英语人>词典>汉英 : 出租车司机 的英文翻译,例句
出租车司机 的英文翻译、例句


taxi driver · Taxi Driver · cab driver
更多网络例句与出租车司机相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The taxi driver became more and more intolerant of the back-seat driver.


But during a benefaction inside a inside shot, Cabbie similarly Snake have been inside front similarly Maggie is routine in a behind of them.


Cast ::, Kurt Russell as Snake Plissken , Lee Van Cleef as Hauk , Ernest Borgnine as Cabbie , Donald Pleasence as Boss , Isaac Hayes as A Duke , Season Hubley as Girl in Chock Full O'Nuts , Harry Dean Stanton as Brain , Adrienne Barbeau as Maggie , Tom Atkins as Rehme , Charles Cyphers as Secretary of State , Joe Unger as Taylor , Frank Doubleday as Romero , John Strobel as Cronenberg , John Cothran Jr .


"I sure wish I was driving my hack again," the cabby said.


When boarding in a hotel, I had always to put one or two bucks on the pillow for the charwoman every morning; when dining in a restaurant, another 10%—20% of the check for the waiter; even when taking a taxi, I had to pay extra money and ironically, many drivers run their own business.

说是小费,数目对于我这样的中国土鳖来说可不算小,住旅馆,每天早上要在枕头放一两个美元,给打扫房间的大姐;吃饭要把餐费的 10%-20%给服务员;甚至连坐出租车也要额外给小费,其实很多出租车司机自己都是老板。

The driver of the vehicle was an off-duty taxi driver who already had a number of convictions for traffic violations.


I gave the taxi-driver the name of the street where the hotel was located, but he said he had never heard of it.


In defence of Japanese cabbies I think they're pretty good drivers generally – very smooth.


In defence of Japanese cabbies I think they're pretty good drivers generally – very smooth.


It iswarmer here than at home,but sometimes the fogis so thick that even the taxi drivers get lost;lastnight three of them ran right off the street and intothe fountains on the Rond Point on the ChampsElysees,which Boppy can tell you about.


更多网络解释与出租车司机相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


requeststop招呼站 | taxidriver,cabdriver出租车司机 | conductor售票员

taxi driver:出租车司机

好象他看"出租车司机"(TAXI DRIVER),疯狂喜欢劳勃迪尼洛,而欣赏"沉默的羔羊"(THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS)时,又不寒而栗. 对好的商业片,他是拥戴兼享受的.


Jehovah /耶和华/ | Jehu /开快车者/出租车司机/ | Jellif /镍铬电阻合金/

Taxi Driver IMDB:出租车司机

教父II The Godfather: Part II IMDB#3 1974 | 出租车司机 Taxi Driver IMDB#37 1976 | 猎鹿人 The Deer Hunter IMDB#136 1978

a taxi driver:出租车司机

1)a tour guide 导游 | 2)a taxi driver 出租车司机 | 3)grow up 长大

My Taxi?driver:我的出租车司机

11. A Nervous Speaker 一位紧张的演讲者 | 12. My Taxi?driver 我的出租车司机 | 13. A Written Examination 一次笔试

I used to be a waiter, but now I'm a taxi-driver:我过去是一个服务员,但现在我是出租车司机

He is used to hard wo, rk. 他习惯于艰苦的工作... | (4)used to 可以和be, have 以及其他状态动词连用,描写过去的... | I used to be a waiter, but now I'm a taxi-driver. 我过去是一个服务员,但现在我是出租车司机.

My Taxidriver:我的出租车司机

11. A Nervous Speaker 一位紧张的演讲者 | 12. My Taxidriver 我的出租车司机 | 13. A Written Examination 一次笔试


taxidermy 标本剥制术 | taximan 出租车司机 | taximeter 计程器

taximan:出租车司机 (名)

taxidermy 动物标本剥制术 (名) | taximan 出租车司机 (名) | taximeter 车费指示器 (名)