英语人>词典>汉英 : 分娩过程 的英文翻译,例句
分娩过程 的英文翻译、例句


birth process
更多网络例句与分娩过程相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

to seismic disaster area the whole delivery process of 40 puerperas executes man-to-man whole journey company by the accoucheuse that has experience.


Ambulation during labor is becoming more popular, although itsimpact on the progress of labor and on pain intensity remainsunclear.


Road to reduce the soft middle of the fetal head of the resistance to achieve a free accelerate the completion of the process and reduce the incidence of stagnation production,reduce maternal pain in childbirth.


Amur tigers had a copulatory pattem with no lock,thrusting, multiple intromission,and single ejaculation,which belonged to copulatory pattern No.11 in Dewsbury\'s copulatory-patterned system.5 The behaviors that accounted for most of the total time budget during the parturition period were grooming,lying and licking kittens,26.90%,26.23%and 23.83%,respectively.


is human communication skill can let a puerpera accept natural delivery in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere in the health care when producing, cooperate whole delivery process with active state of mind of one's own accord, rose apparently obstetric nurse quality.


The analgetic effects,stage of labor,the blood lost during the first 2 hours after delivery,the application of mesotocin during the delivery course,blood gas analysis of parturient arteria radialis and the newborn umbilical venous blood,and the Apgar score of the infants were observed respectively.

观察两组产妇分娩镇痛的效果、各产程的时间、分娩过程中催产素使用情况、产后2 h失血量、产妇桡动脉血和新生儿脐静脉血血气分析及新生儿Apgar评分。

The average time of first stage of labor is 5 hours, natural childbirth rate is 95%; Team B had the childbirth with strong celialgia, the average time of first stage of labor is 10 hours, natural childbirth rate is 95%.


But the excluded desire is unaware of its fallen nature, and depending on the various accounts, either it or its offspring, the Creator, begins a "demiurgical" or birthing process which partially mirrors the "emanating" process in the pleroma and ultimately results in the creation of the world.

但是,被排除在外的愿望不知道其下跌的性质,并根据不同帐户,或者它或它的后代,造物主,开始了& demiurgical &或分娩过程中,部分反映了&产生&的过程中pleroma ,最终的结果是设立世界。

But the excluded desire is unaware of its fallen nature, and depending on the various accounts, either it or its offspring, the Creator, begins a "demiurgical" or birthing process which partially mirrors the "emanating" process in the pleroma and ultimately results in the creation of the world.

但排除的愿望是不知道其下跌的性质,并根据各帐户,不论是它或其后代,造物者,开始了& demiurgical &或分娩过程中,其中部分反映了&产生&的过程中pleroma和最终结果,在创建世界。

The value of APPT was monitored and warfarin was reused 24 hours after operation.Results:The 17 cases of term delivery received Caesarean section and the weight of newborn was 2 600 g to 3 500 g.There were 4 cases of teratism,but the 2 cases keeping using warfarin was normal.The cardiac function maintained stable after delivery,the bleeding during operation was(247±139)ml, and no severe complications and death occurred.


更多网络解释与分娩过程相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


与之相反的则是从受孕时刻算起的真正怀孕时间(true duration of pregnancy). 4. 胎儿产出的实际过程叫作分娩(分娩),这是分娩(labor)的结果. 此外,分娩(confinement)还包括胎盘(placenta))或胞衣(afterbirth)的排出或剥离.

amniotic fluid embolism:羊水栓塞

羊水栓塞(amniotic fluid embolism)是分娩过程中一种较罕见的疾患. 在分娩过程中,如羊膜破裂,尤其又有胎儿头阻塞阴道口时,子宫收缩可将羊水压入破裂的子宫壁静脉窦内,羊水成分可由子宫静脉进入肺循环,在肺动脉分支及毛细血管内引起羊水栓塞.

effacement of cervix:宫颈管消失

产程的分期 定义:分娩(delivery) 妊娠满28周及以后胎儿及附属物从母体产道排出的过程软产道 宫颈的变化 主要是宫颈管消失(effacement of cervix)和宫口的开大经产妇则宫颈管消失与宫口扩张(dilatation of cervix)同时进行.


大部份在医院分娩的妇女都接受了一种叫"女阴切开术"(episiotomy)的手术,婴儿的头比口大得多,这种手术是要防止脆嫩的组织会因过度扩张而破裂. 分娩以后,那位母亲的口就张得大大的,医生马上要动手缝合那切开的组织. 整个过程大约需要五分钟,







lepra reaction:麻风反应

但某些诱因如药物、气侯、精神因素、预防注射或接种、外伤、营养不良、酗酒、过度疲劳、月经不调、妊娠、分娩...麻风反应(lepra reaction)是在麻风病慢性过程中,不论治疗与否,突然呈现症状活跃,发生急性或亚急性病变,使原有的皮肤和神经损害炎症加剧,