英语人>词典>汉英 : 出发地 的英文翻译,例句
出发地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

place of departure
更多网络例句与出发地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is a good place to start because it is home to many plants and animals typically associated with The Everglade.


HEY!!!...flyman,be sure about the temperature of where you are going to.


As long as it creates its own gravitational field, the starship could travel locally at very slow velocities, therefore avoiding the pitfalls of Newton's Third Law of Motion and keeping clocks in sync with its launch site and destination.


To those philobiblic people, if think the person with world each district shares reading pleasure, do not lose beloved book again at the same time, you can choose to make " books prize ring ", such OK in the hand that guarantee can return host, although perhaps it can stay period of time on the road, more possible many more itinerary country, but final it or meeting return land setting out.


China's ticket prices have a wonderful of: starting the ticket agent to get the best of conditions.


To those philobiblic people, if think the person with world each district shares reading pleasure, do not lose beloved book again at the same time, you can choose to make " books prize ring ", such OK in the hand that guarantee can return host, although perhaps it can stay period of time on the road, more possible many more itinerary country, but final it or meeting return land setting out.


The Waffen-SS tanks pressed home their advantage during the following day, but then ran out of fuel during the afternoon and had to be resupplied before the advance could continue.


Our company is a member of " China Travel Net". With the other network members nationwide, it can offer chain services in 55 cities in China, including free ticket delivery and airport shuttle service, to cover every stage of traveling.


E-ticket description, according to aviation stakeholders description: universal access to e-ticket "purchase tickets" paved the way for the use of electronic voting, would not have been the traditional ticket ticket delivery, tickets, payment and a series of procedures can as you need range, departure, arrival, the departure date, fare levels and other options, bank transfer can be easily purchased electronic ticket, and then to counter without the need to pay the tickets.


Flight plans with wrong departure/arrival airfields will NOT be accepted.


更多网络解释与出发地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


北京到耶路撒冷机票|北京至耶路撒冷飞机票价格订购信息 出发地:中国-北京(PEK) 目的地:以色列-耶路撒冷(JRS) 承运人:中国国际航空公司(CA)北京到亚丁机票|北京至亚丁飞机票价格订购信息 出发地:中国-北京(PEK) 目的地:也门-亚丁(ADE) 承运人:中国国际


[摘要]北京到孟买机票信息出发地:中国-北京(PEK)目的地:印度-孟买(BOM)承运人: 中国国际航空公司(CA)机场代码:北京PEK-孟买BOM机票价格:单程RMB2180往返RMB3200温馨...[摘要]北京到新德里机票信息出发地:中国-北京(PEK)


航程名称 中国国际航空无锡前往新德里夏季促销特价飞机票价格 出发地 亚洲(Asia) - 中国(China) - 无锡(WuXi) 目的地 亚洲(Asia) - 印度(INDIA) - 新德里(Delhi)出发地 亚洲(Asia) - 中国(China) - 无锡(WuXi)目的地 亚洲(As

Russian Federation:俄罗斯

航程名称 荷航上海-阿姆斯特丹-圣彼得堡1个月往返 出发地 亚洲(Asia) - 中国(China) - 上海(浦东机场)(PuDong) 目的地 欧洲(Europe) - 俄罗斯(RUSSIAN FEDERATION)出发地 亚洲(Asia) - 中国(China) - 上海(浦东机场)(PuDong)目的地 欧洲(E

Hai Kou:海口

航程名称 SK北欧航空海口飞米兰(马尔本萨机场)往返新春特价飞机票预订 出发地 亚洲(Asia) - 中国(China) - 海口(Hai Kou) 目的地 欧洲(Europe) - 意大利(ITALY) - 米兰(马尔本出发地 亚洲(Asia) - 中国(China) - 海口(Hai Kou)目的地 欧洲(Eu

Nairobi:肯尼亚 Kenya 内罗毕

航程名称 阿联酋航空大连-上海-迪拜-内罗毕3个月往返特价 出发地 亚洲(Asia) - 中国(China) - 大连(DaLian) 目的地 非洲(Africa) - 肯尼亚(KENYA) - 内罗毕(Nairobi)出发地 亚洲(Asia) - 中国(China) - 大连(DaLian)目的地 非

birthland:出发地, 故乡

birthing pool | (在水中分娩用的)分娩池 | birthland | 出发地, 故乡 | birthmark | 胎记, 胎痣


航程名称 MU东方航空拉萨-上海浦东-伦敦(希思罗机场)新春留学生特价飞机票预订 出发地 亚洲(Asia) - 中国(China) - 拉萨(LaSa) 目的地 欧洲(Europe) - 英国(UNITED KINGDOM出发地 亚洲(Asia) - 中国(China) - 拉萨(LaSa)目的地 欧洲(Eu


票价格航班查询信息: 出发地:中国-北京(PEK) 目的地:法国-克莱蒙费朗(CFE) 舱位等级:经济舱北京到里摩日特价机票|北京至里摩日国际机票价格航班查询信息: 出发地:中国-北京(PEK) 目的地:法国-里摩日(LIG) 舱位等级:经济舱


航程名称 MU东方航空沈阳往返罗马(菲乌米奇诺机场)新春预售联程特价机票促销价格 出发地 亚洲(Asia) - 中国(China) - 沈阳(SHenYang) 目的地 欧洲(Europe) - 意大利(ITALY) -出发地 亚洲(Asia) - 中国(China) - 沈阳(SHenYang)目的地 欧洲(Eu