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凯兹 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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There is also armour, majolica, medieval and Renaissance objets d'art and scores of Old Master paintings including outstanding works by Rembrandt, Velasquez, Hals and Titian.


But, consistent with the pattern Goldin and Katz have documented, a considerable number of you are selecting fi nance and consulting.


But, consistent with the pattern Goldin and Katz have documented, a considerable number of you are selecting finance and consulting.


But, consistent with the pattern Goldin and Katz havedocumented, a considerable number of you are selecting finance and consulting.


If Professors Goldin and Katz have it right; if finance is indeed the "rational choice," why do you keep raising this issue with me?


Ever since he taught Bartolomé Murillo , Velasquez has directly or indirectly led painters to make original contributions to the development of art.


ST Katz, ed., Mysticism and Philosophical Analysis; A Poulain, The Graces of Interior Prayer; C Butler, Western Mysticism; P Murray, The Mysticism Debate; T Merton, New Seeds of Contemplation; AW Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy; A Nygren, Agape and Eros; F Heiler, Prayer; V Lossky, The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church.

凯兹,教育署,神秘主义和哲学分析; poulain ,青睐内部祈祷; c巴特勒,西方神秘主义; p美利,神秘主义的辩论;吨默顿,新种子的沉思;胡tozer ,认识至圣者; 1尼格伦,爱德和爱,女heiler ,祈祷; v lossky ,神秘的神学东部教会。

Daniel Polsby and Don Kates, in their article, Of Holocausts and Gun Control,49 correctly remind us that force can and has been abused by dictators,(who of course under the Weberian definition are not legitimate), but they are wrong in believing that the creation of less powerful states or a citizenry armed to the teeth and prepared to use their arms to challenge government decisions they do not like will help to build a more democratic system.


Andrew Cates, economist at UBS, said the likelihood of global recession was rising.


There is also armour, majolica, medieval and Renaissance objets d'art and scores of Old Master paintings including outstanding works by Rembrandt, Velasquez, Hals and Titian.


更多网络解释与凯兹相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Kathy Bates:凯西.贝兹

Murray Abraham),1990年>(Misery)饰演小说家精神错乱的粉丝凯西-贝兹 (Kathy Bates),2001年>(Training Day)丹泽尔-华盛顿(Denzel Washington)扮演被腐化的警察和2003年>中扮演连环杀手的查理兹-塞隆


后来被诊断为发展性运动障碍. 他的母亲说,小凯文就像是中风一样,脑子完好无损,可是身体就是不听使唤,不能做想做的事情. 这样以来,小凯文的成长学习遇到了巨大麻烦. 而就在去年,一台名叫科兹莫(Cosmo)卡通机器人给小凯文带来了希望.

Katherine Kurtz:凯瑟琳.克鲁兹

Kate Elliott 凯特.伊利奥特 | Katherine Kurtz 凯瑟琳.克鲁兹 | Keeper Martin's Tale 看守马丁的故事

Kelley Laysner:凯利.雷兹纳 凯利.雷兹纳 凯利.雷兹纳

アナベル?ガトー Anavel Gato 阿纳贝尔.卡多 阿纳贝尔.卡多 亚纳贝尔.贾图 | ケリィ?レズナー Kelley Laysner 凯利.雷兹纳 凯利.雷兹纳 凯利.雷兹纳 | シーマ?ガラハウ Cima Garahau 西玛.卡拉豪 西玛.卡拉豪 丝玛.加拉豪


Kerygma (福音信息) | Keswick (凯兹韦克) | Keswick Convention (凯兹韦克培灵会)

Keswick Convention:(凯兹韦克培灵会)

Keswick (凯兹韦克) | Keswick Convention (凯兹韦克培灵会) | Keys of Kingdom of Heaven (天国之钥)

Olivier Martinez:奥利维耶.马丁内兹

浪漫的爱情总会让人飘飘然,奥利维耶-马丁内兹(OLIVIER MARTINEZ)也没能例外,他正和澳洲性感宝贝凯莉-米洛热恋中. 这位法国影星一挥千金,送给心上人凯莉一艘价值18万英镑的"爱"的游艇. 这艘游艇名叫"白翼",是凯莉看上的. 她曾经试着驾驶了一次,


主演:杰森-李饰 艾尔(Earl) 伊桑-苏普利饰 兰迪(Randy) 杰米-普莱斯利饰 乔伊(Joy) 南丁-贝拉兹格兹饰 凯特琳娜(Catalina) 埃迪-斯蒂普利斯饰 达尼尔(Darnell)主演:艾德里安.格尼尔--饰文森.蔡斯(Vince Chase) 凯文.狄龙--饰加

KEZYS, Daiva:达伊瓦.凯兹伊斯

KEYLANI, Haytham;海萨姆.凯拉尼;; | KEZYS, Daiva;达伊瓦.凯兹伊斯;; | KGAREBE, A.W.;克加雷贝;;

Kathy Bates:凯西.贝兹

Murray Abraham),1990年<<危情十日>>(Misery)饰演小说家精神错乱的粉丝凯西-贝兹 (Kathy Bates),2001年<<训练日>>(Training Day)丹泽尔-华盛顿(Denzel Washington)扮演被腐化的警察和2003年<<女魔头>>中扮演连环杀手的查理兹-塞隆