英语人>词典>汉英 : 凿洞 的英文翻译,例句
凿洞 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hole  ·  holed

更多网络例句与凿洞相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Polar bears are dependent on pack ice in the Arctic region for hunting, mating and building their dens.


Diver s trying to raise the bodies of 118 sailors from the sunken Kursk nuclear submarine were near to finishing a man-sized hole in the hull on Tuesday, the Russian navy officer leading the operation said


Divers trying to raise the bodies of118 sailors from the sunken Kursk nuclear submarine were near to finishing a man-sized hole in the hull on Tuesday, the Russian navy officer leading the operation said.


No channeling or chasing of floor screed is allowed.


Adult female beetles, which typically attack the lodgepole, ponderosa, or whitebark pine, bore into living sapwood to dig tunnels and lay eggs.


Who should come to my lodge this morning but a true Homeric or Paphlagonian man —— he had so suitable and poetic a name that I am sorry I cannot print it here —— a Canadian, a woodchopper and post-maker, who can hole fifty posts in a day, who made his last supper on a woodchuck which his dog caught.


The spirit table Xumi place and above the palace wall's stone banket the vulture has the volume grass, the fierce lion, the warrior, to ride the deer, the unicorn, the marine animals, the horse, the sheep, as well as dances in the air the tuck dive to smoke like a chimney flies in circles the dragon and the lifelike scenery character and so on.

神台须 弥座和殿墙的石护脚上面雕有卷草、猛狮、武士、骑鹿、麒麟、水兽、马、羊、以及飞舞翻腾吞云吐雾的翔龙和惟妙惟肖的山水人物等。在五乳峰离绝顶数十米的地方,有一深约5米,宽约3米的天然石洞,这就是达摩面壁九年处,人称&达摩洞&。相传达摩到少林寺后曾在此洞内面壁九年,由于年深日久,身影投于洞内石上,竟留下了一个面壁姿态的形象,衣褶皱纹隐约可见,宛如一幅淡色的水墨,人们把这块石头称为&达摩面壁影石&。后寺僧唯恐影石有失,将影石凿下放入少林寺。洞前现存有明代万历年间石坊一座、明代苏民望题七绝诗一首,洞内还有达摩、慧可石雕像等。

Conyoneering is a combination of climbing, caving, backcountry hiking, and rappelling.


Trust the quality of Ferm. Whether they are being used to

们都信赖Ferm 的产品质量;无论用这些产品凿洞还是

Chen Fu, one of the tunnel workers and now the vice-director in the National Expressway Engineering Bureau, said that in one winter morning of 1989, when he was excavating a large hole in the tunnel, his phone rang all of a sudden.


更多网络解释与凿洞相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


he wants to know what you're doing with the hammer. [他想知道你拿锤子干什么] | Excavating. [凿洞] | is that a collar? [这是项圈吗?]

Hewer of Caves, the:凿洞者 洞中之王 芬罗德的别名

Hevensday 第三纪末夏尔语言中一周七日之一的名称 | Hewer of Caves, the 凿洞者 洞中之王 芬罗德的别名 | Hidden King, the 隐藏的王 即庭葛


灵机一动,Mario想到在他的皮鞋外底(outsole)上,凿穿几个洞,令本来很聚热的胶鞋底变得散热透气. 返回意大利后,Mario将这独特的鞋履概念付诸实行,创立Geox鞋品公司. Geox这名字由希腊文"Geo"而来,"Geo"是地球的意思,

punch card machine:洞卡机;纸板打孔器

punch and anvil 冲眼与铁钻 | punch card machine 洞卡机;纸板打孔器 | punch card machine 洞卡机纸板打孔器凿孔机

punch card machine:洞卡机纸板打孔器凿孔机

punch card machine 洞卡机;纸板打孔器 | punch card machine 洞卡机纸板打孔器凿孔机 | punch card machine 纸板打孔器


XXI 戴胜目(Upupiformes)XXII 犀鸟目(Bucerotiforms)XXIII 鴷形目(Piciformes)1、须鴷科(Capitonidae)小型攀禽. 喙粗大,稍下弯,在嘴的上、下有发达的口须;大多具有鲜艳羽饰;在树干或沙岸凿洞为巢. 代表种类大拟啄木鸟(Megalaima uirens).


鴷形目(Piciformes)啄木鸟科(Picidae)啄木鸟亚科(Picinae, 真啄木鸟)鸟类,约180种,以在树皮中探寻昆虫和在枯木中凿洞为巢而著称. 除澳大利亚和新几内亚,几乎遍布全世界,以南美洲和东南亚数量最多. 多数啄木鸟为留鸟,仅但少数有迁徙习性.


XXI 戴胜目(Upupiformes)XXII 犀鸟目(Bucerotiforms)XXIII 鴷形目(Piciformes)1、须鴷科(Capitonidae)小型攀禽. 喙粗大,稍下弯,在嘴的上、下有发达的口须;大多具有鲜艳羽饰;在树干或沙岸凿洞为巢. 代表种类大拟啄木鸟(Megalaima uirens).

To make a hole in something:凿洞:在某物中打孔

牐燭o put or propel into a hole. 把...打入或放入孔内 | 牐 To make a hole in something. 凿洞:在某物中打孔 | 牐燱aterline n. (船的)吃水线, 水线


punched 冲孔的 | punched 冲孔的穿孔的凿孔的 | punched-card computor 洞卡计算机