英语人>词典>汉英 : 分成多部分的 的英文翻译,例句
分成多部分的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与分成多部分的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Education was open to the society and the public;the education mode included training classes for the young,mass education schools and Japanese language schools,etc.;and the educational content included the education of pro-Japanese and anticommunism ideology,military training and the Japanese language.


In the self-bred progenies of autopolyploid,we found that a very few chimaeraexist in the cells of root tips,but most of them had no change in ploidy. We also found13 diploid plants in the experimental plot (ratio is 0.46%) and can be divided into 4categories.


When grown debris disk, the disk head when reading a file is no longer read a complete document, but are divided into many parts of back and forth to read, and the disk read time for data is only read the timing of another site 20%, such as an increase in debris, the use of the computer will become slower speed.


If two parties want to sign a contract C over a communication network, they must "simultaneously" exchange their commitments to C Since simultaneous exchange is usually impossible in practice, protocols are needed to approximate simultaneity by exchange partial commitments in a piece by piece manner The party of secondly sending commitments may have a slight advantage; a "fair" protocol must keep this advantage within acceptable limits The protocol for signing a contract is improved based on the research result of secure multiparty computation In this protocol, the parties obliviously transfer the signed bit and the committed bit; the other parties can prove the validity of this bit based on the confirming sub protocol, but he cant gain more information about the whole signature by accumulating the signed bit or the committed bit After the parties exchange the whole signed information, they declare the commitment about the signature respectively, and gain the whole signature of the other party At this moment, the party doesnt care about the advance quit of the other party, because he has gained the whole signed information Finally, it is proved that this protocol is quit fairness

在网络环境中解决合同签订问题需要保证信息交换的同时性,以前提出的协议都会给第 2个发送者部分计算特权,利用不经意传输协议则可以解决这个问题在协议执行过程中,参与者将合同的签名位以及他对签名位的承诺不经意传输给对方,对方可以利用验证子协议证明该位的有效性,但是他却不能通过位交换次数的增加获取更多的完整签名的信息;在完成签名位的交换之后,参与者分别宣布承诺,并得到对方对合同的完整签名;在宣布承诺时,协议参与者已经获得全部的签名内容,要么是签名位,要么是对方对该位的承诺,因此参与者并不需要担心对方提前终止协议在文章的最后利用多方安全计算的结论证明了该协议满足终止公平性1 引言两个参与者A和B想要通过网络协商签订合同C 为了保证公平性,参与者必须同时交换自己对合同的签名,然而在实际的网络环境中,想要完全同时地交换对合同的签名是不可能的,他们必须将签名分成若干块依次地执行,以保证大致的同时性但是这种方法依然存在着问题

The Warhammer Online Platform: Warhammer's innovative "Public Quest" system allows small groups of players to quickly form and engage in an exciting multi-part mission, usually climaxing in a big boss fight.


Though in such manufactures, therefore, the work may really be divided into a much greater number of parts, than in those of a more trifling nature, the division is not near so obvious, and has accordingly been much less observed.


Though in such manufactures, therefore, the work may really be divided into a much greater number of parts than in those of a more trifling nature, the division is not near so obvious, and has accordingly been much less observed.


This dissertation was focused on the electron-transfer reactions of per-fluoroalkyl halides. It consists of two parts.


更多网络解释与分成多部分的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

hierarchical classification:系统分组

剖分成处理间自由度与处理内自由度两部分来实现的.在安排多因素试验方案时,将A因素分为a个水平,在A因素每个水平Ai下又将B因素分成b个水平,再在B因素每个水平Bij下将C因素分c个水平......,这样得到各因素水平组合的方式称为系统分组(hierarchical classification)或称多层分组,套设计,


穿颅术(craniotomy)是用器械穿破胎儿头颅,排出颅内组织,使头颅组织缩小,从阴道分娩的手术. 断头术(decapitation)是将死胎切断胎颈部并将其分成胎头及躯干两部分,逐一将其娩出的手术. 用断头钩切断胎颈,操作困难,对母体软产道损伤较多,


断头术(decapitation)是将死胎切断胎颈部并将其分成胎头及躯干两部分,逐一将其娩出的手术. 用断头钩切断胎颈,操作困难,对母体软产道损伤较多,已少用. 线锯(图1)断胎颈操作简单、安全,有替代断头钩之势.

my elder brother:(对......感到满意)

3. I had to ____________(把我的钱分成两部分). | 5. My elder brother__________________(对......感到满意) the result of the final exam. | 6. China has _________(最多的人口) in the world.


我们已经看到,"经验的"(empirical)一词指向经验(比如说,知道狗的不同种类和行为),我们还会多次看到,empiri这一词根意味着与经验有某种联系. 通过经验概念,世界开始变得对我们有意义了. 我们借助于经验概念把世界分成了可以区分的各个部分,

segmented:分段的 分成多部分的或由明显的各部分组成的

reflexed 下弯的 弯曲的 | segmented 分段的 分成多部分的或由明显的各部分组成的 | solid 实心的 内部充满的,非空的,没有空穴的


1.曲线的分裂(split)或分割(subdivision)是将曲线分成两条或多条独立表示的曲线. 使用场合:只对曲线的某一部分或若干部分进行处理,把需处理的部分单独表示出来. 方法:一条参数曲线的分裂可以通过提供域参数变换来实现.


法式分为两个层次,我们称之为图解(schemata):网格(grid)与三分法(tripartition). 网格图解通过两组线来划分一个建筑,在古典建筑中运用最多的是矩形网格图解,直线相交成直角,线之间的距离通常是相等的,把组合体分成相等的部分.

reflexed:下弯的 弯曲的

posterior 后部的 在背面或朝向背面的 | reflexed 下弯的 弯曲的 | segmented 分段的 分成多部分的或由明显的各部分组成的


法式分为两个层次,我们称之为图解(schemata):网格(grid)与三分法(tripartition). 网格图解通过两组线来划分一个建筑,在古典建筑中运用最多的是矩形网格图解,直线相交成直角,线之间的距离通常是相等的,把组合体分成相等的部分.