英语人>词典>汉英 : 凯撒 的英文翻译,例句
凯撒 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与凯撒相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While Caesar was engaged in giving the finishing touch to the war at Actium and Alexandria, Marcus Lepidus, a young man whose good looks exceeded his prudence — son of the Lepidus who had been one of the triumvirs for the re-establishment of order in the state and of Junia the sister of Brutus — had formed plans for the assassination of Caesar as soon as he should return to the city.

正当凯撒正在阿克兴和亚历山大里亚忙于战争的最后一役之时,马尔库斯·雷必达,他是重建国家秩序的三头同盟之一的雷必达(此时已被剥夺权利流放至西尔塞 Cercei)和布鲁图的姐妹朱尼娅之子,一个姿容秀美但却缺乏谨慎的年轻人,却策划当凯撒返回罗马时要暗杀他。

With Caesar and Crassus he formed a ruling triumvirate(60-50) but was later defeated by Caesar and murdered in Egypt.


There is nothing dainty and picky about the giant mass of stirred up leaves and sauce, so if you are starving go the Caesar's Salad for the entree and something even larger for main course.


Augustus Caesar was adopted by his great-uncle Julius Caesar.


Marcus Junius Brutus was born in or about 85 BCE, as the eldest son of a Roman politician with the same name, a man who never made it to the top.

Brutus曾经被人诬陷要刺杀庞贝,在凯撒的帮助下得以摆脱困境,因凯撒与他的母亲 Servilia 有染。

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It may have seemed a workable compromise, but when Caesar's mutilated body was displayed to the crowd and the contents of his will were made public--in which some gardens were bequeathed to the public and an individual stipend given to each member of the Roman people--the dam of emotion burst and rioting ensued. The Liberators fled the city. Power seemed firmly in the hands of the pro-Caesar camp and, in particular, in those of M.


Shakespeare was the author of Macbeth, as he was of Julius Caesar.

凯撒 的作者,也是《凯撒》莎士比亚是《尤里乌斯凯撒》的作者,也是《麦克的作者。

A conservative opponent of Julius Caesar's political ambitions, he supported Pompey against Caesar in the civil war and committed suicide after Caesar's decisive victory at Thapsus.


Cover all Germanic乌斯凯撒奥古斯Cours (Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, 12-year August 31 -41 in January 24), for the third term emperor of the Roman Empire, later historians home as "Dracula Kaligang".

盖乌斯·凯撒·奥古斯都·日耳曼尼库斯(Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus,12年8月31日—41年1月24日),为罗马帝国第三任皇帝,后世史学家常称其为&卡力古拉&。

更多网络解释与凯撒相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

another Caesar:另一个凯撒

Caesar he calls himself.|他自称凯撒 | Another caesar.|另一个凯撒 | Just what we need.|正是我们所需要的


报道说,此次购买"凯撒"(Caesar)的用户是沙特,但到目前为止还未得到Giat的证实. 截至到这份合同签订之日,"凯撒"出口数量已达160套. (共1页)

Julius Caesar:朱里斯.凯撒

朱里斯.凯撒(Julius Caesar)死后,由他的甥孙屋大维续任罗马皇帝. 为了和凯撒齐名,他也想用自己的名字来命名一个月份. 他的生日在9月,但他选定8月. 因为他登基后,罗马元老院在87月(July)来源于古罗马的儒略.恺撒大帝的名字Julius--那天,

Caesar salad:凯撒沙拉

凯撒沙拉(Caesar Salad)就像它的名字是沙拉中的凯撒,名望嘹亮且反对者甚多. 关于这款沙拉创造的故事有许多种版原,一道它是法国人创造的,也有确信意大利才是它的故土,最荒谬的是有人道这款沙拉是凯撒大帝的最爱. 其实通通没有是,

Come forth, young Caesar:过来吧!小凯撒

legitimate and only son of great Caesar!|则是凯撒大帝 唯一和合法的儿子! | Come forth, young Caesar!|过来吧!小凯撒! | Let your people see you!|让人民好好看看你!

Excepting caesar's wife:除了凯撒的妻子

Caesar's hostess is first woman of the city,in effect|事实上 凯撒的女主人将会是罗马的第一女士 | Excepting caesar's wife.|除了凯撒的妻子 | Calpurnia. caesar requires that|卡尔普蕊娜 凯撒要求

Ptolemy Caesar:托勒密凯撒

这段期间,她又经常与另一位弟弟(托勒密十四世)发生冲突,不过,她很快摆平这个阻挠她事业的障碍:托勒密十四世被毒杀,于是王位由克莉欧佩特拉和凯撒的儿子托勒密凯撒(Ptolemy Caesar)继承,虽然凯撒已经离她而去,但是克莉欧佩特拉终于在埃及站稳脚步.


Caesarean section 剖腹生产术 | Caesarean 凯撒的 | Caesarian 凯撒

Caesarian, Caesarian:小凯撒,小凯撒

We must get Caesarian out of the city now!|我们得立即把小凯撒送走 | Caesarian, Caesarian!|小凯撒,小凯撒! | You're going on a trip|你要上路了

Caesarean Caesarian Cesarean Cesarian:凯撒的

凯撒 Caesar | 凯撒的 Caesarean Caesarian Cesarean Cesarian | 凯列班 Caliban