英语人>词典>汉英 : 出版社 的英文翻译,例句
出版社 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

publishing company · publishing house · book concern
更多网络例句与出版社相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In America he bought record labels like Arista and RCA Victor, and publishers like Bantam, Doubleday and, eventually, Random House; in Europe, he acquired 90% of RTL Group, a huge radio and television company.

莫恩收购了美国的唱片公司阿瑞斯塔和RCA Victor;收购了Bantam出版社、双日出版社、最终还收购了兰登书屋;在欧洲市场,他并购了广播电视巨头RTL集团90%的股份。

Fan Delian Metal Enrichment-Layer in Lower Cambrian Black Rock in South China. Study on Sediment and Petrology 北京:科学出版社, 1981,null

范德廉 南方几省下寒武统黑色岩系及层状多金属富集层北京:科学出版社, 1981,null

The Germany, Cologne based DuMont publisher is one of the oldest publishers for books and magazines in Europe; it's origins go back to the beginning of the 19th century.


Fiske, John (1989) Understanding Popler Culture, Boston: Unwin Hyman; Hebdige, Dick (1979) Subculture: the Meaning of Style, London: Methuen; de Certeau, Michel (1988) The Practice of Everyday Life, trans Stephen Rendall, Berkeley: University of California Press; Lefebvre, Henri (1971) Everyday Life in the Modern World, tras.

约翰·费斯克(1989),《理解波普文化》;波士顿: Unwin Hyman 出版社;迪克·海博蒂格(1979),《亚文化:风格的意义》;伦敦: Methuen 出版社;米歇尔·德·塞托(1988),《日常生活实践》;斯蒂芬·伦达尔译,贝克莱:加利福尼亚大学出版社

Kwong Yuen-based companies' integrity, innovation 'entrepreneurial spirit, the implementation of' intentions production, holding following improvements, the pursuit of quality to meet the requirements of 'quality, after years of effort, authorized by the customer, with the strength of credit Excellent customer fixed: Guangdong Mobile Shenzhen, the Shenzhen bureau, Shenzhen Post Office, Sea King Pharmaceutical Group, the headquarters of Wal-Mart China, Lenovo Company, TCL Corporation, Shenzhen Konka Group, the State Taxation Bureau of Shenzhen, Shenzhen pay HKMA , Guangxi Normal University Press, Guangxi Art Publishing House, Hunan Children's Publishing House, publishers hope that the 21st Century Publishing House, Yunnan Fine Arts Publishing House, Hubei Children's Publishing House, Liaoning Children's Publishing House, Liaoning Education Press, sea and sky Press and other major publishers.


In the publishing house strypped before publishing business card printing and membership card-making enterprises and the price of this publishing house settlement may be less than other business card printing and membership card-making enterprise.


We All Come From the Stone-Steps of Our Former Residence, Looking up to House Girder, Rivers and Hills Poppling in the Setting Sun, The Then Autumn Was Lifted High by Wild Geese, four poems by him are anthologized respectively into College Chinese published by Hefei Industrial University Press, College Chinese published by North Jiaotong University, and College Chinese published by People's Education Press.


China Renmin University Press was founded in 1955. As a university press enjoying a high prestige in China, it is not only among the earliest of its kind established after the founding of the People's Republic of China, but also a publishing center of college textbooks designated by the Ministry of Education. It publishes over 600 kinds of new books every year, covering high-level academic compositions, periodicals, video products and textbooks for entrance examination, certificate education, adult education, training, graduate and postgraduate education, modern remote education and so on.


Our relationship with the country's most influential more than 500 medical and health category, non-pharmaceutical Central News Agency, local, and University Press have established business relationship, the people are hygiene Press, Beijing University Medical Press, Science Press, China's pharmaceutical science and technology, China Traditional Chinese Medicine, People's Military Medical, China Union Medical University Publishing House and other distribution outlets and distribution stations, the arrival rate of the fastest, most varieties. 2004,2005 consecutive years 2 years the people's health publishing house issued a full year of teaching materials, books, audio-visual products and the total amount of each single ranked first. The people won the 2006 Health Press Shandong area A-class sales and service center, and awarded honorary certificates and a steel tablet.


Shan Jiazeng Application of Structural Simulation Experiment in Petroleum Geology 北京:石油工业出版社, 1996,null

单家增 构造模拟实验在石油地质学中的应用北京:石油工业出版社, 1996,null

更多网络解释与出版社相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sarane Alexandrian:李长俊译,《超现实主义的艺术》,出版社:大陆,台北

13. Ralph Mayer,猫头鹰编辑小组译,>,出版社... | 14. Rita L. Atkinson 等,郑博埙等译,>,出版社... | 15. Sarane Alexandrian,李长俊译,>,出版社:大陆,台北,1971.

TIMOTHYA BUDD:面向对象编程导论 机械出版社

1254 471 傅立叶与小波分析导论 机械出版社 MARK A PINS | 1255 470 面向对象编程导论 机械出版社 TIMOTHYA BUDD | 1256 469 知识表示 机械出版社 JOHN F.SOWA

Salvador Dali:着,皇冠编译组译,《少年达利的秘密日记》,出版社:平安文化公司,台北

Sarane Alexandrian着,李长俊译,>,出版社:大陆,台... | Salvador Dali着,皇冠编译组译,>,出版社:平安文化公司,台北,2001. | Sigmund Freud着,>,出版社:国际,北京...

Hence Tredmiya:着,徐代德译,《近代艺术革命》,出版社:三民,台北

Ellen Winner着,陶东风等译,>,出版社:田园城市,台... | Hence Tredmiya着,徐代德译,>,出版社:三民,台北,1973. | Heinrich Wolfflin着,曾雅云译,>,出版社:雄狮,台...

Herbert Read:着,李长俊译,《现代绘画史》,出版社:大陆,台北

Heinrich Wolfflin着,曾雅云译,>,出版社:雄狮,台北,1989. | Herbert Read着,李长俊译,>,出版社:大陆,台北,1972. | Lev Tolstoy着,耿济之译,>,出版社:远流,台北,1989.

Kant, Immanuel:著,結構群譯,《康德底實用人類學》,台北:結構群出版社

Jurgen Habermas 等著,呂建忠譯,>,台北:立緒文化出版社... | Kant Immanuel著,結構群譯,>,台北:結構群出版社,1990. | Kant Immanuel著,結構群譯,>,台北:結構群出版社...

Lev Tolstoy:着,耿济之译,《艺术论》,出版社:远流,台北

Herbert Read着,李长俊译,>,出版社:大陆,台北,197... | Lev Tolstoy着,耿济之译,>,出版社:远流,台北,1989. | Meredigh Etherington Smith着,林淑芬译,>,出版社:脸谱,台北,2...

Ralph Mayer:猫头鹰编辑小组译,《艺术名词与技法辞典》,出版社:猫头鹰,台北

12. Philip Rawson,David.Piper,>,出版社:佳庆... | 13. Ralph Mayer,猫头鹰编辑小组译,>,出版社:猫头鹰,台北,2002. | 14. Rita L. Atkinson 等,郑博埙等译,>,出版社:...

Zhuhai Publishing House:珠海出版社

华夏出版社 Huaxia Publishing House | 珠海出版社 Zhuhai Publishing House | 云南人民出版社 Yunnan People's Press

Huaxia Publishing House:华夏出版社

花城出版社 Huacheng Publishing House | 华夏出版社 Huaxia Publishing House | 珠海出版社 Zhuhai Publishing House