英语人>词典>汉英 : 出声地 的英文翻译,例句
出声地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与出声地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Restaurant Earth goldfish plant frog snake bones noise grams of the tongue during th eday and the moon around the back of an elephant stail guides can travel search words weight drill kicked like dogs to kill the death of afailure to understand the return of the.remember Ibelieve is called the bright strange fear unusual weakness The soft,crazy young diligent carefully dangerous or even as early as easily and without the police station did not receive aphone drive to live in the vicinity of three people wearing police uniforms go adifferent route to the left turn into the traffic lights to stop the speech to stop the rapid escape was surprised to see the final Smoke blankets the attention of the fire arm leg members to visit those prizes weather sports female athletes semester the results of memory performance flight Internet program to collect household chores injured dumping burns red shouting snow ski rescue organizations plan carefully Lost courageous performances alone sad slow fast super rude and then the high-difficulty over the fire in the.rather than


He reads from right to left inaudibly, smiling, kissing the page.


She mouthed the words , but I did not know what she meant.


I crept further down into the coal-cellar, and began, as much as I could, and as noiselessly as possible, to cover my body with the firewood and coal.


Meanwhile, the moon moved imperceptibly across the sky, showing no sign of her trail .


Before him I may think aloud.


I will not eat making a slurping noise: a training to be observed.


My biggest pet peeve is the way Seth slurps his soup.


Squatting down, she touched her skinny thumb to the tip of Caleb's left forefinger and , careful not to wake him, barely wheezed these words


He asked silently, quite at Home now with the easy telepathy that these gulls used instead of screes and gracks.


更多网络解释与出声地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

surface acoustic wave:声表面波

声表面波(Surface Acoustic Wave)技术是声学和电子学相结合而形成的一门新兴边缘学科. 在该技术的基础上,现已经成功地研制出声表面波带通滤波器、延迟线、振荡器和表面波卷积器等声表面波器件. 由于声表面波器件具有体积小、可靠性高、一致性好以及设计灵活等优点,

alongside of:在旁边, 与并肩

323alongsidead. 在旁边; prep. 在...旁边 | 324alongside of在旁边,与...并肩 | 325aloudad. 出声地,大声地


比如他会把英语"危险的"(dangerous)读成 "单脚拉屎"并对我说一个只有一只脚的人拉屎你说危险不. 在我大声笑出声来的时候他则大声读着危险单脚拉屎危险单脚拉屎. 我笑得前仰后合老师的教鞭就毫不留情地落在我的头上.


flashcard.(教学用)抽认卡 | vocabulary词汇 | alaud 出声地;高声地

get along with sth:进展

allow sb. to be 认为某人--- | get along with sth 进展 | aloud adv. 大声地, 出声地

eat like mad:狂吃

1 devour the food 狼吞虎咽地吃 | 2 eat like mad 狂吃 | 3 gnaw at a bone loudly 啃骨头啃出声来

laughing out loud:大声笑, 出声地笑, 有声音地笑 (因特网俚语), LOL (简写)

laughing gas 笑气 | Laughing Out Loud 大声笑, 出声地笑, 有声音地笑 (因特网俚语), LOL (简写) | Laughing So Hard My Belly Is Bouncing LSHMBB (缩写), 笑得太多我的肚子都在颤, 太可笑了 (因特网聊天俚语)


( 一 ) 复述 ( rehearsal) 策略 复述指为了保持信息而对信息进行多次重复的过程.例如,学生为了记 住外语单词,必须出声或不出声地重复念单词.要背诵一首古诗,也必须多 次重复.这里讲的复述与阅读教学中学生用自己的话复述课文故事大意的教 学方法不同.前者是原封不动地保持原材料,

So standing all alone:这么孤独地站着

Made no sounds 却不出声 | So standing all alone 这么孤独地站着 | And I'm only skin and bone 而我只有皮肤和骨骼


问题在于第一次以半声极轻柔(mezza vote)演奏的主题是在第108小节主题激动地(agitato)再现时,往往很容易被大家忽视,而且当它第一次在左手出现时,又因为要照顾的素材太多,又往往被人们忽视.