英语人>词典>汉英 : 出席观看 的英文翻译,例句
出席观看 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
spectate  ·  spectated  ·  spectates  ·  spectating

更多网络例句与出席观看相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of course, what you really should be purchasing is a video tape of the 1995 Orange Bowl. Your Chairman views this classic nightly, switching to slow motion for the fourth quarter. Our cover color this year is a salute to Nebraska's football coach, Tom Osborne, and his Cornhuskers, the country's top college team. I urge you to wear Husker red to the annual meeting and promise you that at least 50% of your managerial duo will be in appropriate attire.

当然大家绝对不能错过的是1995年橘子杯的录像带,本人利用晚上的时间观看这场经典的赛事,甚至还用慢动作播放精彩的第四节,我们以今年封面的颜色表示对内布拉斯加美式足球队教练-Tom Osborne以及其所带领的全美最佳队伍-Cornhuskers队的敬意,我敦促大家一定要穿Huskers队的红色出席今年的股东会,而我也可以向各位保证Berkshire的经营双人组会有50%以上穿著正确的服色出席。

Moritz, the beautiful tourist resort of Switzerland, to attend the opening ceremony and the competitions that followed.


Talking about the Beijing Olympic Games during a recent exclusive interview, Henry Kissinger, former US Sectary of State, said he would take his grandson and granddaughter to watch the Games in Beijing this summer, adding that he was looking forward to the opening ceremony.


5 After the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibition, he went home tiredly.


His Royal Highness Prince Turki bin Mohammed bin Naser Al Soud of Saudi Arabia presented as a VIP to watch the tournament.

沙特阿拉伯联合酋长国王子His Royal Highness Prince Turki bin Mohammed bin Naser Al Soud以贵宾的身份出席并观看了此次比赛。

Apart from his drama rehearsals, Andrew would always go attend various cultural events outside school.'At that time I had a group of friends who were also drama or culture lovers. We would find buy tickets to different shows or attend different script writing seminars. I still remember we watched a show called a production by the HKAPA's called " Cyrano de Bergerac" with actor Antony Wong Chau-sang in the cast. We loved the show so much!

在排练舞台剧之余, Andrew 还会和同学自发地参与校外的文娱活动,「当时一班同学对戏剧或文化活动很有兴趣,我们会自动出席一些编剧讲座,或者一同购买戏票观看话剧,我还记得当时看演艺学院一众学生演出的《风流剑客》(编按:著名演员黄秋生当年就读演艺学院时的作品之一),我和其他同学都喜欢到不得了。

After the list has been updated , double click on the server you want to spectate and you'll be connected .


Spectate[5spekteit ]vi.出席观看spect+ate


Grover Cleveland and his wife were not the only Americans to attend the Statue of Liberty ceremonies in eighteen eighty-six. Thousands of people crowded onto ships in the harbor to watch the great event. Thousands of others crowded the shorelines around the harbor.


The Queen will also meet with students of Virginia Tech and attend the Kentucky Derby.


更多网络解释与出席观看相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


点击观看本新闻视频 新浪娱乐讯 2008年9月4日,威尼斯,第65届威尼斯电影节,电影>(Inland)首映礼,导演塔里克特琪亚(Tariq Teguia)携男星Fethi Ghares及两位制片出席,头戴个性嬉皮帽出镜的塔里克特琪亚成为红毯上最引人瞩目的亮点.


spectacular 公开展示的 | spectacularity 壮观 | spectate 出席观看


必须在现场架设两台相距100公尺的巨型荧幕,让那些距离讲台太远的出席者能观看领袖的演讲. 他强调,乌雪是国阵收复雪州政权的开始,"清洗河流从上游(hulu)开始,国阵重夺雪州从哪里开始?"


spectacularity 壮观 | spectate 出席观看 | spectator 观众