英语人>词典>汉英 : 分组法 的英文翻译,例句
分组法 的英文翻译、例句


group procedure
更多网络例句与分组法相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By comparison, the ray grouping method produce agreed fields with the finite-element ray tracing method implemented by BELLHOP. Furthermore, it is free of singularities and the calculation speed can increase by more than 30 percent.


Below illustrate clapboard has spherule routine in the box of requirement of magical function.1 of the law in group 1 12 identical spherule put number for 1, 2, 3, in the box of 4, is what there is a spherule at least in asking every box different put a law how to many kinds there are?

下面举例说明隔板分组法的妙用。1 要求盒子中都有小球例1 把12个相同的小球放入编号为1,2,3,4的盒子中,问每个盒子中至少有1个小球的不同放法有多少种?

Neo-impressionists tried to make impressionism more precise in form; they favored the technique of pointillism or divisionism, the application of dots or tiny strokes of color elements to a surface so that, when seen from a distance, the dots or strokes blend luminously together.


For multi-layer fabric, Kronecker product and yarn grouping of different layers according to the arrangement ratio are combined together to explore the mathematical model of weaves automatic generation. The qualifications of forming the multi-layer weaves are also discussed.


For single-layer fabric, weaves are re-grouped for the purpose of mathematical description, and they fall into three groups: regular weaves, pre-regular weaves and irregular weaves. And then the mathematical models of every group are established, the parameters and the qualifications of weaves automatic generation are offered too. For multi-layer fabric, Kronecker product and yarn grouping of different layers according to the arrangement ratio are combined together to explore the mathematical model of weaves automatic generation. The qualifications of forming the multi-layer weaves are also discussed.


Improvement has been made on certain statistical estimate methods and illustrated with real domestic regional economic cases.


We employ the two-period estimation method of Fama and MacBeth (1973) to compute ?

和? ,采用 Fama 和 French(1992)的二维分组法对股票进行分组,结果我们发现?

In this research, sixty-one patients in unconscious state after hypertensive intracerebral basal ganglia hemorrhage was randomly divided into two groups: The proctoclysis group (31cases) was treated with Tongfuxingshen liquid but the control group (30cases) treated with Tongfuxingshen capsul for seven days. Otherwise, the symptomatic therapy was used simultaneously. The curative effects such as the time of the patients from unconsciousness to consciousness state, the scores of Glasgow- Pittsburgh coma after treated seven days, and the scores of nervous functional defects after treated fourteenth days were observed.


From difference in polarization ability of cations, solubility of sulfide and sulfureted hydrogen system grouping .


In this paper, a new method for eliminating the false intersection points is proposed and refered as the quadrilaterals grouping method.


更多网络解释与分组法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

method of average error:均差法

( 变式:分组法(3)均差法(method of average error) 又称平均差误法method of average error. 均差法假定,我们的感官是有变化性的,因此不能得到一个"真实的"测量值. 于是我们取得大量的近似值,这些近似值的平均数是唯一的最佳近似值,

block circulant matrix:分组循环矩阵

block circulant approximation | 分组循环近似法 | block circulant matrix | 分组循环矩阵 | block clear | 闭塞区间开通, 闭塞区段出清

method of goal congruence:目标一致法

method of finite difference 有限差分法 | method of goal congruence 目标一致法 | method of grouping 分组法



nonrandom comparison group methods:非随机比较分组法

nonrandom access 非随机存取,非随机访问 | nonrandom comparison group methods 非随机比较分组法 | nonrandom distribution 非随机分布

simple randomization:简单随机分组

(五)随机化分组:方法有:1.简单随机分组(simple randomization) 将研究对象以个人为单位用掷硬币(正、反两面指定为实验组和对照组)、抽签、使用随机数字表,也可采用系统随机化法,即用现成的数据(如研究对象顺序号、身份证号、病历卡号、工号、学号等)交替随机分配到实验组和对照组中去.

Group sequential sampling plan:分组连续抽样法

group sequential sampling 分组序贯抽样 | group sequential sampling plan 分组连续抽样法 | group shelterwood cutting 群状择伐


randomize 随机选择 | randomized 随机法 | randomizedblock 随机分组法 随机化区组

method of fluxions:流数法;微分法

流数法;微分法 method of fluxions | 分组法 method of grouping | 归纳法 method of induction

method of percentiles:百分位数法

method of grouping 分组法 | method of percentiles 百分位数法 | mid-value of class 组中值