英语人>词典>汉英 : 出版业的 的英文翻译,例句
出版业的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与出版业的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Liu Bin outstanding express in the speech, books of the transmission on the net has made fundamental trend and trend, should serve as the example inside course of study when the net, make full use of Internet new technology quickened what publish course of study to the tradition to transform, created news to publish the new job condition of course of study.


But we think that this is a first step to introducing the rule of law in publishing.


The emergence of the internet and a market-driven publishing industry has changed China less than it should.


In the case the government and journalism undertook the equal rights and obligations and none wouldn't overtop the other.


The early days of commercial television created a problem for the advertising and publishing industry.


From the general situation of Chinese and foreign publishing industries, publishing markets mainly belong to two kinds of market formations: monopolistic competition markets and collusive oligopoly markets.


Present situation and trends of press after electronic technique is used in press,traolitional press under challenges of information highway,owd mecessary tacttes of related circles are reviewed in this paper.


It is a very important work to attract readers by propagating.


Teaching English in Shanghai T'ung-wenk uan, Translating for the KiangnanArsenal, and he began to take journalistic affairs. Young John Allen took his first job in journalism as an editor at the thrice-weekly Shanghai Xinbao in 1868.He so enjoyed this new occupation that he called it his new first love. After only four months in the business, Allen founded the The Church News..In 1874,he reorganized his paper to match the secular interests of the urban Chinese elites and renamed it Wanguo Gongbao. Also, he performed education affairs. In 1885,he founded the Anglo-Chinese College, he also helped establish the MCTyeire Home and School for Girls, which opened in 1892.The original Suzhou University was founded by Southern Methodists in Suzhou in 1900 as a merger of two existing institutions :the Buffington institute and the Kung Hang School,in 1912,the Anglo-Chinese College moved from Shanghai to Suzhou and merged with Suzhou University.


Information needs made tribal chiefs send messengers in primitive societies and compelled Roman emperors and Califs create efficient postal and road systems, Gutenberg's printing revolution opened the era of the press, societal requirements and political struggle in the French kingdom made King Louis XIII produce La Gazette , economic and financial needs of the Fugger family contributed to the creation of the periodic press in Germany, the freedom of the press, the growth of literacy in England created and audience for the British press in the 18th century and opened up the public sphere which contributed to the development of civil society.

信息需求迫使原始社会中的部落首领开始传送信息,也驱使罗马君主和伊斯兰教国王创建了有效的邮政公路系统。古腾堡的印刷革命开启了出版业的新纪元,法兰西帝国时期的社会需求和政治斗争则促使路易十三传版了 La Gazette 报,而富格家族的经济和金融需求推动了德国期刊业的诞生。另外,出版自由和国民文化素质的提高为18世纪的英国出版业培养了受众,同时也开拓了大众的视野,这将有利于民主社会的发展。

更多网络解释与出版业的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

book club:图书俱乐部

主要的销售商为零售业、批发商、及书店,销售额大约成长了20%,而在图书俱乐部(Book Club)也成长了17%,其它零售市场则是成长16%,在2001年对出版业来说的确是丰收的一年,


网络游戏出版现状及政策 网络游戏的快速发展带动了互联网经济复苏 随着大规模网络基础设施的建设,我国的互联网应用从2000年开始进入发展高峰期,游戏出版业由原来以光盘(CD ROM)为载体的单机PC电子游戏出版物向互联网延伸,

desktop publishing:桌面出版系统

网络通信和数字信息技术的迅猛发展为世界出版业带来巨大机遇和挑战. 复制技术和计算机技术的飞跃,大大降低了印刷和出版的成本,提高了出版业的平均利润. "桌面出版系统"(Desktop Publishing)的出现,使得案头编辑工作(包括编辑校对、版面设计、书籍装帧等)有可能从出版社剥离出来,形成独立的产业.

Heidelberg University:海德堡大学

德国海德堡大学(Heidelberg University)一位文学教授尖锐地响应说,Google Books应让全球取得电子书,否则将难以获利或不可能赚钱. 形容Google计划为"一堆极端可笑宣传垃圾"的鲁斯(Roland Reuss)教授,在讨论此一问题的座谈会上,警告传统出版业即将面临威胁.




包括书面传媒和广播传媒 传媒理论,新闻联络,新闻写作 雅思7,单项6 一年 适合想做任何传媒工作的同学,特别适合本科学的不是传媒而想转过来的同学出版学 (Publishing) 出版业的各个方面,包括报纸杂志,书籍,和电子媒体的出版.


英国出版业(Publishing)以信息的收集、编辑和传播为己任,以印刷品为主,同时兼顾其他信息传播方式. 随着技术变革特别是互联网的出现,英国出版业的收集和编辑功能更加突出. 因供应链渠道不同,英国出版业可以具体分为三类,

a vitally important innovation in industry:工业上-项具有重大意义的创新

(46) theoretical innovation理论创新 | (1) a vitally important innovation in industry 工业上-项具有重大意义的创新 | (2)an important innovation in publishing出版业上一项重大的创新

His Girl Friday:小报妙冤家

当然,之前我早就看过像<<小报妙冤家>>(His Girl Friday)和<<费城故事>>(The Philadelphia Story)这种与新闻出版业有关的电影了,自然会心怀期待,希望<<名利场>>的走廊过道同样充满着让人快乐、亲切无比的智慧与才能,