英语人>词典>汉英 : 函数的增量 的英文翻译,例句
函数的增量 的英文翻译、例句


increment of a function · increase of function
更多网络例句与函数的增量相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on Hankel's matrix method and augmented least square recursive algorithm,the paper features the recursive least squares method of nonlinear parameter estimation with forgetting factor by introducing the constraint indicator of ...


Based on expansion of ODF in series of Generalized Spherical Harmonics by Bunge, we design programming in Orientation Distribution Function for polycrystal which contained five thousands crystals based on increment arithmetic of Voronoi. Geometrical data information, ODF of every crystal in polycrysal are imported to Open Graphics Library to draw, that means we implement visualization of ODF for every crystal in polycrystal.


The proposed approach extends the basic theory of FBM to the discrete case and investigates characteristics of auto-correlation function based on fractional Gauss noise.


By formulating the growth of the Local times, we thus obtain the lower bounds of the Hausdorff measure functions for the level sets of strictly stable processes.


Based on the Lagrangian equation with dissipation function, the motion equation of a microbubble with shell is obtained, and the dynamic characteristics of microbubble with shell in free space are studied. It shows that the inner and outer maximum radii of the microbubble increase when the acoustic pressure and its initial radius increase, as well as when the ultrasonic frequency decreases.


It depends on the increment of invariants of the stress, and therefore is independent of the rotation of the principal axes of stress.


With this method, we had several important differences compared to the YDmodel. First, the ratio of daily increment of PDT and the deficit of both water and nitrogen was used to estimate the effect of environment. Second, a nonlinear function was adopted to describe vernalization and thermal effectiveness (instead of three-stage linear function). Third, sinusoidal function was used to describe photoperiod curve cluster for different cultivars.


Based on definition of strain energy function,increment formula of stationary potential energy of finite displacement theory were derived in terms of Kirchhoff stress tensor and Green strain tensor.

基于有限位移理论应变能密度函数的定义,利用Kirchhoff 应力张量和Green应变张量,推出了非线性分析中增量形式的势能驻值公式,并证明了由势能增量驻值原理得到的增量平衡方程形式与由虚位移原理所得的结果完全一致。

The dissipation factor tip-up D tan d , the change of capacitance D C / C 0, the maximum discharge q max and the mean discharge magnitude q mean , A compared investigation of the correlations between V min , V av and service time were compared with those between D tan d , D C / C 0, q max, q mean and respectively.

对大量的不同运行年数的线棒进行了超声波 V min 和 V av 测量,以及介质损耗角增量 D tan d 、电容变化率 D C / C 0、最大放电量 q max 和平均放电量 q mean 等电气测量试验,对比研究了超声参数( V min 和 V av )和电气测量参数( D tan d 、 D C / C 0、 q max 和 q mean )与运行年数的相关性,发现, V min 和 V av 与的相关性很强,相关系数 R 分别为0.892和0.890,而 D tan d 、 q max 和 q mean 与的相关性较弱, R 在0.55~0.60范围内, D C / C 0与几乎没有相关性, R 仅为0.310;采用线性回归分析,分别建立了 V min 和 V av 与的二阶和三阶线性函数的数学模型, R-S 分别为0.828和0.903,并分别提出了最可靠运行年数和置信度为95%的可靠运行年数的预测方法。

A lossless incremental inverted list intersection algorithm called LEIR is proposed, which can support a larger range of ranking functions than existing incremental intersection methods. As a result, it can reduce query processing cost without compromising result quality.


更多网络解释与函数的增量相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

continuity of a function:函数的连续性

等阶无穷小 equivalent infinitesimal | 函数的连续性 continuity of a function | 增量 increment



increment of a function:函数之增量

increment of value duties 增值税 | increment of a function 函数之增量 | indebted adj. 负债的,法律上有义务偿还的

increment of a function:函数的增量

increment 增量 | increment of a function 函数的增量 | indecomposable 不可分解的

increment of a function:函数的增量;函数的差

增量函数 increment function | 函数的增量;函数的差 increment of a function | 增加率 increment rate


increment of a function 函数的增量 | indecomposable 不可分解的 | indefinable 难下定义的

quantized wave function:量子化的波函数

sensitive form 敏感形式[型] | quantized wave function 量子化的波函数 | increment function 增量函数