novel scheme of dual-frequency laser with large frequency-difference is presented using electrically controlled birefringence of liquid crystal, and the transmitted resonant mode splitting by birefringent of Fabry-Perot etalon has been analyzed theoretically. A new element of liquid crystal Fabry-Perot etalon is designed and fabricated, which serves as aselector and splitter of both laser longitudinal modes and Fabry-Perot etalons transmitted resonant modes. Two different experimental systems of laser-diode end-pumped Nd:YAG laser have been set up using two different LDs, and the transmission of liquid-crystal cell have been measured. When the empty LCFP is inserted in the cavity of high-power LD pumped Nd:YAG laser, the oscillation of a single laser longitudinal mode have been observed, such a result shows that the designed and fabricated LCFP element is capable of selecting single axial mode. While an anti-reflected liquid crystal cell is inserted in the cavity of Nd:YAG laser end-pumped by the high-power LD, it is difficult to confirm weather the laser longitudinal modes have been spitted or not. The subject is summarized in this thesis and the improvement of the project has been presented.


Within the complicated environment of contemporary society (or pre-modern, modern, postmodern in China), a "split" man (obviously with partly "split personality" and partly "split mentality"), or in my words, a "split city man", if Marcuse built up his theory of "one-dimensional man" in terms of social stratification, would become an offspring generated in the contemporary social environment with "its" reference to "everyone affected by modernization"(city man, country man unassimilated or assimilating in city and the "minority" being encroached by city culture).


Alternative layers of target material 〓 are irradiated with (47.5 MeV/u)〓 ions, the ternary fission events of hot nuclei are verified and the probabilityratioes of ternary fission relative to binary fission with projectile energy from25Mev/u to 47.5MeV/u are measured and reprodurced with calculation result ofstatistical cascade fission model program written by myself. The fact that ternaryfission at low excitation energy come from cascade fission is shown.

5MeV/u〓束轰击Bi靶时,用叠层靶技术,实验证明了热核三分裂变确实存在,并测量了25MeV/u~47.5MeV/u 〓三分裂变相对于二分裂的三二比的激发曲线,利用自编级联统计模型程序,模拟了低温热核的三分裂相对于二分裂的几率,结果也表明在较低激发时热核三分裂是级联三分裂

In order to study the relatively intensity of Zeeman effect split spectrum line, the quantum number distribution and the relatively intensity are presented in detail by the analysis of Hg(546.1 nm) spilt spectrum line in the external magnetic field; the image of coherence circle is obtained by CCD, and the intensity of image is analyzed, the relatively intensity of the spilt spectrum line by image disposed is close to the theoretical result. It is concluded that the phenomenon and rule of Zeeman effect can be analyzed by CCD image technology.


更多网络解释与分裂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(一)无丝分裂(amitosis)也叫直接分裂,是一种比较简单的分裂方式. 在无丝分裂时看不见染色体的复杂变化,核物质直接分裂成二部分. 一般是从核仁开始,延长横裂为二,接着核延长,中间缢缩,分裂成2个核;同时,细胞质也随着拉长并分裂,

cell division:细胞分裂

细胞分裂(cell division)是活细胞繁殖其种类的过程.通常包括核分裂和胞质分裂两步.在核分裂过程中母细胞把遗传物质传给子细胞.在单细胞生物中细胞分裂就是个体的繁殖.在多细胞生物中细胞分裂是个体生长.发育和繁殖的基础.1855年德国

cell division arrest:细胞分裂停滞,细胞分裂抑制

cell division 细胞分裂 | cell division arrest 细胞分裂停滞,细胞分裂抑制 | cell division cycle gene 细胞分裂周期基因

equational division:均等分裂

减数分裂II分离的是姊妹染色体,类似于有丝分裂,所以称为同型分裂(homotypic division)或均等分裂(equational division). 和有丝分裂一样为了描述方便将减数分裂分为几个期和亚期有丝分裂细胞在进入减数分裂之前要经过一个较长的间期,

fission fusion fission bomb:分裂-熔合-分裂弹

分裂核 fissionable nucleus | 分裂-熔合-分裂弹 fission-fusion-fission-bomb | 分裂分布 fissioning distribution


有丝分裂的过程较复杂,包括核分裂(karyokinesis)和胞质分裂(cytokinesis)两个步骤. 核分裂是一个连续的过程,从细胞核内出现染色体开始,经一系列的变化,最后分裂成二个子核(daughter nucleus)为止. 为了解说上的便利,

gametic meiosis:配子减数分裂

减数分裂可分为3种主要类型: 配子减数分裂(gametic meiosis),也叫终端减数分裂(terminal meiosis),其特点是减数分裂和配子的发生紧密联系在一起,在雄性脊椎动物中,一个精母细胞经过减数分裂形成4个精细胞,后者在经过一系列的变态发育,


在观察了蝾螈细胞分裂现象的基础上,弗莱明于1882年提出了"有丝分裂"(mitosis)这一术语. 但从更详细的资料来看,有丝分裂的发现不是一蹴而就的,人类对有丝分裂的认识是一系列科学发现的综合结果. 最早对有丝分裂的认识开始于发现细胞核与细胞分裂有关.


schizoidia 精神分裂气质 精神分裂样人格 | schizoidism 精神分裂气质 精神分裂样人格 | schizoidpersonality 分裂样人格

mitogenic factor:有丝分裂因子,细胞有丝分裂促进因子,致有丝分裂因子

mitocondrial sheath ==> 线粒体鞘 | mitogenic factor ==> 有丝分裂因子,细胞有丝分裂促进因子,致有丝分裂因子 | mitosis promoting factor ==> 细胞有丝分裂促进因子